Chapter 12

After she came out of the kitchen, she was amused to see all her new housemates eagerly waiting for her. 

As soon as she gave a signal that the food was ready, all of them rushed into the kitchen. Before she could enter, the dining table was set with all the five people sitting obediently in their places. 

Serena could not stop the laughter that escaped her lips. She served everyone and they all happily dug in. 

For a while, there was total silence as they ate. Not a single word was said. 

But she could still see it easily that they had loved the food, making her feel happy and satisfied with herself. 

After breakfast, they all again took their places in the living room. This time all six of them were a bit more familiar with each other. A bit closer, a bit stronger… 

As if it was a routine, Robin took his place as the speaker. 

"So, Sky told us that he shared some information with you and you were a bit overwhelmed yesterday. Are you a little better now, Serena?" 

Serena nodded her head. She looked at Sky questioningly, asking if he had told the others about them and he shook his head in negative. 

She found Anna suspiciously looking at both of them, and couldn't be not mischievous. 

Her lips curled upwards in an amusing way, and Sky, who was looking closely at her also smirked. 

Anna started talking at once, 

"Wait, wait. Something's wrong. Why are these two people smiling so weirdly? And Serena, please, one Sky is enough trouble for the four of us. Don't join him, too. Please. I thought it would be us five versus him. But you…." 

"What nonsense are you sprouting, Anna? Sis is obviously on our side, right sis?", Jamie spoke up but when he looked at the mentioned pair, 

"Or she's not. She is with Sky", he said somewhat dejectedly. 

" Guys, listen…" 

Serena began. 

"Actually, what you are thinking is not it. It's much much better than that, at least for me.", Sky continued. 

Somehow, his growing smirk also added to the fear in the quartet's mind. 

"We are fated siblings", he completed his sentence happily. 
