Chapter 13

MK group's office was situated in the heart of the city. A grand location for a grand office… 

But for now, the workers there looked zero variety of grand. It was the day their boss was coming back from overseas and the day when their work was going to be reviewed. This would have been a simple situation in any other office, but not for the MK's. 

Their boss was a perfectionist who expected everyone to excel in their work and those who failed to do so would possibly be in for a lecture of an hour or two. 

At nine o'clock sharp, several cars entered the area. Four black cars surrounding a white one arrived at the front gates. Four bodyguards from the car in the front ran forward to clear the path to the main office while the rest of them formed a protective circle around the white car. One of the bodyguards stepped forward to open the door and then stood aside respectfully. 

When the door was opened, someone strode out of the car without paying the slightest bit of attention to the surroundings.