Chapter 11

"Do you need any help?", she asked as she entered the kitchen. 

All the heads turned towards her as one. Each of them had astonishment written all over their faces, making her a bit nervous. 

"What? I know how to cook… I can cook really well, you know." 

She asked defensively. 

The silence cracked like a glass on stone.

"Oh my God…." 

"Did you just ask for something to do?" 

"She said she can cook, right?" 

"Does it mean I can go to sleep now?" 

"Dude, you can't just ask something like this here…" 

Several voices spoke up at once. 

Jamie was the one to come forward then. 

"Sis, can you really? Please… if you are not tired and ok with it, please cook something?"/

Serena giggled. 

" of course, I don't mind. Since you all might be hungry, let me whip up something fast. Okay?" 

All five heads nodded at once. She smiled as she took the charge of the kitchen... 

Jane showed her where everything was kept and she too went out after Serena's insistence.