Chapter One

Jonathan's  POV

"It's exciting isn't it?..... Moving into our new home." Mom said excitedly, looking at me and my sister from the rearview  mirror of the car.

"I wish." I huffed while my sister shrugged.

"Oh come on guys!-- You still can make new friends at your new school, and you gonna love the house. Its more bigger than the one we used to live in."

"And besides your new school is to die for!" My dad churned in. "With the modern facilities and all, you guys would love it and the folks there are very welcoming and friendly."

"Why do we even have to move?" I asked for the hundredth time that day.

"Because I was promoted and transferred here for work." He said prolonging the because.

"Promotion means more money to pay bills and handle your needs as well." Mom added.

"Yeah, and more commitment. It's already bad enough that you're not always around." I sighed.

"Oh come on Jon, you know we're doing our best to be there for you and Bell!. Things are just not that easy."

"Give us some slack kiddo. Your mom and I are working so hard to make ends meet, so you and your sister can have a good life."

"Whatever!" I whispered, but not too audible.

After about 2hours of driving with nothing but trees and mountains for a view, we reached a milepost on the highway and took a detour to our right. It was about 45minutes of drive before we reached civilization.

Just at the outskirts of town was a huge signboard, inscribed the words 'Welcome to Wentworth. The home of Hospitality'. We drove pass a gas station and restaurants then into the town center.

After what seems like an hour or more, we arrived at the grand old mansion a little out of town to the south of Wentworth, with only few houses in sight. My dad swayed the Family SUV into the driveway followed by the Move-it-all®  Van carrying our furnitures and other stuff, along with the towing of mom's car.

'At least not everything's gonna be new around here'. I thought.

"Here we are guys" Dad said opening the front door of the house, "Welcome to our new abode".

My mouth dropped from the sight of the interior of the house. The landing and double stairways are the first to welcome anybody coming in from the front door, the double stairways moves up against the wall on one side in a spiral-like manner almost like an O with well polished coffee brown railing on the other side connecting the stairs on the floor above, I noticed a small table in-between the stairs at the landing with flowers, which after closer inspection were rubber flowers. Two doors were facing each other on the landing, one of which is the sitting room with a big fire place decorated with carvings of different flowers on the edges. Adjoining the room is the dinning area where a sideboard is standing on an adjacent wall close to the kitchen door. The second door leads to 3 staff rooms and a laundry room,while on the top floor is a corridor leading to several rooms and at the end of the corridor under a window sits a table with flowers in a vase just like the one on the landing. The paints on the walls of the two floors complements the white and black marble tiles across the floor.

I'd be lying if I say I wasn't mesmerized by the beautiful architecture of the house. It's like walking into one of those houses in Hollywood owned by film stars and business moguls.

"I bet you like what you see!" Dad exclaimed with a hint of glee in his voice.

"It's sooo beautiful". Bell replied.

"Come on--let's go see your rooms".


I got the last room down the corridor closer to the window by the left, while Bell got the second-to-the-last room opposite mine and mom and dad took the one close to Bell's. I was beginning to settle in when I had a feeling I was being watched. I walked round the room looking for any possible way someone might be spying in on me. Then I had a noise coming from the closet, I walked slowly towards it, the door was ajar, I was beginning to get the heebie-jeebies. When I was about to open the closet someone touched me and I almost jumped out of my skin.

"Jeez mom!, You almost gave me a heart attack".

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you---It's time for dinner".

"I will be there in a minute".

She walked out of the door then paused, "Maybe I should knock next time".

"Yes you should because I didn't hear you come in". I replied, before she left for the dinning area.


"So munchkin do you like your new room?" Dad asked facing Bell.

"Yeah it's nice but it's also a bit creepy".

"You will get used to the feeling--don't worry". He replied with a smile.

"Do you think someone died in this house?" My sister blurted out the question catching our parents off-guard.

"Why do you ask honey?"mom asked almost choking.

"I just have this eerie feeling about the place".

"Well, not that we know of--according to the estate agent the previous owners sold the house and moved overseas".

"Overseas?" I questioned suspiciously. "How would they move overseas with their furnitures?--It doesn't make sense!".

"What do you mean" Dad asked, obviously sensing my doubt.

"Well it's kinda obvious they are hiding something, don't you think".

"Are you trying to say they are hiding the fact that someone died in the house!" He said making the statement sound like a question.

"Am not saying that--but it's rather obvious something is off, traveling overseas with an entire furnitures" I proclaimed. "I say something is fishy".

"Jon stop putting ideas in your sister's head" Mom said.

"I understand you hate the fact that we moved but son, you don't need to make baseless allegations".

"Am not making up baseless alleg..... Ok they are baseless but it true--think about it guys" I protested.

"I think Junior's right dad" Bell agreed.

"No his not darling" Dad said almost hollering, with disappointment visible on his feature.

"Why don't anybody take my opinions seriously in this house!" I said angrily.

"Because they are never good enough" dad retorted.

"Why?--because I am a child?" I asked.

"No! Because you behave like one--grow up for God's sake".

"Right--- Am off to bed" I replied, leaving the dinning room.

"Jonathan Davis Jr. come back here and finish your dinner!" Mom called out after me.

"I've lost my appetite" I yelled back.

I lay on bed with thoughts of the drama with my dad. I began drifting into a dreamless slumber, that's what always happens when I have a fight with any of my parents. Suddenly the temperature dropped and it became freezing cold and there was this odd sensation that someone or rather something was with me in the room watching me sleep. I opened my eyes, slowly scanning the spacious room, starting from the windows to make sure they weren't open towards the toilet door and closet when I noticed in the dark corner of the room white mists were being formed from an unseen entity, as in whatever it was, was breathing out into the cold air around the room. I became paralyzed, I wanted to get up and run but I couldn't, I wanted to shout for my parents but I found no voice. All I did was stare in fear for whatever it is, was not of this world and it's definitely not here to befriend me.


Chapter one everybody!!!!

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