Chapter 4

"Who is it? Jane, Anna, tell me who is it? How can you message something like this and don't say anything afterwards? Huh…" 

When Serena came out of the room after hearing the knocking at the door, she was met with this person who started barging her with a question after another. When they had kept the luggage Anna and Jane had left her to get comfortable and said that they were going for the grocery store.

 When the said guy finally stopped talking, she awkwardly answered him.

"Umm, actually Anna and Jane just went out to buy something. And I am new here?",  She ended up with a question. 

The person in front of her looked stern. He had a steely gaze as he looked at her. If she didn't hear him panicking over some message right now, she'd have thought that he was a stern person but it seemed that he was a goof.  

"Oh, that's fine then. So, you are Jamie and I am? No, wait…. I am Jamie and you are?" He asked her, looking adorably confused. She was instantly reminded of the little kids in her town who used to run around her and ask her questions sweetly. 

She giggled while answering. 

"Nice to meet you, Jamie. I am Serena." 

"Oh, yeah…", he scratched his face embarrassingly. "Sorry, I'm not that good with words. But I didn't mean to insult you or anything, I swear. You are not upset, right? Oh God, why does this keep happening to me? I really don't mean to sound mean or stupid ok… and I just wanted to say hi… Actually no, I was here to talk to Anna. She was not here and then you were and then…." 

Suddenly, he looked at her and stopped, 

"I am rambling, aren't I? Sorry". 

Serena couldn't stop the giggles that escaped her mouth. 

"No worries, I don't mind." She said while laughing. 

This person was reminding her so much of the little kids that played around her…. Again and again. She had not thought that she could even smile soon after the two days she had been through, but this person had made her laugh just by being himself. 

Really, life was weird sometimes.  

"So, Jamie, tell me more about y…", realising that Serena was talking to him, James suddenly became aware that he had been staring at her and he started coughing nervously. 

Serena went to the kitchen and brought him a glass of water and kept it in front of him. While the other two girls were out, she had found out where the kitchen and bathroom was. It turned out to be helpful now. 

Jamie hurriedly gulped the water down and then looked at her as if he were looking at the stars making her a bit conscious. 

" What? Did I do something wrong?" 

"Huh, oh, no-no. Not at all. It's just that… don't take it the wrong way, ok? But I just…. You reminded me of my sister. She was the only one who used to bring me water whenever I got nervous." He said while shyly yanking his sleeves. 

"Oh…. Is she…?" 

"No, nothing like that", Jamie laughed. 

"She got married and had to move away. That's it. It's just that she lives overseas now. So, I don't get to see her that often." 

"Ah, ok. That's fine… I can be your sister… if you want I mean. I don't want to impose or anything." Serena babbled anxiously. She had just offered to be his sister on a whim. Just because he, too, reminded her of the kids in her town. And she was happy to get to know someone like him. But while she was talking, she realised that it might seem impolite. So, she changed her words. 

Now, it was Jamie's turn to smile. 

"I thought it was my job to be nervous, sis?" He said while deliberately stressing on the last word. When she recognised this, she answered with the same smile that he had worn. 

She forwarded her hand for shaking. Much to her surprise, he covered his hand with a cloth before shaking hands with her. 

"Don't worry, sis. It's nothing nasty or something, but it's just that… well, you'll get to know soon. Let others come home, ok?" 

Then, Jamie and she spent the remaining time talking about themselves. Well, mostly Jamie was the one who spoke. And once he got familiar with her, he wasn't even nervous. 

Serena got to know that Jamie was the same with every new person… nervous and babbling. But apparently, she was an exception as he could speak with her easily now. She also got to know that despite his looks, he was a warm-hearted person who dearly loved his sister. Now, that in the first meeting, when he was ready to share that position with her made Serena feel really special. All the while they were talking, he addressed her as 'sis' making her comfortable and making her feel at home. 

Soon, Anna and Jane also came back. And they started to share stories with each other, waiting for the last two members of the house to come home.