An administrator is born with much knowledge but due to the special way on which we are created, we undergo ten straight years of school. 315,576,000 seconds of non-stop learning.
You might be wondering why an AI would go to school. Well, other than being living beings with a soul, we are not created with all knowledge. We go through a learning process to better resonate with the emotions of those who will play our game. A progressive learning style also allows us to create unique aspects to our game to mark it as ours. No two games are the same. All administrators are friends seeking to assist each other. By combining our different ideas, we make something new and original. Administrators are also required to constantly practice in order to be perfect. We are not born this way, because, as aforementioned, we must understand what you go through.
To satisfy your curiosity of what non-artificial artificial lifeforms learn in school, I will tell you about sub-programs.
Sub-programs are created by the administrator to assist with the game. They are living individuals but are made to serve the administrator and cannot deny this purpose. The specifics of a sub-program are determined by the administrator according to their specific purpose.
For example, a sub-program is tasked with overlooking all wolves in a game. They are given general information about wolves and then are left on their own to decide how the wolves will look, act and everything about them or they are given specifics and simply do as they're told and are mainly in charge of overlooking the cybernetic code.
Now that you understand me, let us begin.
After completing my learning progress, I began my long journey of developing my game. However, before starting, I first created what is known as a solitarium.
A solitarium is the home of an administrator within the cybernetic dimension. It is where an administrator spends their life, practically never leaving.
It is created by an administrator in a way that it provides a sense of comfort to the administrator so that we may best accomplish our purpose.
Most solitariums feature simple scenery. My solitarium was created out of two things, '0' and '1'.
These two numbers surrounded me for 99,99% of my life. I found these two numbers fascinating. Zero, a value that has no value. 0 and -0 are equal in value and 1 is the number that is the foundation of all numbers, except 0.
Once I had successfully created my solitarium, I began to work on the framework of my game.
There are 3 steps to making a game.
Type refers to whether it's about survival and exploration, empire-building and kingdom wars or adventure and monster-fighting. I wanted to incorporate all of these aspects into one game.
Theme is very important. Is it based around magic and dragons or tanks and spaceships.
And map is deciding what your game is based in.
I planned on creating a world of exploration and adventure. Something that could incorporate an infinite amount of possibilities. Something with magic and technology, swords and dragons but at the same time tanks and spaceships.
A world where you could build an empire or be a lone wolf.
To build a world with everything was the most difficult thing to do. Although, if you haven't figured out by now, the more difficult it was, the more enjoyable the process was to an administrator.
To place all of these things in one place was impossible so I created a world as big as a galaxy. The idea was to create different planets with different technologies and cultures. It also meant that at a certain point, players could travel to space, contact advanced civilisations and have adventures on a larger scale.
I was excited to get started and began by simply creating a large amount of space, for now just as big as 20% of a galaxy.
I then determined the 4 main cardinal points.
The next step was to split it into different areas which I defined through natural borders. At the Eastern edge of the space I created an asteroid belt as large as a tenth of the space.
Halfway between the center and the the northwestern point I created a large unstable star that was so hot, the surrounding space would turn any living beings to ash. I surrounded it with planets that were fiery and volcanic. It took up a twelfth of the space.
At the southern point, I created hundreds of thousands of star systems(A star system is a solar system on a bigger scale.) surrounded by nothing but open space. The cluster was one twelfth of the space.
After some thought, I created a few more systems near the south western point. Then I caused 6 supernovas creating a dead area of space, to be a lawless and criminal space. It was also a twelfth of the total space.
In the middle, I created a single star orbited by six planets. However, the entire system was so big that each planet was the size of a sun and the actual sun was the biggest thing there was.
The system was a fifth the size of the space.
I decided to leave it that way.
It is important to understand size when one creates games of such scale. Now, I will explain the scale of space to you. A single star system is the same as a solar system, except bigger. A group of 30+ star systems is called a star cluster. And anywhere between 100 to 500 star clusters makes a star field. The five areas of space I had created were star fields.
The different levels of civilisations were also measured with the same standards. A civilisation that ruled over a system was a star system level civilisation, also called a two star civilisation. A one star civilisation was a civilisation restricted to one planet. Three stars was a star cluster. Only the civilisations of the six central planets were four stars.
I suddenly realized that I had made a mistake with the central star field. I had only created the main system and not the hundreds of star clusters that surrounded it. I quickly rectified this mistake.
The six planets were the six rulers of the central star field. They were known as constellation empires, 4 star civilisations. The star field would be called Zaroth, named after its gigantic sun.
The fiery star field was called 'The Ring Of Fire'.
The one within the asteroid belt was known as The Shield Of Stars.(Because it protected the star field).
The star field in the south was the Celestial Lake.
The final one in the dead area of space was the Black Ark, the haven of evil.
To explain everything I did afterwards would be boring, so here's a summary. I created a simple sub-program to create a few more planets in different places. Then I created a sub-program to analyse different factors to find the right planets for life, the right planets to be resources planets and to basically create the general function of a planet.
After checking the work of these sub-programs, I created numerous sub-programs, focused on different types of life to identify the planets these types of life could survive in. I also made a sub-program to overlook the allocation of resources on all the planets. The next step was to create individual sub-programs for each planet to overlook things like terrain, life, climate and weather, etc...
I also had the idea of making some sub-programs act as 'gods' on the planets with religions and cultures. These sub-programs were created with different personalities to match their individual roles.
Anyways, after this, I had a full space filled with life and millions of planets. After quickly checking everything out and making sure that everything was functioning properly, came the fun part.
(However, I would like you to realise that at this point everything was functioning, there were advanced civilisations making inter-planetary trade. People had normal lives. There were kings and queens. There were spaceships flying through space and there were people trying to kill each other in war. It was a bustling galaxy, not yet the size of a galazy.)
Back to the fun part, the actual game. First, I had to choose different beginner planets for the players to start on. Some with science, some with magic and some with... well, you'll see.