Alone time

Deku POV~

"Hey bakugo can you get everyone to leave please? I want to be alone."

"HEY LOSERS GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF HERE!" He yelled probably at the top of his lungs. I'm surprised kirishima was not defened by it.

"Umm hey T-todoroki can you s-stay please?"

"Ok what do you want?" At this point me and todoroki were on good levels and not awkward ones. "So I just want to say iloveyouandican'tunderstandwhyifeelthiswayandithurtsformenottotellyouthis!" I can't believe I just blurted that out hopefully he didn't understand anything that I said.

Todoroki POV~

Deku asked me to stay behind so I did but before I sat down I closed the medical room door. "Ok what do you want?" I sat down and understood the first part of what he said but after that it was just jibberish. "Hey deku can you say that last part again I have no idea what you just said?" So deku repeated it but slower yet still quite fast. I understood it and we both started blushing quite red. I broke the silence with the words I think we should be off to Mr Azawas lesson now.

So we both walked to lesson with me itching my hand closer and closer to Dekus until I stopped. Deku must of realised that I was doing it and he started doing the same. It was only a matter of time before our hands were interlocked and we were outside of Mr Azawas classroom. We immediately let go of eachothers hands and walked in.

Deku POV~

As we walked in I realised Todoroki was tomato red. And then I went tomato red which gave me this feeling that Todoroki also liked me in the same way I do. But then a thought that it would be impossible for him to like me. Mr Azawa carried on with his lesson giving everyone their hero costumes like usual when someone is late but we were lucky everyone was just leaving to go to the lockers to get changed into there gear for pyhisical education. As we were walking me and Todoroki was going back up our normal skin tone.

Like usual in the lockers I blushed as I looked at todorokis abs. Everyone just mumbled that I clearly like Todoroki and they start to question me about Todoroki.


Thank you for reading I and trying to make them longer this one is over 200 words longer than the last one. Thank you and bye!