Elaria, the planet of magic. A planet with every type of climate and floating islands, Elaria was the planet to go if being a mage was your dream. While it offered both magic and combat related classes, the magic was much more developed.The technology of Elaria was based solely on magic.
The reason for all of this was the Silvestri, the dominant race on Elaria. While there were orcs and beastmen along with some other races, the Silvestri were by far, the most powerful. Their race was born with a great aptitude for magic. They could learn it easily, had more mana than other races and spells cast by them were more powerful than when cast by other races.
Not only this, but Elaria was saturated in magic. It drifted in air you breath, flowed through the water you drank, filled every part of the food you ate. If on other planets, the magic was like the water vapour in the air, then Elaria was Atlantis under the ocean. There was more magic than there were atoms.
Due to this, every child was born with a great magical aptitude, the Silvestri even more so. This was because during the process of the foetus being formed in the womb, magic was flowingv through it.(At some point, there'll be a whole specific explanation.).
The Silvestri lived on the floating sky islands. There, they constructed great cities filled with amazing things. As aforementioned, the technology of Elaria was magic-based. It was highly advanced. In fact, it had reached the level that Elaria and specifically, the Silvestri were on the doorstep of becoming an advanced space civilisation.
The magic of the Silvestri accomplished many great things. For one, they had created all kinds of magic formations and enchantments that could do almost anything. With the application of a few enchantments, you could turn a broken tree trunk into a guided, long distance, flying, transport device.
When added onto a weapon, like a sword, enchantments would not only make it practically unbreakable, but could make it do things like absorb energy and then unleash it in the form of flames, like a dragons breath. Combat classes weren't very popular on Elaria, except a couple which merged magic and physical combat like magic swordsman or combat enchanter. Combat enchanters focused all of their life on their equipment, mainly their weapons. Instead of enchanting other equipment or learning other kinds of money, everything went into enchanting their equipment. They would spend all of their money to get expensive materials to use for powerful enchantments. Some of the most powerful combat enchanters had started out with simple common weapons which had slowly turned into legendary weapons. The only downside to this class was that you would have to be wise with your money or else you would never be able to afford powerful enchantments.
Other than mages and magic combatists, there were classes like summoner or golem creators who used others to fight. They were especially dangerous because of their army tactic. It was simple but effective, overwhelming the enemy with numbers.
Time for the storyline:
Being the most powerful race on Elaria, the ruler of the Silvestri would be the same as the ruler of Elaria. In this case, that would be the Elemental Grand Magus Archon. His magic was elemental, as you would have probably guessed. His magic was of the four(4) basic elements. Usually this would mean that a mage specialised in a single element would be more powerful than him in that element. However, this was not so, Archon was the most powerful in all four elements. In fact he was the most powerful overall from every living being.
He ruled from the biggest sky island from the great city of Eren within the 'Golden Palace' in which he dwelled. He had a great council of the most powerful beings from all of the races(Yay! No racism!)
The races were all pretty united and there was no tension of any kind. Well, it is impossible for there to never be negativity and fighting anywhere. However, war was never between races. There was political peace.
In your mind, your thinking that a world with such peace and technological advancement(especially of the magical kind) is a paradise.
Let's just say that the universal saying,'too much of a good thing' is not an empty saying. Due to the peace on Elaria, their science advanced but their power did not.
You see, a being can train their entire lives and can grow powerful but without enough combat experience, they will never learn to deal with the pressure of combat and use their power correctly in battle. That being the case, it doesn't mean that they're not powerful, it just means that they cannot utilise that power correctly. However, that is not why the power of Elaria did not advance in during the time peace, but it is strongly related.
On the path of power, one comes upon bottlenecks, obstacles that prevent your power from advancing. The minor bottlenecks that be overcome with thought and meditation or just more training. But the major bottlenecks require flashes of insight, moments of enlightenment, times when you can see death beckoning you but you cling to life and do not let go, when your chances of death are 99%, but there is that 1% chance that you will live, that you will survive and you grasp that 1% with all your might and you do survive and you grow and surpass your limits. These moments can only be found in battle, not battle against an ally or an enemy weaker than you, but battle against something that can kill you and that will do everything in its power to kill you.
And while small scale battles are enough for weaker beings, what about the more powerful ones. With no real reason for them to fight one another other than to become more powerful, those that were willing to fight created the seal of battle. The seal of battle was an oath taken between two or more beings, that they would fight each other with all their power with the intention that only one would live and that the families of the defeated(#killed!!!!!) would be protected and helped by the winner(#killer!!!!) for 50+years. It was a binding oath that was impossible to go against.
The seal of battle served its purpose well. There was always something more powerful or at least at the same level to fight plus one would not would not need to worry about ones dependents and families. Everyone was happy...
except Archon.
He was the most powerful being on Elaria. Way more powerful than the second most powerful being. To face him would be suicide, even in a group. The only place he could find beings on his level would be in space and as for why that didn't happen is a story for later.
Anyways, Archon did everything he could to become stronger, he was a magic scholar, so he created new enchantments and spells. He tried learning other types of magic but had little to no aptitude for those. He invested his time into leaving how to use weapons like swords, spears, bows and crossbows, an uncommon practice among mages. In the end, nothing worked. Archon had reached the biggest bottleneck in his life. And then he went crazy.
Archon was rational and intelligent. He had to be, as a mage. But when you invest a hundred years into something, it consumes you. Archon had a temporary moment of madness, but that was all it took.
When a lot of magic gathers together, it creates natural treasures. Things that can greatly increase one's power. However, they only worked until a certain level of power, no treasure could help Archon, at least directly. Archon had a plan. An intelligent and brilliant plan. But it was the plan of a madman. If one treasure didn't work for him then he would use multiple. Using them one-by-one wouldn't work. Archon planned to use them all at once. He gathered the most powerful treasures he could for each of the basic elements.(fire, water, air and earth.) Different treasures had different methods of usage butllamo power would always get wasted. Archon wanted to get every bit of power he could. He created a magic formation with seven treasures per element. And to achieve his goal of not wasting any power, he used a catalyst to force the power into his body. Unfortunately, he used the wrong catalyst. It was a darkness element treasure capable of inserting power into objects. It was used on weapons for mages of the dark element. During the process of forging of the weapon, the mage would pour his magic into the treasure which would pour it into the weapon. Usually mages could do this without wasting magic if they had enough control over their magic so usually, the source of magic used would be beast cores out magic crystals. The treasure was never used on living beings.
But Archon had gone off the deep end. Such a treasure would seem to be suitable if not for the fact that it would only work with darkness magic but Archon fixed that. The problem was the magic formation, the grand magus' formation not only caused the magic treasures power to enter his body through the darkness treasure, it pulled in all the magic around it and converted it to the four basic elements magic and put that into his body. And here was the problem, the formation would transform all mana into mana of the same type as the natural treasures in the formation and while it did turn it into fire, water, air and earth, before it entered Archon's body, it went into the catalyst which was of the darkness element and instantly all of it turned into darkness magic.
Due to his lack of aptitude for darkness element magic, Archon's body naturally rejected it, but due to the nature of the treasure, it forced it into his body ripping him apart. Archon's plan would never have worked, his body could not contain do much of magic, it would have killed him. Now, things were even worse, he managed to redirect the magic away from himself and destroyed the formation but that would not change the final outcome. The formations power spread throughout all the magic on Elaria, corrupting it and changing it to the darkness element. But it got even worse, Elaria was covered in magic, the plants and animals were corrupted, the air and water became poisonous and the people, most of them were driven mad.
This was what players would face in Elaria, seeking to find a way to purify magic and discover what had caused the corruption because Archon had worked in secret.
And as for Archon himself, who knows...
And that's the end of Elaria.