Chapter 6

When Robin came back after freshening up, he was amused to see Serena waiting for him like an obedient girl. He stifled his smile and went towards the couch. 

Now each one of them was in the living room and had at least introduced themselves to Serena. As if taking in charge, Robin authoritatively started talking. 

"So, Serena as far as I know, you and the girls touched somehow and all the three of you felt something like a spark, am I right?" 

Serena nodded her head in yes. 

While Anna muttered, "he could have made it sound less weird, you know?" Making others laugh. 

Robin just glanced at them once, but then chose to ignore them as if it was typical behaviour for them. 

"Ok, so not to scare you, but can we check with me? Just shaking hands will do. I just want to be sure before I bombard you with the knowledge." 

Robin forwarded his hand prompting Serena to do the same. Looking at the assuring gazes of the girls and Jamie, she hesitantly raised her hand towards him. 

This time, maybe because she was expecting it, she felt the tingle as soon as their hands touched. A sharp sensation went through her hand which was held by Robin, who seemed to be having a similar experience. It was a weird feeling, she thought. Maybe because it was a strange thing to happen but it still was a pleasant, familiar kind of feeling. Like how you felt when you are in warm water. 

When the feeling subsided, Serena looked at others. What seemed to be a long time to her, was actually just a few moments for others. Still, there was unmistakable awe in their expressions. 

"You really are one of us", Robin said, eyes full of joy and amazement. 

" Can I please get an explanation now? I mean I get it's not a bad thing, considering your expressions… but someone's in the dark here." Serena grumbled. She had finally reached at the end of her patience… 

Robin raised both of his hands as if to placate her and again started talking. 

"You are, in some sense of words, our soulmate, Serena. Wait, don't make that face and don't panic. Let me explain, ok?" 

He waited for her to calm down. When she looked ok, he continued. 

"We are, you can say blessed ones… or cursed ones, depending on how you see it. If I am not wrong, you must have some kind of tattoo that you suddenly got when you reached your fifteenth birthday, right?" 

Serena bobbed her head, affirmatively. 

"Yeah, so all of us did. It is supposed to be a blessing. You will be surprised actually, with the number of people similar to us, but there are. So, when I say a soulmate, I don't mean it in the romantic sense, which it still is and isn't… he he he… 

I'll try to explain it clearly. 

So, the people who are like us get this tattoo on their body on their fifteenth birthday. Some of us don't, but I'll come to that later. We can be considered soulmates or for lack of a better word, you can say a family… 

You must have felt comfortable while speaking with others in the house, right? It is because of that. Though, it is not only the reason. We all genuinely liked you. But yeah… a family. You are good so far?" 

Serena nodded her head in yes, then again in no, but then she bobbed her head again in yes. Anna looked at her sympathetically. Jane got up from her place and went to sit beside her. 

"Shall I continue then?" Robin asked and Serena looked at him, a bit scared but mostly anticipating.

There's more?