Chapter Six

♈Fire Meet Fate

" Wake up, wake up, wake up". Joel slowly opened his eyes and found a man standing at the door across him. He had black skin just like him and bald head which shone brightly thanks to the sun. His muscle fit perfectly in his what looked like a wayfarer's clothes.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like forever?" The man said bringing Joel back to earth." Wait, you look like a Ghanaian or am I wrong?" He finished.

"And who are you?" Joel could not register his environment. He looked around and realized he was not in Ndebele. He was in another cell which had a different smell and the room was immense comparing it to the other one he was once in. This one had big doors and windows. The bed was a twin bed making him think the other man sleeps on the top one.

After what seemed like eternity Joel looked at the man and was met by a smile. "The question here is, why are you here?" The man now furrowed his brows.

Joel sat up and looked at his feet. He tried to remember what happened and why he was in a different cell but he could not." I don't remember anything". He trailed. He looked up to the man and found him still smiling.

"Its alright, we all went through the same thing you are going through". The man slowly walked to the bed.

"Wh-what do you me-mean". Joel was perplexed." And are you also a Ghanaian? "

"Yes, and you might be wondering why I am here". The man sighed and sat down beside Joel, he tilted his head up and stared at nothing but space." We have all been fooled, if I had known that this was going to happen, I wouldn't be here.

Twenty years ago, the Zulu tribe and the Akans were allies. There was a portal which I believe is no more that could teleport anyone and anything from this realm to the other but something happened which slacken off the bond between the two tribe".

"And what happened?". Joel became curious.

Twenty years ago, someone died out of a trap which the Zulu tribe set up mistakenly. The akans on the other hand thought it was intentional so they formed a rebellion against the Zulu tribe and plan to ambush them but little did they know that there was a spy among them. The spy sent a message to the Zulu tribe warning them about the Akans plan.

The Zulu tribe prepared and waited at the portal entrance. When the Akans emerged from the portal, a witch from the Zulu tribe sealed the portal and casted a spell on the Akans so they all fell on the ground asleep and I was one of them". The man bowed his head in shame.

Joel recalled the time he felt like he was drugged when he first come to Ndebele. Everything happened so fast and normal that no one will notice a witch around.

"Where are the rest of the Akans?" Joel asked.

"I woke up in this cell just like you did. The rest of the Akans I was told are dead"

"But how?"

"We were all wayfarers but some decided to escape ending others lives who did not want to"

"But you are still alive"

Before the man could say anything, the cell door opened and in came two guards. One walked to Joel and the other walked to the man.

"Turn and face the wall". The guard standing behind Joel said making him look back at him.

"Do as he say, there is no way out". The man said to Joel facing the wall.

Joel stood there still confused. He decided to act fast, he thought to himself that he was not going to be held captive again. At home, his father will give commands, questioning every move and thing he does and when he thought he had the chance to go out on a holiday, he got kidnapped. Now what was he going to do? How does he escape from this entanglement? He could not even understand how his country and this unknown realm could have any mutual relationship. He doesn't even know if what he said was true. He did not even ask of the man's name.

Joel looked at the guard and scrutinized him. His torso was bare, he had around his both biceps leather bands, from his lower abdomen to his knee was a material made of animal fur but Joel could not tell which. Bare feet and around his head were a band made of steel.

The guard who had cuffs made of ropes around the man left the cell leaving Joel and the guard. Joel tilted his head and looked at the guard who had his attention on the rope he was tying around his hand. He looked at his waist and saw a small dagger on his belt then he had a better plan. 'I pray this works' he told himself.

"You speak English". Joel tried to distract the guard but to no avail. "Why are you people different from the Ndebele tribe? It is forbidden for them to speak English whilst your tribe speaks freely". Joel pushed.

"Quiet". The guard ordered.

'I guess it is working after all' Joel whispered to himself and made the second move. "My head aches". He leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the ground.

The guard became perplexed, not knowing what to do. He looked at Joel lying on the desolated floor thinking of what to do next and giving Joel time to make his plans affirmative.

Joel lying on his stomach made a quick turn and pushed the guard with his left leg. The guard fell on his back but everything happened so fast that before the guard could stand, Joel kicked his head very hard, snatched the dagger and slammed it into his bare chest making the guard freeze. Within a minute, the guard began to choke on his own blood looking at Joel who looked flabbergasted by what he had done.

"What have I done". The knife in Joel's hand fell on the floor. He looked at the limp body on the floor and stream of tears begun to pour down on his face.

"I have killed him, I have killed him, I have killed someone". Joel's sobs made his voice horse.

Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. Get up and run for your live like it's the last. 'Since when did I develop anxiety?' Joel asked himself. He pulled himself together and stood up, he looked at the body one last time and slowly walked to the door. The moment he was about to make his leave, he heard heavy footsteps and made a retreat back into the cell. He closed the door and walked to the dead guard, seeing the keys hanging low on his belt Joel quickly took it, walked to the door and locked it. He pulled the corpse to the bed and pushed it under the bed.

Joel sat on his bed and sighed. Now what was he going to? He thought to himself. He has the cell keys but how can he escape when he knows nothing about where he is? He has to try, he thought he had to.

Joel stood and walked to the door. He was going to figure a way out but before he reached it, the door slammed opened and the man he woke up to see was thrown inside and the door again slammed shut.

"What the….". Joel paused midsentence.

"Why were you not out?" The man asked while getting up on his feet.

"Because I did something you could not do and will do something you will never do". Joel stood on his feet and crossed his arms against his chest.

"What are you talking about boy". The man furrowed his brows.

"I killed a guard and I am going to escape from this tangle". Joel sounded more serious.

"Wait…..What?". ♈