The War for LOVE "Gardenia"

Right after my meeting with the ZCS Corporation, I took some minutes of break before attending with some prospected investors from the United Kingdom of Sours and Tieste. I know it would be very challenging to decide and be convinced about the business proposals of the two kingdoms for Baltimore knowing that they are supporters of our former enemy, The United Kingdom of Anglutica, who tried to seize our two protectorates overseas, The Royal Isle of Los Angeles and The Royal Isle of Reuka Santisima. "Your majesty, Prince Raphael's secretary has informed me that his majesty decided to return to Baltimore tonight from his official state visit to the United Kingdom of Moors." My secretary informed me. "Had they set off from the Palace of Moors?" I asked. "Yes your majesty and they are expected to be here after 18 hours." He answered before leaving me. I don't understand what I feel upon receiving the news. I don't know why I feel nervous about my husband to be travelling at night when my secretary came in, "Your majesty, our visitors are already waiting at the Golden Palace' Receiving Room."

While on my way to the meeting, my heart keeps on beating faster than usual. "The Crown Prince of Baltimore, Prince James Reynolds!"

"Your majesty!" they greeted while bowing their heads. "Yes you may take your seats. I have to go straight with you dear visitors, The City of Sadso which was a target location of your proposed business is I guess inappropriate because we consider that City as our Holy Place. It's where our Ancestral Murals and Antiquities are placed and kept. It's also the house city of our religious heads who worked for rituals and traditional events. Our Sorcerers resides on that place so I concluded that a commercial building is not suitable to be erected in the beautiful landscape of Sadso" I informed them. "We understand your majesty but can't we not have a replacement location for the commercial infrastructure project your majesty?" one of the investors asked. "I honestly don't know for now. In signing an agreement for a commercial infrastructure we have to consider the places and tradition of the community where that infrastructure is supposed to be built specially in our kingdom, Baltimore, where we have multicultural communities varying from city to another city." I explained. "Thanks for the information your majesty." They answered. I don't know why I immediately ended that conversation and decided to visit the Queen Mother.

"Your Majesty." I uttered while approaching my grandmother who was reading a financial report of the Kingdom. "Oh my dear grandchild, your majesty I agree with the final draft of your wedding invitation. Absolutely great people are listed in there and amazing design." She informed me. "Are you not feeling well my dear? As if you are bothered?" she added. "Your majesty, his majesty was worried since he got the news that Prince Raphael decided to travel back to Baltimore tonight from The United Kingdom of Moors." My secretary answered. I saw how my grandmother's face changed as if she was also wondering why. After hearing that news, The Queen Mother decided to accompany me to the King's Palace to inform my father and mother.

"Your majesties!" my parents greeted upon our arrival. "Call the ministry of Communications now." The queen mother directed her secretary. "Why your majesty is there anything to be discussed?" The king asked. "Your Future Son-In-Law, Prince Raphael is at the middle of the darkest forest on his way back to Baltimore at this time in the evening." The queen mother answered. "Have you already called King Raffy IV of Ayatullah?" my father asked. "Not yet your majesty. I am afraid this news could bother them and their kingdom knowing that Prince Raphael has no other way but to passed through the dark forest which was a territory of a non allied country." I answered. "Have you called him?" my mother asked. "I already called his majesty's secretary and she told me that the royal convoy was accompanied with 12 Royal Armies of the United Kingdom of Moors and they are now near the boundary of Brizalia, Delivria and Acrosticia." My secretary answered. We are at the middle of the discussion when the Minister of communication arrived. "Your majesties!" he uttered. "I want you to monitor the royal convoy of Prince Raphael the whole night. He is on his way back to Baltimore now." My father ordered. "Yes your majesty!" the minister replied. That's how we acted upon receiving the said news because the three Kingdoms of Brizalia, Delivria and Acrostica comprises the United Kingdom of Anglutica, a known enemy of Baltimore with respect to territory. I went back to my palace and call Prince Raphael. "Hon, I know you have enough valid reason for travelling at night but I want you to know that I am so worried about you travelling this time. Hon you're already considered as a royal family of Baltimore because we are engaged for more than 2 years now." I told him with a worried tone. "Hon, I will be fine. I just wanted to see you tomorrow and be with you for my surprise Lunch Date that's why I decided to immediately travel. Hon advance happy 28th Monthsary of Engagement. I'll be safe hon, don't worry. We were accompanied by royal armies of Moors too. I love you hon." He replied. I am about to answered him back when I heard three whistles on the other line which signals an emergency. "Hon?. Hon! Are you okay? What's happening?" I asked with a tensed voice. " his majesty!..." those were the lines I've heard from his phone. I unintentionally pushed the emergency button in my room where the emergency sirens rung all throughout Westbledon. I saw from my glass door all my servants running towards my room and my secretary standing in front of the door as he uttered, "Your majesty? Is his majesty okay?" he asked worriedly. I don't know why tears fall from my eyes. Maybe because I am so much worried about my husband to be. I run towards the secret garden tried to access his location via the last call that we had. It was unfortunate that I can't so I decided to return to my room. I immediately went out and run towards the Grand Palace where my family are waiting. It was the first time I went in front of other members of the royal family, servants and ministers wearing my evening robe. "Your majesty, We can't contact his majesty's secretary." The minister of communication uttered. "And I can't contact Prince Raphael's phone." I bat in. "Oh my child.." My mother uttered with her sympathy. The queen mother immediately came towards me and hugged me. "Everything will be fine my dear. Be strong for your Husband to be. Come with me, you have to change your clothes." My mother uttered. I don't know but I can't cry nor think any other thing aside from my Husband to be who was allegedly in a security crisis while on his way back to Baltimore. "Have you informed the nearest kingdoms for possible aide?" my father asked. "Not yet your majesty, We are still waiting for your order your majesty." The minister answered. "Call the Kingdom of Ayatullah and inform them that I will be talking to King Raffy." He directed. "Yes your majesty. I want you to know your majesty that we already sent four battalions of royal army towards the way to the United Kingdom of Moors and waiting for updates." He added.

It was already past midnight and we still can't reach Prince Raphael. The queen went to the executive palace and accompanies the queen mother who needs a rest. I was left alone in the Grand Palace with my servants and secretary. "Your majesty, you need to rest, we know that your majesty was very worried but your health matters more than anything your majesty." My secretary told me. "Leave me alone." I uttered with a very soft voice. "But your majesty, we can't leave you at this juncture." My secretary answered.

I fall asleep at the Grand Palace while seating in my royal seat. I woke up when my secretary told me that the ministers of the Kingdom of Ayatullah and some of its royalties are now entering the Grand Gate of Westbledon. I immediately went to my palace to change for my official crown Prince attire. I don't understand why I suddenly passed out when I am about to go back to the Grand Palace. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" My secretary cried as he run towards me. "Call his majesty's physician!" my secretary directed. My secretary ordered a servant to inform the Queen Mother, The King and the Queen regarding what happened. They all came in my Palace together with Prince Raphael's 2 eldest brothers, Prince Rocky and Prince Rolly together with their King and Queen. "Oh my dear prince. Doctor, is he okay?" My mother asked while crying. "What's wrong with his health?" My grandmother also asked while holding my hand. "His majesty was just upset and going through over fatigue your majesties. I hope he will be awake in few hours. What I am afraid of is about his heartbeat your majesties. His heart beats unusual." The Physician answered. My grandmother held my hand and kissed them while crying. "My only grandchild..." My mother was hugged by my father. My secretary was outside crying too and trying his best to contact the secretary of Prince Raphael. The queen of Ayatullah also cried.

After few hours, the ministers received information. "Your majesties, our royal armies had found the royal carriage of Prince Raphael abandoned in the middle of the forest, at the territory of Brizalia. They also informed us that they saw two of our armies died and six from the moors were also killed. They are still searching the nearby places your majesty and studying possibilities of the cause of the security crisis." The Queen of Ayatullah cried upon hearing the news. "Our armies told us that there are no sign if his majesty was wounded or not."

My father and my future Father-In-Law had a closed door meeting with the Queen Mother and the ministers of securities and international affairs from both kingdoms. It was already the 18th hour since Prince Raphael left Moors. He was expected to arrive in Baltimore now. I was still unconscious that time giving more tension to the palaces and the kingdom. They agreed that if there were no updates regarding Prince Raphael's location in 24 hours, they will be declaring it as an ambush from the enemies of the Kingdom.

While waiting for some other updates, my mother and my future mother-in-law were with me in my Palace particularly in my room. My mother was seating beside me holding my hand and staring at it while my future Mother-In-Law was on the other side of my bed. "Your majesty, if anything wrong happened to my only child, I don't know what would happen to me, my family and our kingdom. See, he was wearing their engagement ring, its adorable and so sweet." My mother uttered with a very soft voice. "Yes your majesty, he was also wearing the royal seal of our kingdom showing how much he loved my son. Your majesty, everything will be fine. I am also worried about my son but all we can do as of now is to hope and pray about their safety. I believed that my son can overcome all this things, he's strong as the Kingdom of Baltimore." She answered with hope in her voice. She was pertaining to the official engagement royal necklace which was given to me by Prince Raphael. It contains a pendant that shows the Royal Seal of the Kingdom of Ayatullah.

Another night passed but no signs and news regarding the location of Prince Raphael while I am still lying on my bed on a deep sleep. The two kings declared state of emergencies in their respected kingdoms ordering the royal armies to be on full alert which was followed by the other kingdoms of the United Kingdom of Aseana. Our armies can't search the three unallied kingdoms because those were beyond the jurisdiction of the Royal Armies of Aseana. The Grand Palace received messages of sympathy from allied countries.

"Your majesty, upon examining the bodies of the armies killed, we saw these stuffs showing that Barbarians from Brizalia did the killing and possibly abducted our Prince Raphael." The minister for security, war and defense explained while showing an arrow with the emblem of Barbarians in Brizalia. "I'll be waiting for another update, if it also shows that Brizalian armies had something to do with this, I will declare war with the United Kingdom of Anglutica immediately!" my father ordered. Our Royal armies are already prepared for war few hours upon his order. Hundreds of thousands from our armies and hundreds of thousands from our concerned civilians are ready for war waiting for my father's order. The other kingdoms of the country are only waiting for signals to sent all their royal armies to support ours. "Your majesty, we were told that thousands of the royal armies of the United Kingdom of Anglutica are full armed and standing near the boundary from the United Kingdom of Aseana in the south." The minister for security, defense and war of the Kingdom of Ayatullah reported.

"As the King of the Baltimore, I declare war with Anglutica!" My father ordered. "I also declare war with Anglutica in support to the Kingdom of Baltimore!" King Raffy also declared. "Inform our allied countries and the kingdoms of Aseana regarding this." My father ordered the ministers of communication.

On the other side, the Queen Mother ordered the Sorcerers to come to the palace for the offering prior to the set off for War. This was new to the Ayatullans because they don't have Sorcerer or rituals for thanks giving and offering prior to such war. The kings stood in front of the armies ready for War. They offered two healthy sheep.

I was still unconscious and the Royal Physician was so worried because I was supposed to be awake at that time and day. "Your majesty, I am worried because his majesty's body was not responding with the medicines that we are giving. This might worsen his pulse and affects his health condition." The physician told my mother. "What should we do? What do we need to do? You have to do everything you know for him and for our kingdom. You have to save my son, his husband to be was missing at the moment. They were the future of Baltimore, do your best." My mother cried hysterically. "Oh your majesty." Queen Roanne of Ayatullah also cried with sympathy in her voice.

"The Queen Mother is arriving!"

"Our two kings are about to set off for the War and our generals will be accompanying them. Your presence as queens is needed. You have to spare time for them." She ordered. "Yes. Your majesty." The two queens answered.

While on their way to the boundary, my father received a message from the Royal Isle of Los Angeles. "Your majesty, few armies from Brizalia are sailing towards the Royal Isle of Los Angeles. But our Royal Armies stationed here are at full alert." The minister for war informed my father. "I'll take charge of that your majesty." King Raffy uttered and immediately ordered his minister for War to send thousands of Armies to protect the Royal Island. He also informed the nearest kingdom of Oz regarding the matter. The Kingdom of Oz immediately sent his reserved armies to the Royal Island.

The Royal Isle of Los Angeles was a protectorate of Baltimore but open to all the Royal Families of the United Kingdom of Aseana. The place was a nice venue for royal family summer vacation because of its white beaches and a wide range of golf area. Our scholars have discovered that the island has the largest gold deposits in the history of man but we decided not to exhaust such minerals.

"Your majesty, I have with me the medicine which was used by the King Valliente I of the Kingdom of Ayatullah when he suffered the same case. I hope this works with our Crown Prince." The physician explained. "But your majesty our crown prince has a severe allergy with sea foods and sea products. I am afraid the golden corals from the southern sea would escalate his allergy." My secretary informed the queen. "Can you not find any other way aside from that?" My mother asked. "We still have one your majesty but the said medicine can only be extracted from the Gardenian Roots which only grow every 60 years in the Alps of Moors." The doctor explained. "But who will get one? No one knows what Gardenia looks like." The queen uttered hopelessly. " I am also afraid the Alps of Moors was a forest and possibly some barbarians hid." The queen added. "Your majesty, as the personal secretary of the Crown Prince, please permits me to go and secure his medicine. His Majesty has been good to me and my clan and if this would be the only way for him to be saved, I am so much willing to go your majesty." "But do you know how Gardenia plant looks like?" My mother asked. "Yes your majesty, before entering the royal household, my parents were working in the Royal Botanical Garden and that they always explained to me floras and faunas. Those rare but medicinal plants were also explained to us during our training as royal secretaries your majesty." He explained. "Because of that, I am sending you with securities from the royal household of the Golden Palace." The queen ordered. "No your majesty, I prefer to just have two companions for security purposes if your majesty agreed." He asked. And my secretary then traveled.

The millions of armies from Aseana headed by the two kings were at the boundary of Anglutica. While on the other side, hundreds of the Kingdom of Anglutica were also camping to secure their territory. My father sent an emissary to the King of Anglutica. "Your majesty, I was sent by our Great King to hand you this message."

"As the king of Baltimore, I am requesting your majesty to turn over my Son-In-Law which you have abducted few days ago. This act of yours is considered a declaration of war breaking our territorial and political agreements. Sending battalions of armies to again seize the Royal Isle of Los Angeles was also against our agreement."

"Tell your king that I will never return the prince because he was the first to trespass our territory. I will only return him if your kingdom surrendered the Royal Isle of Los Angeles to us. If they attack us, then you should prepare for the burial of the future King of Baltimore." The king of the United Kingdom of Anglutica replied.

Because of this, my father asked the king of Anglutica that he wanted to see Prince Raphael which the other showed. It took three days of thorough planning of attack. "We have millions of cavaliers who could immediately attack the palaces of Anglutica your majesty. We could attack them through air via our archers but what we are worried is about our Prince safety your majesty." The minister of War of Baltimore explained. "The the armies of Aseana have also reached the Royal Isle of Los Angeles. They were headed by his Majesty, King of Oz. waiting for your order your majesty." The Minister for War of Ayatullah reported.

"Your majesty, I suggest that we secure the Prince at night since he was detained in a carriage near the River in the east. We could attack them in front, I know that with our number, they will focus on fighting for us instead of securing the Prince. Our elite soldiers could swim the river and we will wait for their signal to attack." Our ministers suggested.

And the plan started. The elite soldiers signaled our armies to simultaneously attack the camp, the palace and the waiting royal navies at the Royal Isle of Los Angeles. The attack via land and securing of Prince Raphael just took a day. They were also informed that the Grand Palace of Anglutica had already under our armies control. The battle by sea securing The Royal Isle of Los Angeles took a little longer that lasted for 3 days because the King of Anglutica focused in conquering the said island.

The royal families of Anglutica escape and reach the mountainous village of cannibals where they again fight for their lives and succeeded. On the other hand, Prince Raphael immediately called my mother, "Mother, Your Majesty? This is Prince Raphael. How's My Love?" He asked my mother with a shivering voice. "Your Majesty, my child was still unconscious and so worried about his situation. He was in a deep sleep for more than eight days now." My mother answered. She immediately gave the phone to the Queen of Ayatullah. "My son, The Crown Prince was on a deep sleep since the day you were abducted. What we worried is his heart beat. It weakens each day that passed." She explained.

The Armies of Aseana secured the Kingdom of Anglutica leaving the minister of War of the Kingdom Prince Ayatullah as in-charge, because the kings of Aseana should be the one to decide on the political and territorial status of the new kingdom. The royalties returned to Baltimore. On the other hand, my secretary was also on his way back to the Palace.

He brought the said medicinal plant and immediately processed the extraction of its juice which I supposed to drink and smell. The process took two days.

The kingdom of Baltimore and all of Aseana rejoiced for the victory on the war, but the royal families of the two kingdoms still worried because of my situation.

Prince Raphael immediately rushed to visit me in my Palace. "Your Majesty, how's the Crown Prince?" He run towards me and hug me. All the people in the room immediately leave us. "Hon sorry for letting you worry that much. I won't forgive myself if something wrong happen to you. I love you so much Hon, please be awake, I need you in my life." He uttered with his tears falling from his eyes, while kissing my hand. After an hour, his brother enters the room. "Brother, I understand what you feel but I think you have to take a bath first before staying near his majesty for his health security and safety." He directed. "I won't leave Him anymore. I really can't." my husband replied.

Prince Rocky then talk to his brother. "Raphael won't leave The Crown Prince. He said he can't leave Prince James anymore." He uttered. "Then let's just bring his personal belongings and clothes in that room so he could at least take a bath and change there." Prince Rolly replied. "Brother, we brought all your personal belongings here, you may take a bath first, and we will just stay here for Prince James." Prince Rocky said.

After he settled himself, the three queens arrived, my mother, his mother and the queen mother, together with the Royal Physician and my secretary. "Your majesty, our dear Crown Prince James needs to smell and drink at least a drop of this medicine." The Physician explained to Prince Raphael. "Is this safe for Him?" he asked. The Physician and royalties were shocked by the way Prince Raphael talks. He was already breaking the royal protocols of all kingdoms and royalties. "Let's just understand him, he was so suffering, very emotional and worried." The Queen Mother explained. "Yes your majesty. Hopefully after four to five hours, he will be awake. His majesty needs to eat immediately upon waking up because he has been on a deep sleep for more than a week already." The physician ordered. So the doctor applied the medicine to me.

After five hours, I am still unconscious. My husband to be started to be hysterical specially when, "your majesties, I can't hear any heartbeat from our crown prince." The physician uttered with a soft voice while holding my chest. "No! You have to awaken him!" Prince Raphael cried as he shivers the Royal Physician. My mother was traumatized with what she heard. She was stocked, she can't talk nor move. She was assisted by the queen of Ayatullah. "Inform the kings about what happened!" The Queen mother ordered as she walks towards me with her tears falling from her eyes. The two princes from Ayatollah had teary eyes while looking at their brother as he keeps shouting on the physician to do something. My secretary was holding his emotions but immediately release it upon leaving my room. All the servants of the Four Palaces of the Kingdom of Baltimore together with the servants from the Kingdom of Ayatullah gathered in front of the Grand palace kneeling and mourning. The Kings arrived. "Oh my son! my child, my only child! What happened? You have to do something for him. He was the greatest treasure we have. He was the life of this kingdom. Awaken him. Now!" He said to the physician with his emotional voice as he walked beside the queen mother who can't talk because of her emotions. Prince Raphael run towards my father and hug him. "My son, you have to awaken James. Do something.." My father asked him emotionally.

An hour after I was declared dead, the whole kingdom and country were shocked when they saw the flags of the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Baltimore turning to a white royal burial flag showing that I have passed away.

"Your majesty!..." the servants in front of the Grand Palace cried. The kingdom was mourning because the people of the country walk out to the roads and kneel facing the Golden Palace and crying. Man, Woman, Old, Young, Black and White where all kneeling and crying. The royalties of the kingdoms of Aseana also immediately mourned with all their servants.

All the royalties are still in the room when the Queen Mother left. She goes to her Palace and go to the Secret Garden. She saw that the Secret Garden was full of Gardenia Plants. She picked as many as she can and brought it to my room. "This was my grandchild's favorite flower." She said as she placed it near me. Prince Raphael cried harder when he saw the flowers. He gets three and placed them in my chest. Accidentally, nectar of the Gardenia Flower fell in my lips when he lifted the vase near my head. He kissed me and whispered, "Hon I love you so much. I don't know how to face each day without you. You're my life. I can't forgive myself for making you worried and suffer. I caused you this"

All the other people on the room again cried while hearing and witnessing him whispering at me. But all were shocked when, "He moved! Hon? Hon I am Prince Raphael, your husband. Yeah he moved!" He shouted.

My mother and his Mother cried louder together with the Queen Mother. Prince Rocky walked towards Prince Raphael tap his shoulder. Prince Rocky can't look at my face but rather hold my hands. He was also shocked when "Majesty, the crown prince moved!"

I can hear them but I don't know why I can't open my eyes. "I move my hands and my Father came towards me. The Physician immediately runs towards my room and happy to announce that I am alive. The royal households prepare all the foods I always eat specially fruits. My flags were returned and news spreading about me being alive was order to be disseminated all throughout the country.

After few days, I've recovered and to prove that I am alive, The grand gate was opened and Grand Palace window was also open where I stood for the people to see me. The physician explained what happened. He said that the Gardenian Flower can only be effective in different cases. In my case, I need a fresh not preserved nectar or juice from it. He also explained that I should not experienced the same tension because my heart has problem regarding over fatigue. The royalties of Ayatullah then returned to their kingdom. And the Kingdom of Anglutica was named Kingdom of Gardenia and it was annexed to the Kingdom of Baltimore because Prince Raphael, My husband to be, was named the In-Charged of the said new territory.