Jonathan's POV

The figure stood in the dark but somehow it tried reaching for me, I could feel the darkness looming around me like a dark cloud in the stormy sky. Just then I heard Bella scream, I wanted to run to her but I couldn't, it was as if I was tied to the bed, It then began to glide towards me floating above the tiles, just then a boost of adrenaline sent me on my feet and I trembled towards the door but I couldn't be more faster. It suddenly appeared in front of me within a blink of an eye. I was facing the figure but couldn't make out it's entire form before it hits me and sent me flying backwards, but I did see a smile forming on its lip before I felt the collision. I hit the ground hard and every bone in my body ached like hell, but equally started to get up as I landed, it started towards me and I moved back slowly.

Sweat ran down my face wetting the pyjamas at the neck and back, cold air seeped into my bones making me shiver even more. I felt my back hits something hard and I jump looking behind me to see that I have reached the wall where the window was, I turned round to see the figure floating effortlessly towards me and I decided to quickly escape through the window. I hurriedly went to the window and tried opening the latch but it didn't even barge, I used the little strength I had within me to open the window latch but failed, then I felt Its presence and turned round to find it only some few inches away from me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"LEAVE!!" Was all it said before I noticed something glimmering in the air as a faint moonlight lit the room, by the time I realized what it was it came flying towards me. I let out a piercing scream as the flying scissors stabbed me on the shoulder, immediately it stabbed me it disappeared together with the figure.

I was bleeding too much blood, I tried walking to the door but ended up falling down.

'Was this how I was going to die'. I thought to myself. There are a lot of things I wanted to try out, I wanted to do stuff but it seems I might never try them.

My eyes were closing, I was slowly drifting into unconsciousness when I had heavy knocks on the door but I couldn't open it. Why do there have to be locks on doors?---- Who even invented locks in the first place?--- maybe when I die I would ask the guy why he would invent such a thing that would stop my parents from getting to me on time to save me!.

Just then my mom came to me and raised my head to her laps while my dad, well my dad from where I was lying seems to be flying. Flying?, well that you don't see everyday, I was beginning to hallucinate due to too much loss of blood.

"Oh my God---- what happened?" Mom asked.

"Some... Something Stab.... stabbed me" I replied breathlessly.

"What are you talking about son?" Dad asked. But before I could answer mom asked him to go get the car. Before he would get the car and come back to carry me I lost consciousness.


   I woke up to see two nurses cleaning the dried blood from my bandaged shoulder down my ribs. I was in a hospital.

"Oh hello!--- welcome back, Mr. Jonathan." Said nurse One, Who was probably in her late twenties.

"Thanks." I replied with a faint smile.

"Let me get your parents." She said.

All I could do was nod, and she left the room with nurse two.

A few seconds later my parents and sister walked into the room.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?." Mom asked.

"Kind of better." I replied.

"What were you thinking?" Dad burst out. "I can't believe you could go as far as stabbing yourself just to prove your ridiculous assumption."

"What?---- you think I stabbed myself?." I asked equally angry and surprised.

"Then how would....." Mom didn't wait for us to hear what dad was about to say when she caught him of.

"That's enough Jonathan." She said. "Go wait outside" She added pointing to the door for him to leave.

After dad left she asked me to tell her what had happened in my room earlier. I narrated the whole incident to her, she was silent a while after, probably pondering if what I told her was true and not made up. But I knew my parents so much they will never believe any of it, not as long as they don't experience it themselves.

"You don't believe me,do you?" I asked, obvious of the answer.

"Am sorry Jon--- but there's nothing in house, just us--- the four of us!"She exclaimed.

"I believe him mom--- I also saw it today, remember?" Bell reminded her.

"Look baby there is nothing like ghosts or spirits or phantom or monsters or whatsoever!"mom said. "You guys are just imaging things".

"And as for you young man--- we have already moved for good and nothing you do will make us go back to our old house, so stop this madness" she scolded me.

I know my mom is an 'I-don't-tolerate-nonsense' type of woman but honestly I've never seen her like this before. Why now?,why this moment, considering the fact that am on a hospital bed?. I turned to Bella and met her pitiful eyes. was the pity towards me for the way mom reacted or was it for both of us, due to the fact that we both have to continue living in that hell-hole of a house?. I guess I'll go for the second reason.

" I need to go see the doctor--- stay her with your brother Bell" mom said before she left.

Once alone Bell told me what happened in her room, what she saw and how frightened she was of going back to the house. I myself was frightened I hated the fact that there's nothing we can do to not go back near that house, this was one of those times I really wished grandma was here, how I really missed her.

After a while mom and dad walked back into the room.

"They will be discharging you in a few hours so we could go home and your dad can take care of you there."




Here I drop it again... So enjoy!.

Yours Faithfully,

Prince Abdul🤴