Chapter 3

"Dude, you came here in the Wellington city without planning anything? Now, you are really making me believe that you are a world-class idiot", exclaimed Jane as she heard said girl speak about her plans.

" Hmmm… actually, I had to leave in hurry and I couldn't even plan anything. I…." 

Serena shook her head helplessly. It seemed that everything was going wrong. 

'Was God punishing her for any mistakes?' 

Jane saw the exhausted girl in front of her. She looked elegant even though traces of sadness adorned her face. Though she looked tired, her eyes were still sharp-looking…. She didn't know why, but she couldn't divest the thought of leaving the girl there. Making up her mind, Jane stood up and took Serena's luggage. 

"Ok, here's what we do. I am going to take you to my place. We are five people who live together and one of them is our landlord, but we manage. You can stay with us for the time being and then we can see what can be done about you, sounds good?"

Serena didn't know whether to laugh or cry… just a day before, she had lost her family because of some petty reasons and today, this young woman was taking her to her home because she said she didn't have a place to stay. Feeling grateful, she was about to thank Jane, when the later stopped her with her hand. 

"No, no and no. I don't want to hear that thank you… how should I thank you and I'm grateful and all that. Nope. 

I just drank the coffee that you paid for which is thanks enough. Let's go".

Serena nodded and picked up the remaining luggage as she also started walking with Jane. It turned out that Jane lived nearby and she had just come out for a walk. 

It just took them a ten minutes walk to reach society. 

When they reached the house, Serena couldn't hide her amusement. On the door, instead of a nameplate, there was a warning board attached. It read, 'beware of the people in this house'. Jane smirked at her by seeing her reaction. 

Jane knocked on the door. It was opened by a girl looking in her twenties. She had a round face and warm brown eyes. At a first glance, anyone would consider her as a friend. 

Jane cleared her throat… 

" uhhmm… So, Serena, this is Anna. Anna, Serena." 

"Hi", Anna waved at her enthusiastically. It seemed that her guess was not wrong. Anna was friendly. Serena awkwardly waved back at her. 

" Dude, do you want to have her biography in front of the house? Let us come in…" Jane grumbled and Anna moved away, giving them space to enter. 

As soon as she stepped into the house, she was stopped by a hand. In front of her stood a guy, nearly similar in age with her and the other girls. His hair was dyed blonde and there were some streaks of blue in it. Unlike Anna, his eyes were sharp. Serena who was already nervous thought that he was actually judging her… quiet harshly at that. 

This time, Anna came to rescue.

"Hmmm… Sky, this is Serena. Jane brought her here. She's her friend." 

He scoffed…

"Yeah, friend… like all the previous girls were. Jane, don't you think you have a pity streak in you? Whenever you see someone in need, you have to help them. Stop doing so much charity, ok? It might lend you in trouble sometime.

And you… ", he pointed at Serena, 

"Ms Friend or whatever, I hope you won't be taking undue advantage of my actual friend. Cause, if you do… you won't like the consequences." He sneered at her one last time and then went away. 

Jane and Anna looked at each other helplessly as if they were used to his behaviour and fully expected things to happen this way. Both of them then turned towards Serena to explain her. 

"That. He" 

"Actually, Sky is not…" 

But to their astonishment, Serena was smiling. 

"He seems to be quiet protective of his friends… you guys are lucky, you know?"

Jane harrumphed.

"Huh, who needs his protection. Tell him to keep it for himself."

On the other hand, Anna's smile was fond. 

"He is, isn't he? I always find myself safe because of that." 

"Now, come on let's meet the other members of the house….", Jane said as Anna and she both grabbed one of Serena's hands. To their shock, they felt a tingle through their skin where they had touched Serena. 

Jane was surprised. She thought she had touched Serena while she had saved her, but her hands were covered with sleeves at that time. 

Anna and she, both looked at each other, surprised. When they turned towards Serena she was also looking at her hands, astonished. This was the first time she had felt something like this. 

" What's that? Did you feel that too? Anna, Jane?" 

Serena asked hurriedly. 

Jane signalled Anna and took the charge of talking. 

"That is something you don't have to worry about, for now. Let's show you the remaining rooms, ok? Oh, we didn't even introduce you to the other two people in the house, but don't worry. You will meet them in the evening". 

Though she had questions about what happened just now, there were more pressing matters. So, Serena decided to tackle those first. 

"Won't they have any problem with me? I mean, you barely know me and while I am happy that you are helping me, won't it be troublesome for you?" 

"Jamie and Robin? Hah, as if. Robin will be happy if he has any chance of getting money… and I'll see if Jamie has any objections". Jane replied. 

"What Jane meant was that they won't have any problem once they meet you. So, don't worry ok?" Anna soothed her worries. 

"Let's go. I'll show you where you can keep your bags and then get freshened up. We can talk about your situation then." 

Serena and Anna both took her luggage and went inside. While Anna was engaging her with other things, Jane had picked up her phone and messaged three people. 

"She's one of us."