The Royal Escape

When we are about to reach the port of Baltimore my phone rung. "Yes Your Majesty?" I answered. "Can you just call me Hon? I am no Prince for you, I am your husband to be." He asked with sweetness in his voice. "Oh, Sorry my dear, I am seating beside My Secretary." I answered whispering. "Have you reached Baltimore? Please be safe for me okay? And be nice with the ZCS Corporation and the prospected investors okay? I love you, I am in my room now preparing for the cultural show later." He said. "Aha, wear your ring, I mean our ring. Hmmp. At least incase you forget that your getting married, they may observed." I answered with a smile. "Oh, Hon, I am yours, solely yours." He replied. "Okay Hon, I love you. Call me after the event their okay? I am on my way to the Royal Carriage waiting. I miss you. Bye." I answered.

When I am on my way to the ZCS Corporation, I again witness how our people respected the Royal Family by waving flowers every time they saw a Royal Carriage passing by. I smiled because I remember when I went out of Westbledon without the knowledge of my servants and any of the Royal Family.

-"Your Majesty, I was told that the Queen Mother was not feeling well since last night." My secretary informed me. "Okay, I will be visiting the Queen Mother." I said.

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother directed us to inform everyone that she's not entertaining any visitor today." Her secretary told me. "Even members of the Royal Family?" my secretary asked. "Yes your majesty." She answered. I returned to my Palace with a big why in my mind. I don't understand what's happening. She has change since he came to my Palace last few months ago to check me after travelling from Ayatullah. I am so worried especially that my mother and father are still in their official travel to the United Kingdom of the Eastern Lands and the Principality of Asturiaz and will be coming home 7 days from now.

When I reached my office and my palace, "I wanted to know all the happenings at the Executive Palace, I want to know whether the Queen Mother eats her meals and if her conditions get better. I have to take care of the transactions of the country especially major appointments." I directed my secretary. "Your Majesty, I was told that the Queen Mother have signed some documents in her palace a few minutes ago. I was also told that her palace was still working at this juncture. They are receiving communications and the ministries are still reporting in her palace." My secretary answered. Those words make me wonder and be bothered. "I don't understand what's happening in Westbledon." I uttered while holding my forehead following a deep breath.

While looking at my table, I saw my phone then suddenly it rings. It was Prince Raphael, "Yes?" I asked "Hi, I would just like to say good morning and have a wonderful day ahead my love." He replied. I was with mixed emotions that time. I don't understand that despite of the happenings in the palace I still manage to smile because of his words. "Thanks my love, you too." I replied to him. "What are you doing now my love?" he followed up. When suddenly, the Queen Mother' situation came to my mind. "Oh, I've just visited the Queen Mother who was not feeling well today." We continued the conversation for about an hour.

I went to my office and continue studying military tactics. I decided to have some archery training because I told myself, I should master archery being a royal family. The field was located between the Executive Palace and the Golden Palace. I was striking my target when I saw the Queen Mother standing at her terrace. I just smiled and do my best to show her how expert I am now with archery thinking and hoping that it would relax her. I hit my targets in all my shoots. When I saw that she's no longer observing my training, I went into my palace, and while taking a rest , "Your Majesty, The Queen Mother asked your presence in the Grand Palace." A servant of her came and told us. "His Majesty will be there in few minutes, he would just settle himself" my secretary answered. I took a shower and immediately wear my traditional Crown Prince attire.

I enter the Grand Palace and the Queen Mother wearing her Official Royalty attire seating at the Grand Palace Throne which signify her power and her dignity. "Your Majesty, I was told that you are not feeling well this morning." I said while bowing my head to show my respect. "I am now feeling better my dear Crown Prince." She replied while asking me to move nearer to the throne. I don't understand why I was nervous that time. Maybe because, I again saw my grandmother wearing her Official Royal Attire which she only used during special gatherings since my grandfather, The Great King passed away. When I am about three steps away from her, "I order all of you to leave us!"she commanded. All servants including our secretaries leave us in the Grand Palace' Official Royal Hall.

I was shivering that time because I don't know what's happening and I don't understand my grandmother's actions. I was feeling deaf with the silence of the walls and smooth air circulating in the hall. "I've been thinking about this the whole night, as the Crown Prince and soon to be the next King of the Kingdom of Baltimore which was taken care by our family for the past hundreds of years, I am officially ordering you to get marry before the next spring." She said. I was shocked with her decision. "But your Majesty. The next spring will be few months from now and I wasn't able to find the right one for me up to now." I replied. I don't understand my feelings and my thoughts upon hearing her decision. She stands from her throne and walk towards me "It's your responsibility to take care of this Kingdom my dear grandson, no one will take good care of this aside from you, you must continue the legacy which our great ancestors had built and protected with their lives. The future of all the sacrifices that we had is in your hands." She said with shivering voice and teary eyes while holding my hands. "I will discuss this with the king and queen when they get back as I already have instructions tot he ministry of rituals, registry and marriage." I don't know what happened but those words made me cry. The Queen Mother hugged me tightly. After that intense moment, she ordered me to proceed to my palace and take a rest because she knew that I am tired practicing my archery.

Upon entering my palace, I remove the traditional royal coat and took a seat at my throne at the Golden Palace. It was a big surprise that the queen mother had thought of me getting married and why would it be before the next spring. "Your Majesty, is there anything that I could do for you?" my secretary asked. "Yes. Go at the Grand Libreotico and get a copy of the book stating rules in getting married for Royal Families of Baltimore." I directed. When my secretary left, I don't know what to do.

I walked towards my room and immediately get my phone. I called Prince Raphael and tell him what happened. "My love, I don't know what to do now." I said. "My love, don't you think the queen mother is trying to destroy our relationship by letting you marry?" he asked. I answered I don't know. "I want you to know that whatever happens I am just here for you my love and I won't leave you." He added. After talking to Prince Raphael I decided to go at the Secret Garden. While walking I don't understand why my heart beats faster. I am about to open my secret access to the Secret Garden when I heard a woman's cough. It enlarged my eyes so I secretly took a glance and felt freeze when I saw the Queen Mother alone, reading my letters from Prince Raphael. Because of my unconsciousness, I accidentally pushed the door and the Queen Mother saw me. I immediately stand and return to my room running, I've heard the queen mother calling my name but I did not look back. Upon arriving in my room, I change my clothes and tried my best to escape on my royal servants and my secretary who was waiting at the Golden Palace Hall holding some papers from the Grand Libreotico. I managed to escape from my palace and took my best not to be recognized by any royal guard and also able to escape Westbledon.

I disguised like a businessman wearing clothes which I use during meetings with business men of the Kingdom and the Country. I walk as if I know where I am. I saw children dancing and playing, some are running and one boy maybe 4 years of age hit me. "Sorry sir." He apologized while looking at me. I just smiled. I continue walking at the road when I observed that the other people are already looking at me maybe because I wear clothes that are not suitable in their place. I walked faster and faster until I reached a clothes store, I went inside and change with the commoners' clothes. I was so lucky that one of my secretary's planners that I took has a thousand penny. I felt nervous but so happy to meet the people outside our palace. I just continue walking when I saw a candy house where children fall in line just to get one from the one distributing it. I went near them and asked why they are giving those for free. "Because the respected Royal Families of Baltimore were able to manage the economy well giving free services to the people such as food like this." The man replied. "Then how could you earn for your family, your children and for your future?" I asked as if I am not from Baltimore. "People of Baltimore received food supply from the Royal Family every month and our children could go to school for free. According to the ministry of public information, when the Crown Prince's 14th Birthday Celebration, he asked the Great King to provide free education and education supply to the children of the Kingdom and its Protectorates." He replied. "Oh yeah great." I replied as if I was amazed while remembering that scenario. It was during the time when I am studying early Philosophy and Economics. I am about to leave when "Here, take some of those candies. As you eat them, you would feel the love of our Royal Family." The man said while handling a pack of candies. "Thanks." I replied. I continue walking when I observed that it was the end of the compound. I saw a place where people wait for a ride going to the nearby places. I stood beside a woman with her child when the transport arrived. It was my first time to see certain ride. It was like a big box with doors and windows. I went inside it and felt ignorant. I just smiled and thinking how that box moved. When it stopped, I went out and saw the city of Criutica. Before I leave the place, I've read "Electric Planetrain Station 12" written on the wall of the building. While walking towards the city of Criutica, I saw Westbledon and the three royal palaces and the Grand Palace. That was the time that I saw my flag waved at the Grand Palace which signifies that I am in charge of the Kingdom at that moment because the King and Queen are on Official travel. I suddenly felt sad because I run away from my duties, and feeling depressed when I remembered the reason why I escape from that place. My tears were about to fall when "Excuse me sir." An old man uttered while pulling a cart full of vegetables. I move to give him way. I have read from books that the City of Criutica was a city known for producing preserved vegetables which was known in the international market. I walked around the city and saw modern ways of preserving vegetables like mushrooms in a can, etc. I don't know why it came to my mind "How can they manage to be happy with this kind of work?" I ask a man eating while seating outside one of the stalls. "Why are you so happy with this work?" I asked. "Oh, good afternoon sir, we are happy working because we are inspired by the Royal Family of our Kingdom.?" He answered. "How much did you get in return of working this hard?" I again ask. "How much?" he said and laugh. "The Royal Family provided free electricity at every houses and buildings; they also give housing projects for every couple who gets marry in this kingdom; free transportation all throughout the kingdom; they support our children in studying overseas for the kingdom; they provided food supplies for everyone and the best was they give us allowances in cases of emergency." He added. I was so impressed by how my father and my ancestors built this kingdom. I then continue walking when I saw a child crying in a corner, I walked towards him and ask, "Why are you crying?" Then women from a distance come towards us and say "Sorry for my negligence sir, he is my son." The woman apologized. The child hugged the woman. I just smiled and walk away and went at the Planetrain Station. I stood there for a while when the said ride arrives. I took a seat and I saw Westbledon again. Maybe because I was that tired, I fell sleep and when I woke up, it was already dark outside and I saw that we are approaching Planetrain Station 7. I suddenly felt worried because I don't know now the way back to Westbledon, I don't understand my feelings when I can't see Westbledon around. I walk towards the market and ask a woman. "How far was I from Westbledon?" "Oh our dear Westbledon? The official residence of our beloved Royal Family? It will be four hours from here my son." She replied. "Why are you asking?" she added. "Oh nothing because my home was at the city outside Westbledon." I answered remembering I am in disguised. "You can't make it to your city then, you may spend a night in our City Hostel." The woman told me while showing the way.

When I arrived at the said City Hostel "Good evening sir! Welcome to the City Hostel of the City of Elbryo. Can I have your name sir?" The lady on the front desk asked. "I am Ronald Olds." I answered using the first name of my secretary and the last syllable of my Royal Family name. "Your home city sir Olds?" she again asked. "Oh the one near Westbledon, Criutica, yeah Criutica." I answered. "Okay sir. Here is your key you may proceed to you room sir, it was in the second floor, room numbered 211. Your dinner will follow in a minute sir but before that please sign here and here." The lady said while pointing on the paper. "Ah okay I said." I then signed the paper. I don't understand why the lady enlarged her eyes while looking at my hands singing the papers. I immediately get the key and proceed to the room she mentioned. I locked the door and take a seat on the bed, it was about one sixth smaller than mine in my palace, and it's soft but not like what i have in my room. After few minutes I don't know how to take a bath in a small comfort room. While removing my clothes, I saw my Royal Ring on my right middle finger and my Official Emblem Ring in my left middle finger. I've concluded why the lady enlarged her eyes when I signed the papers. I started feeling bothered and nervous when I've heard someone knocking in my door. "Your dinner is ready sir." So I let the server placed my meal on the small table inside my room. I just have a little bite on the turkey which they served since I am not hungry. I took a glanced on the wall and saw it was already 11 in the evening.

In Westbledon, the Queen Mother was so worried together with all the servants. "Your Majesty, his majesty ordered me to get the books on the rules of royal marriages at the Grand Bibleotico after we return from the Grand Palace. That was the last time I saw his majesty. Forgive me your majesty." My secretary was explaining and apologizing to the Queen Mother. "Have you already searched the King's Palace he might go there." The Queen Mother asked. "Yes your majesty. But the His Majesty The Crown Prince is not their your Majesty." Her secretary answered.

"You ordered all the Royal Armies at the Golden Palace to gather at the Golden Palace's Hall" The queen mother directed my secretary.

"My grandson where are you, I am so sorry for all the words I've uttered." The Queen uttered while crying in front her secretary.

There was a siren in the Westbledon as an alarm to tighten security. My secretary saw my phone in my room where he observed 27 missed calls of Prince Raphael. He immediately took the phone and handed it to the Queen Mother. The mother queen dialed the number and "Yes? How was..." Prince Raphael answered when the Queen Mother bath in "This is Queen Mother Cecilia of Baltimore." "Your Majesty sorry for my misbehavior." Prince Raphael said. "You leave me alone here!" my grandmother directed her servants and the secretaries. "I am calling the Prince Raphael of Ayutallah to please return our Crown Prince here. I am begging you being the Queen Mother. I am giving my blessing to you and your relationship, but please return my dear grandson here." My grandmother uttered while crying. "But your majesty, His Majesty James is not here. Why? what happened to him your majesty? Please tell me. What happened to the love of my life your majesty?" he asked with a tensed voice. And the Queen Mother explained what happened to Prince Raphael. "Your Majesty, I am begging you to please send an invitation for me, I wanted to help in searching for my love." Prince Raphael said. "No, here listen. Prince Raphael listen keep this as secret, no one outside Westbledon should know that he is missing aside from you. Okay? Promise me Prince Raphael." My grandmother said. "But please your majesty, I am one of the reasons why he run away, please send an invitation for me to go to Baltimore. Please your Majesty." he reiterated with shivering voice.

The queen mother called the Ministry of Communication and directed to invite Prince Raphael of Ayatullah for a friendship visit in Baltimore from the Crown Prince. In the morning, Prince Raphael arrived in Westbledon and meet the Queen Mother waiting at the Grand Palace. "Your Majesty." He greeted bowing her head. "Welcome Back to the Kingdom of Baltimore Prince Raphael. Our Crown Prince was waiting for you in his Palace, May I accompany you." The Queen mother said. My secretary entertained the servants and the secretary of Prince Raphael.

"I already know your relationship and I promised to give blessing to that just find him." The Queen Mother said. "Yes your majesty. I know he is not in Westbledon. My love might do what I was doing when I am depressed." Prince Raphael answered. "What is that Prince Raphael?" she immediately replied. "He might travel outside Westbledon and disguised as an ordinary people in the kingdom." He answered. 'Oh my Crown Prince he can't do that. He has been missing the whole night, I can't imagine if he can manage. Oh my grandson." The queen uttered and cried. "Your Majesty, may I asked your permission for me to tell my secretary and my general regarding this please? My secretary knew my relationship with His Majesty and my general helped me a lot in travelling as commoner. Please your majesty." Prince Raphael asked. "I trust in you Prince Raphael." The Queen Mother answered then hugged Prince Raphael.

Then the three disguised as commoner outside the palace. They immediately proceed to City Hostels after knowing that Baltimore provides free services and catering overnight stays for those who misses Planetrains.

It was noon time when I decided to leave the Hostel of the City of Elbryo and went to the Planetrain station. While waiting for the next Planetrain, two men stand beside me and "Don't move and don't talk." I don't know what to do but I have no choice. I followed their order, They guided me and I walk. I observed that they are accompanying me towards the Hostel which I just came from. I am so nervous that moment, first time in my life that I am that nervous that I am even speechless. I was thinking that moment, its maybe because of my rings which the lady saw last night. "Oh Mr. Olds, have you forgotten something sir?" The lady asked when she saw me. Well then my conclusion was not right. "Ah, no Mr. Olds was with us in room 216." One of the men told the lady. "Okay sir, its Mr. Robbins room sir? Please sign here and here. Just wait for your lunch their sir. Thanks."The lady again answered. We proceed at the said room, 216. "Please go inside", the two men said calmly while opening the door. I am so nervous, shivering that even my knees are shaking. I started to move inside when I saw a man wearing a cowboy hat, wearing commoner attire, standing near the window and looking outside. When he heard the door closing, he removed his hat and looked at me. I cried running towards him. "I am so sorry." I said. I saw my future husband standing and looking at me with worried facial expression. "Don't do it again on your own okay? Let me see your hands. Are you okay? I can't live without you." He uttered while crying too. I hugged him as if I don't want to leave away from him. He kissed me in my forehead after looking my hands. He took a bottle from his bag I saw it was a Golden Palace royal bottle. I drink and when I am settled I asked him.

"Why are you holding a stuff from my Palace my love?" while we are lying in that small bed together. "My love you left your phone in your Palace and the Queen Mother called me last night informing me about what happened. I requested for an invitation for me to be able to travel early this morning and she sent one. You know what, I love you and I can't take it, if something bad happened to you. You are my life since I've turned 21." He uttered while tightening his embrace. At that moment I still can't understand what's happening. After eating some commoner food we traveled back to Westbledon.

"You know my love, I was able to know my kingdom better just walking around yesterday." I said. "Of course my love, that is a way of going to your people and observing what they really need." Prince Raphael answered. When we reach Westbledon, we stand outside the main gate but no one is opening the gate. I asked them to open the gate but they did not follow.

"Your Majesty, there are commoners who are waiting in front of the Grand Gate and are requesting to see her Majesty." The queen mother secretary uttered. "Let them in. Not in the Grand Palace nor the Golden Palace." The mother queen answered. I wear a hat too so the servant did not recognized me. Upon arrival at the Executive Palace Hall the Queen Mother ordered all servants to leave while Prince Raphael Ordered his secretary and general to change their clothes on their quarter provided by the Queen Mother at the Executive Palace. I immediately kneel and bow my head, start crying while asking forgiveness from her Majesty Queen Mother. "Oh my grandson. I love you so much my dear and I apologize for my actions after knowing who the real you." She came towards me and hugged me. Then she accompanied us towards a certain passage, I am still speechless about what happened. I observed that the said passage from the Executive Palace was going to my Secret Garden, Prince Raphael was too impressed and amazed. "My dear Grandson, I would leave you two here. Prince Raphael I am living you in charge of my grandson. I know this place would console my dear grandchild, I know you're both tired." The Queen Mother said.

When the Queen mother left, Prince Raphael stand and "My love I never thought that there was a paradise at the heart of Westbledon." While walking towards me and hug me. "My love these are just few of the secrets you may know as the time comes." I answered. "Come" I said while holding his hand and walking towards the wall. I press a button and the door opened. We walk towards the passage and he was amazed when we reach my room at the Golden Palace. I change my attire to my traditional royal attire and went out my room. "Your Majesty, where have you been, we are so worried about you your majesty." My secretary uttered while all the other servants kneel and the royal guards salute at me. "Forget about it, I am already here I am fine. Ask the secretary of Prince Raphael of Ayatullah to be here." I asked. After few minutes, "Here are the personal stuffs of His Majesty Prince Raphael your majesty." Then Raphael came out and said "you may leave now." "I'll be going to the Executive Palace." I said. "Yes your majesty." My secretary answered. When we are walking towards the Executive Palace I observed that I have 8 servants and 4 royal guards with me. "Why is there so many servants and guards?" I asked. "your majesty it was the request of the queen mother" my secretary answered.

"The Crown Prince has arrived!" I immediately proceed to the Royal dining room of the Executive Palace where my grandmother and Prince Raphael are waiting. "Leave us." The queen mother ordered her servants.