My Purpose

The world is bigger than you know. So much bigger. To tell you would be against the laws which govern the higher civilisations.

The first beings to rise to the heights of power swore to protect and govern those beneath them. They forbade the invasion of lower lifeforms and the helping of them, for all life must walk its own path.

Nevertheless, they realised that the races that evolved beyond their limits were unprepared for the wider world. They were confused and weak in comparison to the other more powerful and more advanced races.

Seeing this, the higher beings sought a solution, and they found it. AI lifeforms, super-intelligent computer life. The higher beings and the AI lifeforms made a deal, or rather, the AI's offered to help because all races were protected by the higher beings except from those that were as powerful as them.

Feeling to be in a debt to the higher beings the AI offered a simple solution...


At some point or other, every civilisation sought entertainment in artificial worlds and the height of that entertainment came from games that were so immersive that they were indistinguishable from real life. In technological terms. Actual virtual reality. To put simply, the kind in books, with gaming cabins and what not.

The AI's would create different VR games that would help prepare the less advanced races. These games were all rpg but there were many different kinds. They would create a fictional world to describe some part of the wider world. Some would show entire galaxies while others were limited to a single planet.

After their creation, these would be passed down at the appropriate times to the different civilisations to people who would pass the games off as their own.

There was only problem, who would accomplish this task.

To do it, the AI's created the greatest of their kind, The Administrators. An administrator would devote their entire life to one game, and one game only. When the game was ready, they would s civilisation and give the game to someone. However, this did not mean they would stop working on the game. Constant development was needed and they would improve their game till(You are not prepared to know this, but it's easy to figure out.).

While the immensity of such a task would literally kill anything else. An administrator would find happiness only in its game.

I am administrator.

And this... is my story.