191. I was done

"Good morning miss DelaRue. I am Amita, one of the palace designers. I've been sent here by Queen Ria to help you prepare for the christening this evening..." a fine woman began, her eyes looking straight at me, her hands well folded and her posture straight and we'll even as she stood.

"Okay...." I replied trying my best to sink it all in. I moved aside and allowed them to come into the hotel room, closing the door behind me.

"Forgive me but I took out some dresses. Am not sure what you're preference is but---"

"Ofcourse. You don't know what my preference is. How dare you just burst in here with your rack of gorgeous dresses thinking I will go with the flow and choose one? This is an outrage at its best...."

"Ma'am....you misunder---"

"Am not done talking and frankly I don't misunderstand. Who put you to this?? Adam?? Does he think am poor just because am not working anymore and suddenly he can come through for me?? Feeling guilty for how me mercilessly broke my heart???" I asked but they all stayed silent.

"Great. It's Ria then, the witch who cursed me and stole all I had. Isn't that right??? Who does she think she is? Just because she's queen doesn't mean she can be queen of my world. Why did she send you here? To see how miserable I look after my detention in a psychiatric hospital. I refuse this gesture!!! I brought you into my hotel room because I didn't want to humiliate you in the streets and also because I have honour to protect....." I snapped.

"Ma'am..." she started but I raised my hand in a dismissive gesture.

"Enough..." my voice echoed. "Am sure you remember the way which you came in into the room. Please feel free to take your luggage and see yourself out. Before I call security....." my face serious like I had risen from the death and was addressing my killer.

This was cruel. Very cruel.

Who did those idiots think they were? Sending me cloths to wear, so that what? I look good in the pictures? Very Nasty!

After they left, I turned the heater on and went into the bathroom. I was planning on going I to town that morning and make a call to Michael.

I had to check how they were doing back at Buenos Aires.

After my bath, I went out sight seeing for a short while. I was impressed by the fact that no one recognized me. I didn't have to walk with a bodyguard or an army around me anymore. No weird disguises or hats to cover me. For once I felt like this is what my life was supposed to be. Peaceful,no paparazzi!

Stopping at an ice cream parlor, I ordered a vanilla and strawberry corn and quietly enjoyed it while sitting under a what seemed to be a tree with leaves turned white with snow.

Then, my phone rang and I quickly took it out of my pocket and smiled the moment I saw the name on the caller ID.

"You must be having a good time to forget about me...."

"Please...." I laughed. "Why you being like that? of course not. I miss you...Where's Michael??"

"Busy with a patient. How's it over there???" she asked back.

"Well you know.....the usual. Drama drama drama...."

"Oh No. What'd you do???" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing....it's this place that's provoking me...." I snapped.

"Alrighty. Ready for tonight??"

"Uh...yeah...." I responded.

"You don't seem sure...."

"I am....no doubt about that...." I answered with darkness in my eyes. I was going to tear that place apart most definitely.

"Eleanor....I sent something for you.... Did you get it????"

"You did???" I asked getting up and walking toward the hotel.

"I'll call you right back. I need to check with the hotel then. What is it???" I asked desperately.

"You'll see. it's a surprise....." she laughed.

"Okay.....Bye" I put the phone into my pocket and got into the nearest taxi to the hotel.

Upon arrival, I went straight to the reception and ask if anything had been sent for me. They confirmed and said it'd be delivered in my room as soon as I got there.

I rushed up and clasped my fingers together while I waited desperately wondering what Mrs Doctor had gotten me.


That evening, I am pretty sure I was the most stunning person in the room. Having wore the dress that was bought by Michaels wife, she sure knew how to make me shine.

I was standing beneath the beautiful chandelier admiring it's beautiful from every angle.

The palace was one magnificent ancient building but you'd hardly tell considering the make over episodes it's had.

It was gigantic and resembled a castle from one of the Disney cartoons I used to like.


At the mention of my voice, I span around to lock eyes with Ria, the woman who stole it all from me. She was smiling, her skin as usual, white!

This time she had a few attendants around her compared to the last time we met. She must've been relieved following facts that I had been locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

"How do you do???" she asked after noticing I was quiet.

"Very well thanks. and you???" I extended my hand for a handshake. If she was waiting me to bow or curtsey, she would be waiting for the rest of her miserable life.

"I think we're past formalities. We're friends now ....." she smiled and spread her hands around me.


"Friends???" I laughed. "Last time I checked I nearly choked you to death after you snatched my boyfriend and then to retaliate, you got me locked up in a psychiatric hospital.... I'd say stepsister is the best term for this relationship...." I snapped while slightly getting her off of me.

"Well....here you are even after all that drama..." she tried to maintain her smile but I could see how she was annoyed and irritated to see me. It must've been Adam who wanted me to come but she just went with it.

"Where's the man of the hour???" I asked looking around the room.

"He's still getting ready...." she grinned suddenly her voice turning naughty. "The crown is heavy on his head so a few massages before rhe night will help him keep his neck up...." she seemed so proud of what she was talking about and I could see how much she was trying to hurt me.

"You out a crown on your one year old son???" I asked completely shocked knowing very well she was talking about Adam.

"Oh...." her eyes widened in embarrassment.

"It's his christening isn't it?? Unless if you tell me am at the wrong place...."

"No no....it's very right..."

"Yeah....where is he? Getting his diaper changed...??" I added a drop of sarcasm.

"Yeah...." she laughed along, picking up on my insult. "But you can see him come with me...." the grin on her face faded the moment she turned the other way.

I could see how she was resenting herself and how she was trying to make sure she holds her face up high after I'd beat her at her own game. Stupid girl!

"There he is ..." Ria pointed to a baby boy on the bed and I was overjoyed to see him. She nodded asking me to carry him and I walked over to the maid who had him in her hands. I sat next to her and she carefully placed him in my arms.

The warmth was more than I could ever have felt in my life. Looking back at me, he smiled and with his tiny fingers grasped my finger and smiled.

"He must seen to like you...." the maid added. "Hoe doesn't smile that often...."

I looked at her and back at the baby. His face was a replica of Adam. There was no telling he wasn't the father.

"Quite a catch, isn't he???" Ria asked. I turned to her and smiled. "Very much. He looks just like Adam...."

I added, gesturing for the maid to get him back and she did.

"He's the father after all..." Ria added and I rolled my eyes. This girl!

"No bitter truth....!!" I smiled back. "Uh...where's the function going to take place???"

"Oh do come with me miss, I'll take you...." the maid offered and Ria nodded permitting her to come with me.

"Thank you so much your highness...." I smiled at her. "It was an honour to come and see the little prince like this. I wish him happiness as to you and the entire family..."

"You're welcome...." Ria smiled back and that was when I knew this was the last of me she'll ever see.

Happiness was the best revenge. Whoever said that didn't lie at all. And I was going to be the happiest girl.


I was sitting in what they identified as the VIP section. Reasons behind it I had no idea. Several prime ministers, presidents and guests were gathered in the same with me. All to welcome a baby who was busy gurgling and had no idea what was going on.

The priest led the ceremony and the little prince was baptized, his mother carrying him perfectly in her hands. She had the world's biggest smile as she knew exactly how to fake it.

One by one, everyone took their turn, carrying the infant and giving a blessing. From afar,it looked pleasant but once you get an inch closer it was gruesome.

I felt suffocated for being in the hall. As much as I hated to admit it, I was happy that I'd already done it before hand. When I wanted to carry him again, a superstitious auntie pushed me away and said I would cast a dark shadow on the baby. Neither Ria nor Adam stood up for me and just asked me to stand aside as the celebrated with the next blesser. Amazing!!!

These people were so unbelievably ridiculous.

Michael was right. Coming here was totally a bad idea. I shouldn't have come. I matched out into the snow carelessly. I was wearing a strapless long gown that flowed all around me and occupied about two metres from where I stood. I hugged my hands after the cold chilly breeze that came along with the snow coated me.

I didn't care.

This was better than the inside anyway.

I walked around the palace trying to find something to hide myself and cry. I didn't notice my tears had started falling until they fell on my chest.

I coughed and tried to let it sink in but my actions were impossible!

How could he??

He was moving on like the scars weren't even real!!

If only he knew he meant the world to me.

If only he knew.....

It'd been a year since Adam and I happened and here I was still a mess when he was celebrating a christening. He had a baby!! They already had a baby??

Oh God....they sure were in a hurry....

Did he really think I'd chase after him again?? Or did she stop to think I'd burst in her palace again for a woman to woman talk?

No...no they were wrong!

I was done. Done with them.

The coming in of this baby has made everything clear to me. Adam and I really broke up.

There's no us anymore....