Chapter 5

Serena had not even realised, but meeting Jane then coming to their home and meeting Anna, Jamie and Sky had taken a lot of time. Even after that, Jamie and she had spent a lot of time chatting with each other. 

Soon, it was evening. Serena was surprised to know that all the friends tried to at least have their dinner together and were sure to gather in the house in the evening. She found it very sweet and a bit nostalgic as she remembered sharing meals with Molly and her other friends under the moonlight. They always tended to sneak away from their homes to visit near the hillside near the town. It was the most memorable time for her. 

While she was reminded of her friends, Serena lost herself in those memories that she didn't realise when others had tidied up everything around her. 

Each thing had found its own place. The cushions had been straightened out, curtains were dusted off, there was even a glass of water waiting at the table, to be picked up. 

Sky, who had locked himself in his room after he spoke to Serena, was also lounging around. 

It didn't take long for Serena to notice the changes around her. She was surprised with all of the renovations that took place in the short amount of time. Seeing her bewildered expression, Anna laughed. 

"Oh, it's because Robin will be back soon." 

Jane continued, "And, it's not like we do this every day, ok? Robbie has a habit of nagging us, and we have the habit of ignoring him. It's just that today he had some presentation in his office." 

"Which means, he will either be prideful about how he showed his colleagues who is the boss… or he'll be irritated how his colleague had upped him in the meeting…" Jamie finished for her. 

"So, you guys stay here so that you can support him, huh?" Serena asked, smiling at them. 

"Nooo… we stay here to make fun of him", Anna giggled. 

After some time, they heard the bell ring, Anna went forward to unlock the door. And before she could see the person, she heard his complaints… 

"You know what guys, this sucks… Didn't I tell you, this Mr.Black has a black heart as dark his name is? He just couldn't shut up. I mean, ok, I get it, you got the deal. But could you please shut up? What's the point in bragging?" 

The person, who was talking, had simultaneously removed his shoes, put them in the cupboard… went directly where the glass of water was. He took a big gulp and kept the glass aside. Then he shook the curtains, intending to remove any dirt it had. And now Serena could easily guess where he was going next. And true to her thoughts, he went to the sofa, straightening the cushions. 

She couldn't stop the giggles that escaped her. This brought everyone's attention to her. While those were in the house and had met her already could easily guess what she was thinking, making them smile too, this wasn't the case with the new person. 

The new person, who she had remembered now was called Robin, looked at her, surprised. But then he seemed to remember something and nodded to himself. 

"So, you must be the one Jane was talking about, huh? Hello, nice to meet you. I am Robin." 

Serena noticed that he avoided giving her hand to shake but she ignored it for now. 

"Hi Robin, I'm Serena." 

She, too, followed with her introduction. 

Robin nodded. 

"I think you must be really curious, right? Just give me some time to freshen up and then we can talk. Ok?" 

Serena bobbed her head in affirmative and he went in to freshen up. Finally, she was going to get answers.