Chapter 9

As he saw her amazed and confused face, Sky suddenly realised that she didn't know much about them. 

"Ah, you didn't know that right? Maybe I will just…." 

And he turned but was stopped by Serena who had halted him by holding his hand. 

"Don't… don't you dare run away now, Sky. I'm really confused and scared. This is…. Something…. Something new and unknown… and I am nearly holding myself by a single thread of patience right now. So please, please don't go." 

Somehow, the stern way she had started with had turned into pleading. When he looked at her, he was shocked. 

A tear-streaked face, eyes still shining in the moonlight… nonetheless her face glowed in the moonlight. It was something on her face that he wasn't able to say no. So he took her mug in one hand, grabbed her other hand in his free one and led her to the sofa. 

"Ok. Ok. Relax. Calm down. I'm sorry, ok? I'll not hide anything from you. I just thought that you'd be comfortable hearing this while the girls are with you. But, fine. I'll explain as much as I can, right now." 

Serena nodded her head in yes. She hastily cleaned her face and again turned towards him. The hot chocolate mug was again in her hands, warming them. 

She sat obediently waiting for him to talk. 

"Can you explain now?" 

"Yeah." He laughed. "First tell me if you want to know something from the things you heard earlier." 

"Yup. What did you mean by 'siblings'? There's one more type?" 

"Why? Disappointed I'm not your prince charming?" She saw him smirking at her. 


"Ok. Ok. Hmmm, yeah there's another type too. Like Robin said earlier about being family remember? But we felt something more when we touched right? So, you know, we can be pieces of a puzzle. Sometimes two similar pieces, sometimes just perfect that they fit together. But I am sure we aren't soulmates, the romantic ones. Cause our tattoos didn't match. If they were matched, we'd have felt something when we touched earlier." 

"Ohh, and what about others? Are there any ones in the house, too?", She asked excitedly.

But, Sky's face had turned down. 

" Had… Anna. She had a brother. But he died. We don't talk about it much. But we all know, Anna misses him, still." 

He shook himself as if he was forcing himself to forget the thoughts away from him. Serena sat there quietly. She didn't know anything about Anna's brother, but she could guess he was special to all those. 

Soon, Sky was back to himself. 

"So, anything else?" 

"What about Robin's father?" 

"Ah, I'll let him tell you about that. It's his story to tell, you know. We try to follow that in the house." 

He smiled. Got an answering smile from her as well. 

"And that's that. Anything else madam?" 

Serena giggled. She didn't know if it was because of the connection they shared or because it was Sky himself. But she was getting comfortable. 

After the hectic week, she had been through, right now, she felt as if she was wrapped in a small bubble of warmth. 

Both of them mentioned silence after that. And soon Serena found her eyelids getting heavy. Before she knew, she was asleep. 

She didn't feel anything when someone had put a blanket over her.