Chapter 10

Next day, Serena woke up to murmurs around her. When she blinked the sleep off her eyes, she could see that she was on the sofa where she'd fallen asleep last night. But someone had put a blanket to cover her from the cold. 

Some of her housemates were awake, it seemed and they were discussing something in the kitchen. More like it was a full-blown argument with soft voices, probably taking care that she won't be awakened by the noise. In which they were failing, obviously! 

"But what was the need? What if she gets scared?", Jane was whisper-shouting at Sky. 

"Cause she was scared enough. It's not right to make her wait for a long time, you know. Anyone can get anxious…" 

Sky retorted. 

And Serena knew they were arguing about her. Last night…. 

Everything came back to her in a flash. 

It was too bizarre… She has a brother now. Another one… two actually! In just two days of time. 

And these people were accepting her. They weren't anxious about the reputation or anything similar just because a fraud had taken advantage of her innocence… emotionally draining her. 

This thought itself was enough to put her in a great mood. She got up from the sofa where she had slept last night, folded the blanket and went to freshen up, without her housemates noticing her. 

When she came back to the kitchen after freshening up, the argument between Jane and Sky seemed to be ended, at least for the time being.