192. Hello, Cinderella

My mind quickly got a rush of blood which washed my brain and cleared my thinking capacity.

Adam loves me . Yes he does....

He's mentioned those words to me many times and am sure he meant it.

This so called queen Ria was only a distraction.

I didn't care if he slept with her or not. Maybe they went for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. For some reason I heard it's common among the royal families.

Anywho...Adam was mine and mine alone.

The baby? No problem...I could totally raise it.

Ria will cry yes but eventually she'll forget about Adam and get married to her ex fiance Prince Phillipe.


I just need to make Adam understand that he was mine and I was his. I got up from the shade and headed inside. It's now or never. I kept reminding myself all the way.

When I got to the glass wall, I peeped inside and noticed everyone was making a toast.

I spared a moment to let my eyes capture enough information for me to understand what was going on.

My eye instantly caught Adam and the woman standing next to him. Ria Reyes.

He was smiling at her like she's the best thing he's ever seen.

She returned his look and it shattered my heart more.

From just a stare, it was clear that he loved her. He had fallen in love with her and out if love with me.

Ria had won.

She had the guy and they had a baby. She had so much to lose.

A cold tear dropped down my cheek and I wiped it off.

I couldn't be a part of this charade.

No more.

I'll contact Michael and see if he can arrange for my departure tomorrow. I know I only arrived yesterday and was supposed to leave in a weak but enough was enough. No more....

I was my own person and I had to respect that.

Adam was happy and I had to embrace that.

He left me and I should be okay with it.

He's not coming back and I have to settle with that fact.

He's not coming back....

The phrase echoed in my head and it was surprising how a year had gone by yet everything was so fresh. My wounds were still bleeding like they were born a while ago. My heart was still in ruins and my brain was in shock.

I couldn't think anymore.

I aborted my mission and turned back around.

Fortunately, I noticed a gazebo and decided to race to it. I carried my dress in my hands as I ran. Sadly, I tripped on my shoe's loose strap and sprained my ankle as the shoe slid off my feet.

I cried more. Not because my ankle was hurting but because everything of mine wasn't okay.

Every inch of me was in pain. Every single lock of hair was in despair and I could tell.

Without even carrying my shoe, I walked in and threw myself on the beautiful and inviting bench.

I sat down quietly and wiped my constantly flowing tears. I focused my eyes on my palms.

Maybe there was something wrong with my destiny. Growing up, I was told the alignment of the lines in my palms didn't match the stars and it was a misfortune.

Maybe that was true.


"Who beeth him, heart hard as stone to leave such a fair lady in a rather dreadful countenance???"

My eyes immediately rose.

A Prince.....

He was standing at the entrance to the gazebo.

He was in a red close up jacket with a golden seal on the front. He had a smile on his face and white gloves in his hands. He was wearing black pants and dark brown knee boots.

I wanted to smile but my facial features were frozen. He bent down and slipped his leg beneath my dress.

At first I was shocked with his actions but relief spread throughout my body when I saw him pull out my foot.

I lifted my dress for him and he seemed delighted.

He carefully slipped my foot back into my shoe and fastened it for me. He got up and extended his hand.

Ignorant, I kindly place my hand in his only for him to plant a kiss on it. Then, he spoke again.

"Hello, Cinderella"

"I don't know about Cinderella...." I laughed and sighed. "But I sure hope the clock strikes twelve. Maybe this spell will be broken and my life will go back to normal..." I looked at him and saw him grin.

He turned back and looked at me.

"Eleanor....." Was all he said and I was taken by surprise.

"How do you know my name???" I asked only to realize I asked the most stupid question. Of course everybody on planet Earth knows me.

"If it pleases thee not to be the core of attention, why be it that you plaster thy image everywhere???"

Thy, thee?? God...this could not be happening. Am I in the era of Shakespeare or something.?

"Funny story....." I looked at him again to confirm I wasn't dreaming. And I wasn't...

"You know....for the past twelve years I've been cultivating my career to get just the best of harvest there would be. Workout until it hurt. Go for various plastic surgeries to fix a lot of my body so much that I don't feel real anymore....Get hungry to death and not eat because am on a diet....and that was just how my life was. Camera after camera flashing before me.....my life was perfect....

"And then there was Adam....he was a perfect figure of love to me and here I am...on my own. Broke and alone when he doesn't care and purely unaware....that am hurting....oh God knows....Adam meant the world to me and there was nothing I wanted but to be his Eve...

"And then there's Ria. The bitch that fucked me up. She took everything away from me and left me with nothing. She took my man away, my career and left a big crater in my life which is far from being fixed and it's been a year already...

"I apologize for the pain you went through....",

"Oh please I don't need an apology. No offense but no thank you. I don't accept it. I need some action. Something's gotta change. There's a bitch in that house on a gigantic throne holding a baby in her hands with a smile pasted on her face when in all honesty....it was supposed to be me! No one gave shit when she hurt me. They all watched as she stabbed me just because she has royal blood in her veins. Really now???"

I didn't realize I was crying when I saw his hand stretched out and offering me his hanky. I received and blew my nose on it. I wiped my tears and tried not to look at him. It's demeaning for me to cry in front of someone especially a man. It totally hurts my ego.

"If am being honest...you sure swear a lot...." He laughed and I found myself laughing too. And did I just hear an American accent??

"Thank you. It's just frustrating to see someone having my share of happiness....."

"As it is to me my lady....." He agreed and I had no idea what he meant. We stayed silent for sometime when he stood up and extended his hand to me.

"Care for a walk??...maybe a sore around the place in a fancy car with no palace guards??"

He asked and I wondered exactly what he meant whilst nodding and placing my hand in his.

"Am Philip...." he introduced himself and I snatched my hand away from him the next minute.

"Philip?? As in Phillippe??" I asked looking keenly at him. "You're Ria's ex fiance... You're part of the problem. Why did you break off your engagement with her?? If you didn't, I wouldn't have been in this position..." I started yelling at him but he just stood there and stared at me.

"Are you done?? Come let me make it up to you...." he smiled grabbed my hand again and led me to the car.