His Birthday & Proposal

I was about to call my secretary when he came, "Your Majesty, you have a phone call from Prince Raphael III twice last night but I decided not to awake you because I know you are tired of your horseback riding and meeting with the wedding coordinators the whole day." He explained. "Give me my phone and I'll call him back, you may give this list of sponsors to the coordinator for invitation and programs. Send a final draft to the Queen Mother and the King." I instructed. "Yes your majesty." He replied.

He handed my phone and immediately leave. I dial his number. "Your majesty, good morning, how was your official travel in the United Kingdom of Moors? Have you eaten your breakfast your majesty?" I asked. "Can we not talk this way please, I am in my room and no one could hear me so please hon. I miss you. I was greeted by the King and Queen of Moors for our wedding. They also prepare a banquet for me and my companions. I was thinking that it would be best if we are both here. I miss your company." He answered. "Hon I miss you too but of course I have to stay here to prepare for our wedding. Don't you worry because after the wedding I won't leave you and I won't let you go for an official travel alone. What's your schedule for today? Please be safe my dear prince. Our country needs you and my kingdom needs you a lot." I said. "I will be visiting the historical places this morning hon, then finally attending the cultural presentation tonight after I signed the brotherhood treaty with their kingdom's counterpart. What about my dearest hon, what will you do today?" he asked. I smiled and immediately replied, "We'll I've just checked the official list of our wedding sponsors and I will be sending the final draft to the Queen Mother and the King for their final approval. I will be travelling back to Westbledon this afternoon because I was scheduled to visit the ZCS Corporation in Baltimore and meet some businessmen from other countries." He immediately advised me to bring my Royal Secretary and double my security. I said "Yes Hon." As I heard his secretary advising him to prepare for the first event of the day.

I smiled as I remember how we became friends and how he told me he love me for the first time. It was during his 21st Birthday. "Your Majesty, we received an invitation from the Kingdom of Ayatullah. They are asking your presence in the 21st Birthday of the 4th heir to their throne and their youngest prince, Prince Raphael III." My secretary uttered while holding an invitation given by the Queen Mother's servant. "When will that be?" I asked with a big smile inside me because it would be my chance to enter their palace for the first time and I could personally meet those who are mentioned by Prince Raphael in his letters and stories to me. "It will be on the 28th of this month your majesty." My secretary replied. "Two days from now? I will be visiting the Queen." I said.

As I was on my way to the King's Palace, I was thinking what will be the best gift for him. "Your Majesty, His Majesty The Crown Prince is here!"

"Mother, I will be going to the Kingdom of Ayatullah for Prince Raphael's Birthday on the 28th of this month. What will be the best gift for him." I asked with excitement in my face. I don't understand why my mother's reaction was that pale. "My son, the 28th will also be your Father's Official Visit to the Government of Akazia and he was requesting you to be with him because you're the only one who knows best how to speak the language of Akazian aside from me." I don't understand my feelings that moment, but I know I am not happy with what I've heard.

We were in a silent moment when, "The Queen Mother is arriving!"

"Why are you so silent? Is there any problem?" My grandmother asked. "None your Majesty, I was just thinking about the Crown Prince's invitation from the Kingdom of Ayatullah and his schedule travel to the Government of Akazia which falls on the same date your majesty." My mother explained. "Why does he need to travel to the Government of Akazia? I thought it was the King?" my grandmother asked. "Because I spoke the Akazian language very well your Majesty and no one in our Kingdom could speak Akazian like I aside from me and my mother, The Queen your Majesty." I answered. My Grand mother smiled and said, "Well, problem solved! My dear grandson will be attending the Invitation from Ayatullah." "But your Majesty, the Visit to the Government of Akazia is at most important too, it would tighten our friendship and show of loyalty with them." My mother asked with a very curious face. "Since you and your son are the bests in Akazian Language, why don't you accompany the King in his travel to the Government of Akazia, your kingdom of birth and also your chance to meet your relatives specially the Duchess, your cousin." The mother Queen answered. We were talking about it when, "His Majesty the King has arrived!"

"Your Majesty." My father greeted the Queen Mother. "Oh, you take a seat and listen. When was your last travel with the Queen? I know she has been busy taking care of you since your father died and become the King and performed her duties as Queen of this palace. I think travelling to Akazia, her birth country would be a good reward for those sacrifices he has done for you and the kingdom as well." My grandmother said. I was smiling on the other side when my father answered. "It was about five years ago your majesty. I actually so much wanted to bring her on my travels but I was thinking that your Majesty, the Queen Mother needs someone to assist you during times that i am away." My father answered. "I am still strong, I have two secretaries here and I know I can still manage stand for this kingdom." My grandmother answered.

"As the Queen Mother, for us not to neglect our obligations to our dear friends and neighbouring kingdoms and countries, I will be sending the Queen with you to the Akazia on the 28th while The Crown Prince will be attending the event in the Kingdom of Ayatullah. I will be in charge of Baltimore while you're away." My grandmother ordered. "But your majesty.." Me, my father and mother uttered. "It is my order and I know I am still the Queen Mother so I have the right to decide on matters like this." She replied. "Your Majesty, I appreciate your being considerate to our personal life and for sacrificing for us. I know me and my wife will enjoy this travel which we are actually longing for a long time." My father answered with a smile in his face. My grandmother and I was shocked by my father's term, WIFE. It was not allowed for Royal families to called the Queen, Wife and the King as Husband by both. "Oh, I apologized for his Majesty's impolite behaviour your majesty." My mother said while bowing her head.

"It's okay, when we talked like this as family, we might set aside some of the Palace Protocols. I know it was his first time again to call the Queen, WIFE for so long in front of us.��� My grandmother answered laughing. I too laugh as my father and mother blushed like teenagers.

The 28th came. The five royal carriages are waiting in front of the Grand Palace. I will be travelling six hours while my parents will be travelling 18 hours going to the Government of Akazia. "Have you called and informed the kingdoms on the way of the Majesties regarding their official travel?" The Queen Mother asked. "Yes your Majesty, I also assigned the Ministry of Communication and Public Information to oversee and follow the convoy of the Majesties through phone calls your majesty and directed them to keep updated." Her secretary for international affairs answered. I will be using two royal carriages, one will be for my personal stuffs with my two servants, while the other will be for me and my secretary. My parents will be using the other three, one carriage for the Queen and the King, one for their secretaries and three servants, and one for their personal stuffs.

On my way I was talking to my secretary about the Kingdom of Ayatullah. I wanted to be updated with their culture for me not to act ignorantly at all when we're there. "Your majesty the Kingdom of Ayatullah shakes hand as greetings and as way of appreciation." My secretary said. "But no one is allowed to hold our hands as the royal families of Baltimore, what would I do?" I asked. I was so excited to see Price Raphael. I received five letters from him since his visit in Baltimore during our Annual Offering Week about eight months ago. "Your Majesty, that is why you have to wear your gloves always while in the said kingdom. You also have to drink the Grand White Wine as their welcoming tradition." My secretary answered. I was thinking that those traditions and practices were not discussed by Prince Raphael in his previous letters.

"Your majesty, I have already prepared your gift for Prince Raphael. Here it is your majesty." My secretary uttered while handling the small box to me. "I hope he'd like to have this. I was told by him that only their King and the Ministry of Communications has a phone in their kingdom." I informed to my secretary. "Yes your Majesty, that is right, not because they don't allow phones but because their kingdom has many other responsibilities particularly for their growing population, they allocated their budget for their people's need." My secretary answered. "Then why is it that our kingdom provided a phone for each member of the Royal Families and their secretaries and our Palaces are connected with phone intercom?" I asked. "Because your majesty, our kingdom has the capability to support these expenses due to our large income from exports and other products in the international market. It was actually written in the latest financial status of kingdoms that Baltimore still ranked number one among Kingdoms of the United Kingdom of Aseana in terms of income and monetry value. This strated from the time of your great grandfather King Felomino I, and even in the International Statistics your Majesty, we maintain our ranked on top." My secretary explained. "One thing more your majesty, our kingdom has 18 royal carriages while the other kingdoms of the United Kingdom of Aseana has only one or two each minimizing their official travels." I was thinking about how other Princes and Princesses are amazed during the Annual Offering Week with our kingdom, I told myself "Now I understand." I was about to take a nap when, "The Crown Prince of the Great and Powerful Kingdom of Baltimore!"

"Your majesty we are now entering the first town of the Kingdom of Oz." My Secretary said. I slightly open my window and saw the people on our way waving flowers, smiling, some are dancing and some are signing. "Why are they so happy? Is it their an occassion?" I asked. "No your majesty, that's how they appreciate and respect the Royal Family of Baltimore." My secretary answered. "But I did not experience this when I travel to the National Capitol for the National Junior's Legislators League two years ago?" I asked. "Because your majesty you're not yet officially declared as the Crown Prince of Baltimore. And we did not passed through communities like this on our way to the National Capitol." My secretary answered. I preferred to open the windows of my carriages for the people to see me. I was shocked to see the Royal Armies of Oz standing along our way and controlling the dancing crowds. When we were about to passed by the Palace of Oz, we stopped for a while to pay respect. I went out my carriage and I was accompanied by the King of Oz. "Your Majesty, it is our honor that you passed by our kingdom. I apologized that my daughter Grace already went earlier and wasn't able to wait for your arrival your Majesty." The king said. "I understand your Majesty, I was too pleased by the respect and joy your people had shown to me while on my way. It was heart whelming your Majesty." I replied. "Your royal convoy will be assisted by our Royal Armies until you reached Ayatullah your Majesty." The king said. And we continue our journey.

I took a nap while on our way and woke up when we are about to enter the first town of Ayatullah. "The Crown Prince of the Respected and Powerful Kingdom of Baltimore!"

"Your Majesty we are now in the territory of Ayatullah, passing through their first town" my secretary said. I settle myself and open the window of my carriage. I saw people waving flowers too, some are waving their hands, smiling and shouting "God Bless His Majesty!" "Oh, I never thought how popular our Kingdom was." I whispered. After an hour from the first town, we then arrived at the Palace of Ayatullah. "The Great Crown Prince of the Respected and Powerful Kingdom of Baltimore! His Majesty James I!" Then the carriage stopped, the royal army opened my door and assisted me to come out. I saw The King and Queen of Ayatullah, together with their Four Sons standing in front of the Palace. I also recognized the princes and princesses of the different kingdoms who are also there. They are all smiling at me. "This way your Great Majesty!" a servant uttered while showing us the way to the palace entrance. "Its our honor to have the Great Crown Prince of Baltimore in our Kingdom." King Raffy IV said. "It's also my pleasure to be here your Majesties." I replied then bow a little as show of respect. I was shocked when all the royal families including all the people who are their bow their heads to. I saw prince Raphael wearing his official royalty attire and he was handsome smiling at me. "I hail the prince Raphael III for this occasion." I said and shake his hand. The Majesties looked amazed that I let Prince Raphael shake my hands too. Then we enter the Palace's Hall where the Banquet was prepared. I was assisted by the Crown Prince of Ayatullah, Prince Reux IV. "Your Majesty this is our simple Palace we called it the King's Palace." He said. "Yes I appreciate the architecture of this palace and the design is so great!" I replied. "This is were we all stay. There are rooms upstairs where we housed our visitors and the rooms towards the extension of the building which we called Chamber IV was the official room of our King and Queen, beside it was three other rooms for my three younger brothers and mine was on the Chamber I." He explained. "I appreciate the closeness of you as Royal Family. I have no sibling so I don't understand how it feels to have companions unlike you." I said with my big smile. We were talking and laughing when Prince Raphael came and seat beside me. "Are you enjoying the party your Majesty?" He asked. I looked at him and see the sparks from his eyes. I said, "yeah. Happy Birthday Your Majesty. Oh I have my gift to you. For a while please." I said and called the attention of my secretary to carry the gift towards us. "Here, I know you'd like it. And that would make our communication better and easier your Majesty." I said. He was about to open my gift when his brother Prince Reux IV was asked to dance with his Crown Princess. He opened my gift and said "Wow, Thanks for this gift your Majesty, this was expensive that our kingdom can't have enough to buy one. I am so happy." Then he hugged me. My Royal Guards came and about to pull him away from me when I signed them to go away. I dont know if its unintentional or not but I know I want to be hugged by him again. The other princes and princesses also stopped and look at us. They were shocked and amazed because I let this person to do those things to me, a known Royal Family of Baltimore. The Queen of Ayatullah came and said "Your Majesty please forgive Prince Raphael for his misbehaviour. I apologize your majesty." As she was trying to pull Raphael away from me. I replied, "It's okay your majesty. Prince Raphael was just overwhelmed." I replied.

After the banquet, I was asked by Prince Raphael to have a walk with him in their Garden. I asked my secretary and royal guards to stay a distance from us. While walking and looking at the different flowers in their garden, he whispered "I know you more than anyone among the Princes and Princesses here and I thank you for trusting me and of course for coming. I appreciate your presence because, I know you being here, makes me this happy." He said. I dont understand but I feel the emotions through his words. "Of course I can't missed your 21st Birthday, and that being your friend, I am happy for you too. May I just asked, What is that hug for?" I replied. "When you opened up your personality to me, I don't know what to feel and how would I react but definitely, because of that uncertain feelings. I've learned to value you more than a friend." He answered. "I don't understand you." I immediately replied while looking at him. "I asked you today in this garden, please let me say this and don't feel mad at me." He said with his whispering voice. "Yes, what is that?" I replied. "I love you. Do you love me too?" He answered. I was shocked, can't talk, I was just standing their feeling the cold breeze of the western winds, when my secretary came. "Your Majesty, sorry for the interruption but you have a call from the Queen Mother." I immediately get the phone and walk away from Prince Raphael. "Your Majesty sorry for not giving you a call. I am okay here and safe. Your suggested gift was really appreciated by Prince Raphael." Talking to the Queen Mother.

When I ended the call, Prince Raphael came and said, "Its getting cold here Your Majesty. I'll accompany you to your room." We went upstairs of their palace and I enter my room, he comes next and closed the door. "Oh where are my servants and secretary?" I asked. "They have their own rooms and stations your majesty, one of your royal army will guard your door the whole night don't worry" he replied.

"Prince Raphael, I know what you feel but I don't know how should I respond to that. Yeah you know the real me because I told you so. Can we just keep it secret please?" I asked. ���But you haven't given me any answer yet." He replied. "I'll give you a call when I arrived in my Kingdom. Please give me time to think about it. I want to rest." I answered. He left me in that room alone. I called my secretary to come in my room for I am not used to sleep alone without my secretary or a servant in a distance.

We travelled back to Baltimore the following day because I can't understand my emotions. I wanted to stay there and extend for another day but I decided to leave for me to think what Prince Raphael has told me.