An amazing start

Deku POV~

"Ah what a day! Huh what's that in the leaves?"

Bam! Everything went black. Huh I hear someone saying my name so I open my eyes and see to my surprise all of my friends standing above me. The one person who is the most clear is todoroki. I started to go red I then realised that my crush from the very beginning of U A was standing right above me.

Flash back

Omg is he todoroki in the pictures I saw he was way uglier but in person he is really hot so I hope I can talk to him. I have finally plucked up the courage to speak to him. "Umm hey todoroki c-can I talk to y-you please?"

"Sure." Todoroki replied.

"Hey I was wondering if I could get an autograph only because i-" I got interrupted.

"Ok I will give you my autograph. Aaand done. There you go all done. Is that all you wanted to say?" Todoroki asked.

"Yes that's it thanks."

End of flash back

Omg! I bushed even harder and rushed to the other end of the medical bed. I then realise I needed to have alone time with todoroki.


Thank you for reading this is just the opening chapter sorry it is short but I hope you guys enjoy the next one. I'm sure it will be even longer bye. I don't think anyone has noticed but Deku is holding a book about tododeku lol.