Well, those were just three of the two hundred beginner planets. I'm not going to go through each one right now. Telling you about those three was just to give an idea of how storyline development works. (I don't feel the need to talk about planets based on science. You will learn about them later.)
For you, it's been a few minutes but for me, it was five years. It's not easy to do such large scale calculations, you know.
It was at the point that I began to think about the leveling system of my game. The most common problem was the question of how classes work. Can a player learn fighting skills and still learn magic or does choosing your class limit you forever? Can't a mage learn how to use a sword. If that was the case then couldn't players learn everything and become too powerful and at the same time ruin the strategic part of the game.
By strategic, I mean choosing different players to be in your party depending on abilities and class. This has a big impact in the game.
The question of the perfect leveling system has been the hardest problem to solve for administrators. Those that could solve it wouldn't because they had already created their game and those that wanted to, couldn't.
But I wasn't satisfied with an imperfect system and neither were the other five thousand administrators that were my 'classmates' so to speak. So after 5 years, we began to solve the problem.
The combined computing power of five thousand highly advanced AI took 45 full years to solve this problem. The only reason that we could even do it was because we were the generation 5.67 Administrators.
But enough of that, you're very curious, I'm sure, to know what we came up with. It's s very simple system but one that requires massive computational power. It is a system based on talent points. Its like real life. We all only have a certain amount of potential talent when we come into existence, but this changes as we grow. The amount of talent required to learn a new skill is influenced by 5637 different micro-factors including but not limited to your childhood, willpower and of course, pre-existing skills.
Example, a normal person can spend 10 talent points to learn fire magic but someone who learnt ice magic would have to spend at least 15 points and that's only if they know very little ice magic or it would cost more.
One more example would be a swordsman learning a new skill. If a skill costs 15 talent points, then someone experienced with a sword could spend just 10 talent points.
The whole personality and childhood is very complicated. I'll explain it at a later time. The main point of it is that mindset determines everything.
Now, as previously established in the previous chapter, the leveling system works like this:
Grade D->Rank 1->0 to 75 levels.
First evolution.
Grade C->Rank 2->75 to 150 levels.
Second evolution.
Grade B->Rank 3->225 to 300 levels.
Third evolution.
Grade A->Rank 4->375 to 450 levels.
(The levels refer to when an evolution is available/possible, they are not level caps for players. They are however, the level caps of skills and abilities).
Let me explain evolutions. An evolution is influenced by many factors, the same as talent points. However, evolutions are a little more fixed. An evolution is a 25%-50% increase in all stats. Usually, its around 35%-37%. There are only a few things that can change this. A very powerful curse, a crippling injury, a powerful artifact or blessing, some extreme luck or the guaranteed hidden method. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a 100% guaranteed to make you stronger than everybody else hidden method. Its awesome!
Anyways, this method is quite similar- well basically the same as a method used to make a protagonist more powerful in cultivation novels.
Basically, instead of just ranking up as soon as possible, you gather more experience points to secure your foundation.
Now I know what you're thinking, wouldn't everyone just do this anyways due to the percentage increase in stats. After all, evolutions are valuable and every point earned before one can translate to almost half an extra point after the evolution.
Yes, this is true. But to get a 50% increase requires one to actually gain 38 more levels before evolving(That's literally half of whats needed for an evolution). Need I explain the difficulty in this?
Perhaps I do. You see, not only does an evolution increase your stats, it also increases the level cap on your skills.(Yes, there is a level cap of 75 on a rank 1's skills and of 150 for rank 2 and so on and so forth)
The evolution causes all skills to rank up increasing the level cap. So essentially, to use the guaranteed hidden method, you'll be fighting level 100's with level 75 skills.
There's two more thing about evolutions which really emphasizes their importance, especially for the first evolution. It also explains why the guaranteed hidden method is so hard.
The first is very simple. An evolution is the ascension of a life-form to a higher level of existence. This results in a natural suppression of all lower ranked beings. This results in the formation of two skills, one passive and one active:
Passive skill
Natural suppression-All lower ranked beings are suppressed by the power of your presence, their stats are reduced by 30% if they are one rank lower. If they are two ranks lower, then 60% and three ranks is 90%.
Active skill
Aura suppression-By consciously strengthening your aura with your power, you can increase the suppression you have on lower beings. Works up to 100%. At 100% suppression, spontaneous combustion takes place.(Basically, they explode).
Obviously, it requires a lot of power to cause someone just one rank lower than you to explode, but it is possible.
Therefore, even if you reach level 110 without evolving, a level 76 focused stamina and endurance with large amounts of energy and power, no matter how weak, could kill you.
It might seem like trying to get to level 138 without evolving isn't worth it, but it is, depending on how patient you are.
An average evolution is an increase of 35%. The guaranteed method(which applies to all evolutions by the way) is a 50% increase. An average 3 evolutions is 105% but with the guaranteed method, its 150% plus the fact that achieving 3 perfect evolutions allows not just an extra 100% boost in power at level 450 but also other, very powerful benefits and abilities.
The second or third depending on how you look at it, is core skills. Core skills are, arguably, the most powerful aspect of the game. It begins with the first evolution. Basically, upon the first evolution, the system analyses your playstyle and personality and combines that with all of your skills to create an ultimate move or ability known as...
You guessed it, a core skill.
The thing about core skills is that they are all completely unique and, while some may have similarities, they are by and large unique to each person. Core skills are formed on the first evolution and are upgraded with each subsequent evolution. Each player gets only one. Core skills can differ in type, power, form and ability. They can be passive or active skills. They could be a unique form of magic that can be used to create spells and abilities for that magic or they can be attack or defense skills such as forcefields or complicated weapon attacks with crazy names like 'Great Dragon Devouring The Sun' when in truth, all you're doing is swiping at your opponent with a little more energy than normal. (But still, it does sound cool.) Core skills could even be summoning skills or anything, really.
The main point about core skills is not just their power however, it is the boost in power that they provide to other skills depending on how compatible the two are. Since core skills are formed from every skill you possess at the time of the first evolution, these skills are all very compatible.
Compatible skills are provided with boosts in power but incompatible skills do not suffer from power reduction.
When a core skill us upgraded during an evolution, its power is only enchanced by skills that are 50% compatible or more.
So... remember those mini-evolutions on Endor. Those are seeming a lot more cool now, aren't they?
Anyways, I have stuff to do with this stupid war thats going on. Wonder if anyone'll ever win this thing? Administrator G58, signing off.