Endor was a planet of fantasy. It had dwarves and humans, dragons and serpents, orcs and goblins. It was like a miniature version of a full game.
The fantasy world is a very popular one so I simply made my own. Endor had three large continents with every race and monster you could think of, except elves.
One continent was a barren wasteland, yet it had lots of life. It was called Grarfeer and was mainly inhabited by orcs. It had other races but these were a minority and other than orcs, there were just monsters such as deathwyrms.
The race of orcs was divided into two: The orcs that lived on Grarfeer that were called the Warborne orcs and the orcs that lived on the sea as pirates were known as Luminlrair orcs. Before I go any farther, realise that you are of a completely different race with different vocal cords and cultures so don't criticise the orcish language(or try to say Luminlrair). The Warborne named Grarfeer.
The Warborne were fighters and warriors. Subtlety was a word that didn't exist in their vocabulary. They were brutish and relied on strength and not technique in battle. The wasteland they lived in didn't allow for much farming. They relied on hunting for food. This resulted in their race being the least technologically advanced of all the races. Nevertheless, the Warborne were powerful fighters. The weapons they were wielded were so big they could kill at least 5 people with a single swing.
The Luminlrair orcs were descendants of the Warborne that had slightly more intelligence than the others. They had made rudimentary boats and left the continent searching for...anything. It was an adventure. They had found the continent of Brennon and after obtaining its technology, became pirates. They were the most fearsome pirates on the planet. What they stole and did not need was traded through the black market.
The city they lived in was called Fortilla. It was a big city that floated on the water. The humans never found it, though they did know about it, because it was like a giant boat that sailed wherever its captain wished. The 'captain' of the Luminlrair was the ruler of the Luminlrair who would always be the one with the best skills.
Another continent was Brennen, the land of the humans and dwarves. These dwarves were the kind that forged magic weapons and made swords that could break mountains. They lived entirely underground in cities that could rival the greatest human cities in size and majesty. The mountains they lived in were unscalable and unassailable, only accessible through the doors at the bottom which lead to the tunnels. The dwarves were excellent miners and smiths. The mountains were rich in minerals and valuable resources and the dwarves used these to forge powerful weapons and tools which they traded to get items they needed.
The humans of Endor were a race that were good at everything. They were excellent fighters, brilliant forgers, powerful mages and their agriculture was developed and economical. They had good relations and trade deals with the other races(but the orcs).
The third continent was known as Rucla De Javin which translates to...well, nobody remembers anymore. It was generally the same as Brennon.
There were two interesting things about Endor, it's history and it's technology.
The technology of Endor was a very rare type of technology, Runes. It might not sound like much, but runes are powerful and are not just a part of magic. They are something entirely different to magic. In fact, nobody knew what runes actually were. The language of magic that could communicate with it and tell it what to do or something totally unrelated to magic. Whatever the case was, the general consensus is that runes are powerful and to know one or two is a difficult thing. To discover a rune was incredibly difficult, no matter how powerful the rune, because understanding runes was nearly impossible. Therefore, having an entire civilisation based on runes was incredible.
The runes caused Endor to reach another level of power. It actually affected their evolution. The living beings would gain runes that were naturally written onto their bodies as they grew more powerful. Such an evolution was normal in Endor, but elsewhere, it could never be seen.
Allow me to give a quick explanation which I will expand on in the next chapter. There are 5 ranks or stars which are used to measure strength. Each one is divided into A,B,C and D. Each letter is equal 75 game levels. Each rank pertains to a different scale. If you are restricted to a planet, then you are rank one. If you can survive in a star system, rank 2. Rank 3 is when a star cluster civilisation is willing to recruit you. Each rank up is accompanied by an evolution. An evolution gives you a huge boost in power. Each evolution is a very valuable thing. A 'mini' evolution such as the one on Endor is just as valuable. It may not give such a huge boost in power but in battle, every little bit makes a difference. And not to mention that 3 evolutions is farthest most of the most powerful beings will ever reach, getting just one more is special. There's even another advantage to this, the evolutions will eventually add up to be equal to an entire rank up evolution. There are no downsides, apart from rune-hunters but those aren't important for now. Obviously, that wasn't advertised to the players.
Really, Endor's runes had so many advantages, it would take too long to explain them. Just know that there were runic classes, such as the Runic Swordsman, runic beasts such as the runic wolf and so much more.
Do you recall that I said that the other interesting thing about Elaria was the history.
You do? Good.
You don't? Well I said that.
Endors history is actually copied from a real place, just one that you don't know about.(You're still just a rank one civilisation, don't ask questions.)
Remember Rucla De Juvin? And how nobody remembered what it meant. In the ancient language of Endor, it means Land of the kings.
The continent was the place where the mountain giant king, the Aphrodax king, the Nös king and the dragon king were born. They were the first four living beings on Elaria and each ruled their own tribe. The dragons were obviously creatures of fire who lived on Grarfeer under their king, Karzon. The mountain giants were creatures of the earth. When they lay down their size and colour made them indistinguishable from actual mountains. The Nös were feathered water serpents which lived in the North sea beyond the reach of any other continents and the Aphrodax were shapeshifting creatures of the air which lived in a flying city. Each Aphrodax had their own natural form but could easily change form. The only identifying aspect/characteristic was that they were pure white and had both feathers and scales on their body's in any form.
At this point, the history and storyline mix.
Seeing the runic power of Endor, a runehunter attacked it. The four tribes fought him off but could not kill him. In the end, the four kings trapped and sealed him in the planets core. They created four runes on each side of planet and sacrificed their life forces to power them. The dragon created a rune in the North, the giant king in the West, the Nös king in the south and the Aphrodax king in the east.
There was quite a rich and interesting history that happened afterwards which I won't talk about.
The players would have to help the kingdoms prepare and fight the runehunter while at the same time delving deep into the history of the continent exploring and adventuring.
There's more but that's...not for now.