Chapter Five

♈The sun shine at day and the moon at night. Don't be quick to decide.

The impact of drumming and singing made Shaka's eyes opened. He looked around him and noticed he was in his room. She saw Joel standing at the window looking outside into what he presume was the voices of the people but he couldn't register what was going on until it hit him in his head. He growled silently and remembered he passed out when he got the sign that something bad was going to happen. The gods had blessed him with the gift that whenever something bad was going to happen in the lands, he would change in colour skin and pass out. This time he didn't know what it was going to be.

The growled loudly this time when he tried to sit up from his throbbing headache. Joel upon hearing him turned to face him "You need to rest Shaka". He walked to him and tried to pin him back to his bed but Shaka pulled away from his grip.

"No. I have to get to my father and warn him. Beside the festival has already began". His voice was horse from sleeping. He stood up and reached under the bed and pulled the same small bag from yesterday to remove his clothes.

"Are you really listening to yourself? You passed out right under my nose and who knows what will happen out there if you do it again, besides I don't even know what was wrong with you". Joel crossed his arms to his chest and glared into Shaka's brown eyes." Or perhaps you are hiding something".

Shaka stood up and crumpled his hands into fist and grinded his teeth together trying to suppress the thought of hitting Joel's head against something. He always had that thoughts when someone tries to stop him from going about with his activities whenever he's passes out.

"I will tell you everything after the festival but now is not the right time". He tried to remain calm and continued to dress. "You should put on the coat I gave you". He nodded towards the coat which was placed on the small table.

Shaka sighed with relief when he was satisfied with his dressing. His tight vest with hot red coloured flowers on it made his muscles stand out, his brown leather pants fit perfectly and brown sandals made him look majestic. He threw on a coat which was similar to Joel's and turned to look at him but furrowed his brows.

"What do you have there?". He asked out of curiosity.

"Oh this?". Joel upon realizing he had his phone in his bag decided to contact his parents but there was no signal."This is a phone".

Shaka crossed the room to Joel and took a look at the phone in his hand."And what do you use it for". He tried to touch it but decided against it, making Joel laugh.

"It's for communicating with people who are not close to you. You can also use it for other purposes like taking pictures". Now Shaka was totally lost. He took a step back thinking the phone could kill him on the spot.

"Pictures?". Joel even laughed louder.

"Here, let me show you how it works. He walked to Shaka and raised the phone to take a selfie but Shaka quickly pulled away from Joel the moment he saw his face on the phone.

"Hey come on it's not going to harm you". Joel giggled and walked to him, this time he closed his eyes and Joel took a snap. He told him to stand still and took a picture of only him.They took a couple of more pictures and went out.


Shaka walked briskly, leaving Joel to trail behind him like a child. They emerged through the crowd, Shaka trying to make his way to the palace to warn the king. The people, especially women were all singing and dancing to the drum beat which the men played making the road bustle. Children were happily running about the place while their mothers chase after them. As Shaka and Joel made it to the grounds on which everybody were to gather and witness the building of the new house, he spotted his father and quickened his pace.

Shaka looked back over his shoulder and didn't find Joel behind him but that didn't matter to him. He has to get to his father first and Joel second. As he got closer, he saw the king stand with the men and women who were about to start with building of the house. The king turned and when he saw Shaka, he opened his arms to embrace him but all of a sudden an arrow pierced straight through his chest and he froze.

Everything happened so fast that Shaka couldn't register what had happened until a stinging sensation spread through his body and pushed him to the edge that he screamed, drawing attention from the near by people.

He rushed to his father's limp body and began wailing. People close upon seeing what happened gasped in shock.

Shaka looked back over his shoulder and didn't find Joel behind him but that didn't matter to him. He has to get to his father first and Joel second. As he got closer, he saw the king stand with the men and women who were about to start with building of the house. The king turned and when he saw Shaka, he opened his arms to embrace him but all of a sudden an arrow pierced straight through his chest and he froze.

Everything happened so fast that Shaka couldn't register what had happened until a stinging sensation spread through his body and pushed him to the edge that he screamed, drawing attention from the near by people.

He rushed to his father's limp body and began wailing. People close upon seeing what happened gasped in shock.

  " come back, you can't do this to me". Shaka's eyes were filled with tears. He stared at the body and realized that the archer took a very clean shot The people began to whisper and mummers to one another until the horn sounded.

  "What happened?". Adele emerged from the crowd and knelt down beside Shaka. Shaka was too stunned to open his mouth, he just stared at the body which laid in his arms.

"It was all my fault. I should have been here earlier.....he wouldn't have died this was". Shaka mummerd under his breath.

"It's not your fault". Adele tried to comfort him but she broke down herself and began crying uncontrollably.

"Tsonga!". Shaka blunted out an angrily stood up and walked to the crowd but before he could reach there, he was stopped by his brother.

"Whoa! Shaka where do you think you are going?". Uluthando asked, amused by his actions.

"This is not the time Uluthando". Shaka pused him aside and continued to walk but two guards grabbed him all of a sudden.

"You killed your father, the king and you're trying to escape?". The people gasped in horror.

"What?..... what are you talking about?". Shaka narrowed his eyes at Uluthando, confused. Totally.

"Take him to the palace and summon all the Elders and the priest". Without a word, Shaka was being dragged to the palace. He was so perplexed that he opened his mouth but couldn't form any coherent words to say.

Shaka turned to look over his shoulder and saw Uluthando giving him a devilish smile, he eyed him and looked over at his sister who was weeping like a baby, pushing away anyone who got closer to the their fathers body.

He turned to scrutinize the crowd in search of Joel but had no sign. The boy he was to protect was nowhere to be found. He kept searching until he was dragged further away. That was when he thought things won't go well starting from today.