The Garden of Baltimore

From Los Angeles Palace at the Isle of Los Angeles, one of the Five Protectorates of Baltimore, I was on my way by sea to Baltimore for my duties as the Crown Prince on board of the Royal Ship "Ma. Victoria Aseana". "What are my scheduled events in Baltimore?" I asked my secretary. "Your Majesty, you will be visiting the ZCS Corporation a government owned corporation mainly focused on telecommunication and media. To followed by your meeting with the prospected investors from the United Kingdom of Sour and Tieste your majesty. Those investors are planning to built a mall at the City of Sadso, kilometres away north of Westbledon your majesty." As he handed me profile folders of ZCS and the plan for mall construction.

I went into my own cabin while holding the said folders. I was reading the profile of ZCS Corporation when I remembered my effortless communication and conversations with my husband to be made possible by my first Birthday Gift to him, a phone which their kingdom can't afford to provide for him.

-After I arrived in Baltimore from the 21st Birthday of Prince Raphael, I can't still manage to settle myself and my emotions because I know I feel the same for him. I admired him because of his behaviour and of his being thoughtful through the messages he sent me in his letters. I told him that I'll message him regarding what he told me when I arrived in Baltimore but to be honest, I still can't believe and don't understand my feelings. I don't understand but it makes me happy and makes me smile every now and then.

At the Executive Palace, "The Crown Prince has arrived!"

"Oh how are you my grandson, how's the birthday party?" The queen mother asked with excitement. "It was a great party your majesty. I observed the difference of their kingdom to ours and I was able to prove how people respect us regardless of their kingdom. I enjoyed watching people dancing and waving flowers when we passed through the Kingdom of Oz and how the great people of the Kingdom of Ayatullah for doing the same. The King of Oz and the Royalties of Ayatullah has been very hospitable to us." I replied. "Oh, tell me more my dear. I wanted to know everything that happened in your travel. But before that I want you to know that your father and mother were enjoying their official travel to the Government of Akazia. I thought this will be great for them." The queen mother said while smiling.

I told the queen mother about what happened. "Your majesty, I observed how simple the Palace of Ayatullah compare to our palaces. They don't have Grand Palace and the Royal Families lived on the same palace which they called the King's Palace. Prince Raphael was actually the youngest in the family which means he was the least among the succession to the throne of Ayatullah?" I informed the queen mother. "Yes my dear grandson, it happened that they have four children definitely if he was the fourth or the youngest, then he has to be the last among the succession to the throne of Ayatullah. Unlike you. Since you don't have any sibling, then your role and security is very important to this kingdom. Your father has no siblings too so no one could take the throne aside from you." My grandmother answered. "What if let say I am not qualified to be the King your majesty?" I asked while thinking that me being Gay coculd not be the next king of my kingdom. The queen mother laugh and answered "You're so much qualified and no one would tell us that you are not qualified. We don't have council of advisers that gives their opinion on matters regarding successions, I very grateful that the United Kingdom of Aseana since the kingdoms were officially formed this country, they agreed not to create a council of advisors because we believed that it causes rivalries and conflicts among royalties of one kingdom." She replied.

After more than an hour of conversation I then decided to go to my palace. "Your Majesty, Prince Raphael of Ayatullah has called three times already but I told him that you are with the Queen Mother." My secretary said. "Okay, thanks. Just give me my phone and I will call him back later. I still have to rest. It was a very tiring travel." I replied. My secretary immediately gives my phone.

I was lying in my bed thinking about what he told me during his party. I am still surprised by Prince Raphael telling me he loved me. I can't believe that inside his masculine physique, a soft and loving heart dwells. I am not expecting that he feels the same for me. I know after the Annual Offering Week he was the only one among the visitors who kept in touch with me through his letters. He has been a close friend of mine since that event. I can open everything to him even my secret, that I am a gay. I entrusted him my secrets that could ruin me, my Royal Family and My Kingdom. I don't understand what I was thinking that time. I am worried that he might use it against me because his chance of being a King in their Kingdom is that least. I am also afraid that he might use it against me once I was a king to blackmail me and give up my Baltimore to Ayatullah.

I felt guilty for being immature by telling some secret to another Royalty who may be an enemy of me in the future. Since I can't sleep and I am so worried, I called my secretary. "I'll be going to the Secret Garden." I instructed him. "Yes your majesty." He answered with an unexplainable facial expression. I know that my secretary was worrying by the time I told him I will be going to the Secret Garden. This place was located behind the walls of Westbledon on the north, and it only has secret passage from the Golden Palace. Only I and my secretary know about the said garden. My secretary knows well that in times I am worried, depressed and emotionally unstable, and has something to decide on, I always go and visit the secret place.

I was holding a lamp as I walk through the secret passage going to the Secret Garden and Prince Raphael's "I Love you, Would you love me too?" keeps staying in my mind. When I opened the gate of the garden, I saw the shed at the center of the garden surrounded with multi color flowers. I went to the shed and saw my paper and pencil which I used to reply on letters Prince Raphael. I looked on the flowers and on the fishes on the fresh water flowing from the artificial water fall near me.

"I don't know what to do now. It's so hard and it's heart breaking to know that my decision and actions might be used against me and my kingdom in the near future. I know I am a gay but being prince, the Crown Prince at the same time makes it very difficult to accept. My kingdom, My country and our Allies respected my Kingdom and the Royal Family of Baltimore, telling I was a Gay would destroy the name of my kingdom and definitely would hurt not just my family but all our people's heart. Shall I set aside this feeling of mine? Or shall I tell the Queen Mother, The King and the Queen? I bowed my head to the table where the paper and pencil and because I am still tired from my travel, I fell asleep. I was sleep for 16 hours making my secretary and my servant worry. I went to the Secret Garden at 8 in the evening and it was already lunch time of the following day but I am still there.

"Your Majesty, you haven't eaten anything since this morning. You might get sick your majesty." My secretary said outside my room in the Golden Palace. I am still inside the Secret Garden when my phone ring and I saw it was Prince Raphael. I felt nervous. My heart beat faster and faster. I was staring at my phone while his number appears on the screen. After the first missed call, he dialled it again. "You are the Crown Prince of the most powerful Kingdom of the Country. Your seal is a dragon and that you're expected to be as brave as a dragon. Face this one!." Words of encouragement for myself. I then answered "The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Baltimore. How may I help his Majesty?" I asked. "Can we talk your majesty?" he replied. "Oh sure. sure." I said "I've already told you my feelings and if you end up our friendship because of this, I accept. I just wanted to be honest just like what you did." He explained. "But Raphael, can't you not understand? Yes I know what you feel and I understand because honestly, I also loved you even before you said you love me. But what's matter now is that you're a Prince and I am Prince too, A Crown Prince." I answered with a soft voice. I don't understand why I have tears my eyes when I am telling those words. "I can leave my position as prince for you. In the past eight months of long distance friendship I was touched by your messages, I know you put your heart and mind while writing every word of your letters for me and I do the same for you." He answered. "Give the position? That's how easy on your part, not on my part. I am a Crown Prince and no one could replace me if I give up. I also love my parents and my family so I don't want to disappoint them." I immediately replied. I don't know why my tears started to fall from my eyes when I said I love my family. "Okay, if that's your decision, who am I to say no. I understand your stand." He answered sadly. I unconsciously utter the line "But if you can wait until I open up my personality to my family and help me decide on this, I would say Yes. I could love you more than you love me." "Yeah sure, I am so much willing to wait for you, just for you. I don't understand this feeling but I really want you." He answered with a voice seemed to be encouraged. "Please Raphael keep this relationship secret because it may ruin everything that our family had worked and take good care of for centuries." I asked sincerely. "I would, for you and for me, for your family and my family." He replied.

I don't understand why those words and conversation from Prince Raphael relieved me from the burden I am into since I arrived in Baltimore. But I am still afraid and feeling uncertain towards my decisions.

I picked flowers from the garden before leaving the secret garden. "Your Majesty. Are you not feeling well? Is there anything that bothers his Majesty?" My secretary uttered, looking worried. "No I am okay." I replied while handling him the flowers I took from the Secret Garden. "I will ask for your meal, your majesty." He said. "Yes. Make it good for two." I answered. "ah Yes your Majesty." My secretary replied with doubt in his voice.

I took a bath as they prepare for my food. After, "Your Majesty, your meal is already prepared." My secretary said while standing near the dining table inside my room. "Take a seat and eat with me." I uttered while taking my seat on the other side of the table. "But your majesty, we are not allowed to eat together with any of the royal families. That is punishable with self imprisonment for 10 years for other members of the royal family aside from the King, Queen, Queen Mother and the Crown Prince which is for the rest of our lives your majesty." He immediately explained. "I am the Crown Prince and I am ordering you to eat with me." I reiterated. "But your Majesty, being the head of your staff and servant, I should set an example of being the perfect servant by following Palace Protocols your majesty." He again explained. I stand and walk towards my glass door. "Your Majesty, sorry for misbehaving and for answering your Majesty." My secretary was explaining while I am walking. My servants open my door. I walk few steps outside and "I want servants assigned in my bedroom to stay at this Palace' Hall!" immediately, my two servants outside my door left, together with the roving servants in the bedroom area. "Together with you and you!" talking to the Royal Armies in the Bed Room Area. I returned to my dinning table and about to eat. "Now take your seat and eat with me." I instructed while starting to eat. "But your majesty." He whispered but no choice but to take a seat and eat.

"Your name is Ronald?" I asked. "Yes your majesty, I've been your chaperon since you're born. I was assigned by Her Majesty, The Queen Mother." He replied. "And how long have you been serving in the Royal Family?" I again asked. "I've been working at the Royal Family for more than 35 years your majesty." My secretary answered. I know he was shocked with the way I treated him for the first time. After we eat, I asked him to order the servants to go back to their post.

I don't understand but after I talked to Prince Raphael, my perception towards being a Royal Blood change.

I was reading some books on Legal Bases of Legislation in the United Kingdom of Aseana when, "Her Majesty Queen Mother is Arriving."

"I immediately settled myself and stand, "Your Majesty." I greeted. She take a seat on my official seat and "I was told that you're locked in your room for almost a day after your travel in the Kingdom of Ayatullah and I've hear also that you removed your servants in their post for a while. My grandson, are you okay? What's bothering you?" The Queen mother said. "I was just thinking about the difference of kingdoms your majesty. I felt mad that despite the luxuries that we are experiencing in this Kingdom, other Kingdoms of the country finds it hard to have what we have." I said as an excused. "Oh, I know you because you're my grandchild. You won't lock yourself just for that, by the way I was told that Prince Raphael III of Ayatullah shaked your hands and even hugged you in front of other Royalties?" She said. "Yes your majesty, Prince Raphael has been my good friend since the Annual Offering Week." I explained. "If I am allowed to speak your majesty." My secretary bath in. "Yes, you have to." The Queen Mother said. I observed that she's not angry or disappointed. I know that she was just curious why I let someone do those things to me which can be considered as unacceptable to the Royal Family of Baltimore and deserved certain punishment. "The Prince shake his majesty's hand as means of appreciation for attending his birthday your majesty. Shaking hands in the Kingdom of Ayatullah has been a new tradition since their Crown Prince chose to marry a Commoner your majesty. He was hugged by Prince Raphael because he was amazed and very grateful with the gift of His Majesty which Your Highness has suggested. The Queen of Ayatullah and the whole Royal Family of the said Kingdom asked for an apology right after your majesty." He explained. "Are you not hurt my dear grandson? Is everything okay on your end?" The Queen Mother uttered. "I'll be sending additional servants and royal guards for the future travels of the Crown Prince to avoid such. Don't mention this to the King and Queen anymore." The Queen Mother instructed. "I am very fine your Majesty. I immediately forgive him because he is my friend your majesty." I answered. "His majesty also exchanged letters with Prince Raphael in the past few months your highness." My secretary added. "Oh really? Well it's nice that you're trying to build your linkages with other kingdom through friendships. I adore your being thoughtful my dear Grandson." The queen mother added.

With the look of my Grandmother, I know that she's wondering why I am doing such exchange letters with Prince Raphael since those acts are not doing of a Royal Blood in Baltimore. She left after checking me.

Without my knowledge the Queen Mother ordered my secretary to report to her when I am sleeping. My secretary has told the Queen Mother regarding my stay at the Secret Garden for almost a day after my travel from Ayatullah. Since the Executive Palace has a secret access to the Secret Garden.

I am not aware that the Queen Mother was also aware of the said Secret Garden and she has an access to it. The letters of Prince Raphael was there and all drafts of my reply letters were also there.

The Queen Mother visited the garden brought by her curiosity on what is happening to me and what is bothering me. She read everything and I know after that, she knew the real me. And she already knew about my relationship with Prince Raphael that started mutually about few hours ago because I take note our conversation on phone, writing the date and time of conversation.