Dorathy's POV

"Jonathan you shouldn't have said that to Jon".

"So what---you expect me to keep quiet and let him put all his crazy ideas into Isabella head?" My husband asked.

"I don't know, but you know his going through a lot lately", I said. "And to top it up we moved all the way across the country!".

"Oh, now it's my fault!" He exclaimed, raising his hand to his chest angrily.

"I didn't say that!" I argued almost as angry. We were still arguing when we heard a loud piercing scream from Bella's room.

Jonathan and I run to her, to see what's going on. On getting to her room I expected the door to be broken down but luckily it was unlocked, with my heart launched in my throat we opened the door and met her in a corner of her room shivering and crying. I half walked half ran to my baby trying as best as I could to comfort her while my husband looked around for any possible threat.

"What happened Bell?" I asked wiping off her tears.

"Tell us munchkin what happened, why were you screaming?" Jonathan asked when she didn't answer my question.

"There...wa...was... som... something here" she said in-between sobs, pointing to a spot besides her bed.

Jonathan went round her bed to inspect the place she'd been pointing. "Nothing's here Bell".

"Baby it most be a shadow casted in by the moon" I said.

"There was something there mom. I swear it" she voiced.

"I told you that boy is poisoning her mind". Jonathan said looking at me. "I won't be surprised if his even the one who might have scared her". Then he walked towards us and held Bella's hand in a comforting way. " There's nothing in your room sweetie, just your imagination gone wild".

" But dad I sa...."she tried to protest but was cut off by his finger on her lips.

"There's nothing, just your imagination, even if there was, it's gone now, Okay?" I stated.

"Ok" she nodded.

He kissed her on the forehead and turned to leave before she held his hand and stopped him from leaving.

"Dad, mom will you please stay with me till I go to sleep?".

I looked at my husband and he locked eyes with me, I saw the flash of anger in his eyes and I very well know who that anger is directed to.

"Of course munchkin" he replied.

I lay down next to our daughter and Jonathan sat down close to her with his back on the wall. Nobody said anything, there was silence between us but I could clearly see he has a lot to talk about, only it's not with me but with our son Jonathan Jr. Junior has been going through a lot lately some I know of some I don't.

You see, me and his dad were not always around because of work. My mom had been with them all along filling in for us, she was practically their mother and father, they were so close to the point that it was just the three of them in their little family circle, but then she passed away some few months back and he broke up with his girlfriend two weeks ago, now his feeling lonely and depressed.

We left Bella's room after she fell asleep and returned to our room, upon entering the room we heard another scream, this time it came from Jon's room. We hurriedly went to his room but the door was locked, we knocked several times but no answer so Jonathan had to break it down, the scene that greeted us was a horrifying one, Jon was wounded on the shoulder and was bleeding an awful lot, it looked like he was stabbed with something very sharp but no weapon was found anywhere around. We became alarmed and ran to him.

"Oh my God---- what happened?" I asked carrying half his body on to my lap.

"Some... Something Stab.... stabbed me" he replied almost breathless

"What are you talking about son?" Jonathan inquired.

I didn't wait for our son to answer that before I yelled at my husband to go get the car with tear filled eyes.


"He's going to be alright, he is lucky though the scissors missed his axillary nerve!" The Doctor informed.

"Thank you doctor" I relied.

"Can we go see him now?" Jonathan enquired while holding me close to him.

"Yes you can-- but the nurses are cleaning him up, so you can see him when they're done."

"Thank you." Jonathan said before the doctor left.

We sat down at the waiting area, Bell rested her head on my lap and mine on Jonathan's shoulder. I kept on replaying the scene that took place in the house before we ended up in the hospital. Jonathan kept swearing under his breath as he made to go get the car, Bell ran into his room and stood shocked by the scene, moments later Jonathan returned and carried Junior to the car that was parked outside the house waiting. As we were about to get in the car, I remembered the house was not locked and I came along with the keys with the intention but almost forgot, I ran back towards the door when I noticed someone watching us from Jon's room window I immediately stopped and looked at it again but no one was there, I brushed off the thought from my mind thinking it might be my imagination but deep down I knew it wasn't.

"Mr and Mrs Davis?" A young nurse in her late twenties called out bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Yes?" Jonathan stood up looking at the nurse who made her towards us.

"His ready--- you can see him now" she told us. We went into Jon's hospital room, the bed was raised so his sitting up with bandage on his injured shoulder.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?." I asked.

"Kind of better." He replied.

"What were you thinking?" Jonathan burst out. "I can't believe you could go as far as stabbing yourself just to prove your ridiculous assumption."

"What?---- you think I stabbed myself?." Junior asked with a hint of anger and surprise.

"Then how would....." I didn't wait to hear what Jonathan was about to say when I caught him of.

"That's enough Jonathan." I said. "Go wait outside" I added pointing to the door for him to leave.

After Jonathan reluctantly left I asked Junior to tell me what happened.


So guys, what do you think about this Chapter. Please comment your thoughts and don't 4get to vote

...And yes criticism is allowed, though no harsh words please.

Yours faithfully,

Prince Abdul🤴.