
Well, that's that. I've explained everything. You understand the basics. So let's fast forward. Let's skip the complicated stuff and head straight into it. I completed and registered the game. All I had to do was find a planet. And of course, name the game. At any given point in time, there are more than 3590 planets requiring an administrator. The way we choose these planets is easy. We design the games with a specific type of life-form in mind. Then we make the game and find a planet inhabited by beings that match those requirements.

In the long run, mine was a game created to expand minds and create original and out of the box thinking. It also aimed for unity between races.

Therefore, it required an intelligent but divided organism. It also required a curious species because there was a whole galaxy to explore.

Matching these requirements, I found a pretty common type of race in the world, Lentras, in your language, humanoids. Humanoid beings tend to be herd animals instilled with an innate curiosity and creative mind. When given a larger stage to display their abilities, they are exceptional.

The one I found were from planet G58, Sector 5, Quadrant 3, The Echelon Field. The humans(they called themselves), were curious and intelligent but had grown divided and, despite being aware of the issue, were using their resources at an unsustainable rate. The planet would have died within at most, 200 years.

But with guidance, they could unite and save themselves and their planet and become a tier 2 civilisation.