Seungyoon mobilized all his bodyguards to look for Jiho, including his other four friends, but one week had passed but Jiho's traces were lost like being swallowed up by the earth. Meanwhile, the chair of the CEO of Choi group companies cannot continue to be left vacant. Like it or not, like it or not, Seungyoon must rise to the top to sit in the CEO chair in order to stabilize the company's shares and secure the CEO position until Jiho returns.

Today is Seungyoon's first day at the company after three days of being asked to learn about the company's condition. Within three days also, Seungyoon gathered new people who he chose himself to run the company according to his plan. The 15 chosen people are now following Seungyoon into the company.

Company officials and several staff equal to managers were welcoming his arrival, but amidst the welcome there was gossip among employees who doubted his leadership and his ability to run the company. In fact, they don't hesitate to compare their performance that hasn't started with Jiho, who has led the company for the last five years. The gossip was not the first time he heard, he even heard it before Seungyoon agreed to enter the company.

"Stop all activities and gather all employees without exception in the main hall."


Seungyoon just entered his room and a man who followed him was surprised to hear Seungyoon's first command.

"You clearly heard, Secretary Hong." Seungyoon did not turn his head, he was still standing staring around the room he had not been to for a long time. In the past, he used to come here quite often just to annoy Jiho.

Secretary Hong walked out after giving a small bow to Seungyoon. Secretary Hong is the son of chief secretary Hong Jae. His father has worked for Bigbang Corporation for 40 years and now Hong Junsoo - Hong's secretary - works for the Choi group company led by Jiho hyung.

In less than 30 minutes, all company employees and other high-ranking officials had gathered in the main hall of this building. Seungyoon walked in and went up on the stage and then stood behind the podium.

"First. My name is Choi Seungyoon, second son of the Choi family. From today on I will lead the company until Choi Jiho returns from a business trip. I hope we can work together well. "

Seungyoon took a step back from the podium and bent 90 ° in front of all his employees. The employees began to look at each other, they whispered again about Seungyoon's current attitude. Seungyoon came back to the podium and looked closely at all the employees.

"Second…" Seungyoon glanced at secretary Hong and secretary Hong who understood immediately asked the clerk at the door to open and let the people who were waiting to enter.

15 people who walked behind Seungyoon this morning entered and lined up their backs to Seungyoon. Back, the employees whispered about this Seungyoon attitude. Who are they? What are they here for? Why are they here?

"Those standing in front of you are the ones who will fill the supervisory positions for each division. They are above the division head and get in touch directly with me. They will monitor your performance and report it to me. It may seem cruel, but my goal here is not to see the company go downhill or just have fun until Jiho hyung comes back, I'm here to stabilize the company and fix it. So, I hope you can work together well. " Connect Seungyoon.

Suddenly the atmosphere felt tense because of Seungyoon's words. None of the employees showed facial expressions other than faces of tension and surprise, including the company officials who were standing behind Seungyoon. They looked at each other because this was not in the conversation with President Choi before.

"I'm ending this meeting. Thanks. Good morning."

Seungyoon left, followed by Hong's secretary and company officials. On the way back to his room, Seungyoon stopped and turned his face slightly to talk to secretary Hong.

"I want them to report everything to me once a month. Ah, too long. Report everything to me once a week. All. Give dismissal letters to employees who contribute the least to the company, joining this company is not an easy thing and I don't want them to think that after joining here they can relax. This applies to all employees without exception, it means that everyone is in an unsafe position. If they want to secure a position then they have to work and provide benefits for the company. " Seungyoon continued his steps.

Since then, the state of Choi group companies has been stiff. All employees speak only when necessary and busy themselves with their work. No one dared to commit offenses except those who couldn't stand Seungyoon's new rule. In the first week, three people were fired. In the second week, five people resigned citing irrational company regulations.

Seungyoon doesn't care because he still sees that there are still many applicants who want to join his company, so he is happy to make selections with new applicants who are more competent than employees who leave.

The good thing is, employee performance has increased quite rapidly. If previously a project preparation was carried out for more than one month, currently project preparation is only done in one to two weeks.

One morning,

"The meeting is over. Fix your count, tomorrow at 8 am do your presentation again. " Seungyoon stood up and prepared to leave the meeting room, but his steps were held back after hearing what the employee said.

"Sorry, sir. I counted it right. I am sure."

Seungyoon looked at his employee, "You subtracted 0.8% from the actual calculation. Do you think I'll let it be? Do you know how much the company lost from that 0.8%? "

"1.4 billion. How will you cover the company's losses if I leave that 0.8%? I tell you to work fast, work fast does not mean that precision should be neglected. " Seungyoon looked at all the faces of the meeting participants who were present, then came out of the meeting room.

"I told you to be careful, so he's still young but he's much crazier than Jiho sajang." Chirps the friend of the employee who made the presentation earlier.

Even though he continued to work at the company, Seungyoon still mobilized people to find Jiho. He couldn't keep lying about Jiho.

"Sajangnim, you haven't signed the Choi Group wine sales document yet." Secretary Hong opened the folder containing the important paperwork.

"I didn't forget. I didn't sign the document on purpose. " Seungyoon answered.

"Wh-why, just? Our wine production is already at the packaging stage. There's no way we can pour the whole wine back into place. Sajangnim ... "

Seungyoon did not follow Secretary Hong's words.

* * *

Seunghoon is preparing to launch a wine production company for the Kang group. If every year the Kang group company is in second place in wine sales - under the Choi group company -, this year the Kang group company is at the top. Market demand has increased over the past three months which made Seunghoon start to underestimate Seungyoon's abilities.

The business media started talking about Seungyoon's abilities. Various bad comments about him also emerged, the comparison between him and Jiho was widely exposed. Choi's group is feeling the loss because the grape growers protest over the returned wine.

* * *

"I have an operation in an hour. I'll kill you if it's not important, Choi Seungyoon! " Mino sneered, he entered Seungyoon's study with Taehyun and Jinwoo.

"This is important. Sit down and taste the wine on the table. " Seungyoon appointed Hong's secretary to pour wine in a bottle into the three glasses on the table.

"Why is it so annoying." Taehyun took the glass filled with wine and took a sip.

"How?" asked Seungyoon curiously.

"This is clearly a 2013 Madrid production. You can taste it right on the tip of your tongue." Mino replied to Jinwoo's nod of approval.

"Not. It feels stronger than Madrid 2013. " Taehyun argued.

"It's not Madrid 2013. This is a Choi group production." Seungyoon gave his arrogant smirk.

"Don't joke, Seungyoon-ah. Your wine isn't like this. " Mino took another sip of the wine and tasted it.

"Show them, Secretary Hong." Seungyoon said casually. Secretary Hong picked up a wine bottle and began to open the paper label that was draped around the neck of the bottle. The CG label written clearly on it made the three people surprised.

"Woah, how come?" asked Mino curiously.

"Could you possibly increase the storage time?" guessed Taehyun who was answered with a nod by Seungyoon.

"So this is the reason you didn't sell anhi delaying the sale of wine produced by the Choi group?" turns to Mino who guessed.

"Right." Brief Seungyoon, he took his glass and accepted the wine from secretary Hong.

"You did it on purpose to make Choi group wine a Limited Edition?" Taehyun said.

"You're really smart, Taehyun." Praise Seungyoon.

"You will sell it even if it is in short supply at a price that is way above average, because the taste of your wine is better than the wines on the market." Jinwoo explained.

"You're right, hyung!" Seungyoon smiled.

"Because goods in limited quantities have their own market share, that's why you have no problem if you have to lose in the beginning." Taehyun added.

"BINGO!" Seungyoon snapped his fingers while pointing at Taehyun.

"You're terrible, Choi Seungyoon." Mino raised a wine glass for Seungyoon.

"But, to add to the selling value of Choi group's wines. You need a famous star in your ad. " Taehyun's suggestion.

"I've got it." Seungyoon answered.

"Who? WINNER? I heard they are a group of singers with classy appearances, or Super Junior, the legendary group has always succeeded in delivering high sales figures. " Mino began to guess which hallyu star would be suitable to advertise this product.

"Not them, but you." Seungyoon answered briefly.

"WHAT?" The three of them were surprised by Seungyoon's words.

"Nobody can sell more limited edition wine than the children of the Bigbang Corporation group. Those who want to have a life like ours, follow everything we do. Using you as commercials is the most appropriate thing. " Seungyoon explained.

The three of them were silent and returned to enjoying the wine before Mino finally said goodbye to the hospital and Taehyun returned home. Jinwoo also said goodbye but he looked closely at Seungyoon first.

So this is what he means about the time to come where he will take all the responsibilities that were previously in Jiho's hands. He will do it until Jiho comes back. Inner Jinwoo.

The shooting and photoshoot for the CG wine marketing has been completed. The result is in accordance with their predictions, CG wine sales soared and the company made a big profit. Seungyoon gave bonuses to employees involved in this project, including grape farmers who had protested.

The media flocked to produce praise articles for Seungyoon. "Young CEO Choi is starting to show his fangs", "A new generation in the business world was born from the Choi group company", Another article reads "Choi Seungyoon, a fitting blend of Goddess of Analysis Jang Sohee and God of Prediction Choi Seunghyun".

It is known that before marrying Choi Seunghyun, Jang Sohee was a designer who was able to analyze the future of the fashion world. The analysis stated in the form of clothing never misses the point, he always makes trends from the clothes he creates.

President Choi looks satisfied with Seungyoon's performance. In less than six months, Seungyoon had already made more than once the company's profit. Despite experiencing several changes in the composition of employees due to the new regulations Seungyoon made, in the end the number of employees who were fired and resigned decreased. The employees began to be able to keep up with the work rhythm that Seungyoon created.

The welcoming party for Seungyoon as CEO of the new Choi group company is being held, President Choi is very proud of his son. He smiled seeing Seungyoon mingling with company colleagues and President Choi's smile was caught by Seungyoon. Seungyoon walked towards him with a face full of questions.

"Why are you smiling, Father? Are you smiling because you managed to make me jump into your world or are you smiling because those who weren't your son ended up leaving the position you prepared for me? Ah, looks like you are smiling for both of them. "

Seungyoon walked again. President Choi was silent to hear Seungyoon's words but he made Seungyoon stop and stare at him tensely when he said, "I've found your hyung."

"I know where he is, Seungyoon-ah." he continued.

* * *

Seungyoon was waiting for someone from inside a car parked in front of the entrance to the detention center in Incheon. After being told by President Choi about his hyung's whereabouts, Seungyoon immediately left the party and went directly to Incheon alone. He arrived this morning to see Jiho in person.

Seungyoon finally saw Jiho walking towards the entrance of the detention center. Jiho was wearing a black hoodie, jeans that were ripped at the knees, sneakers, it didn't look like his style.

Seungyoon was ready to open the door to run to hug Jiho and ask him all the questions that had been filling his head all this time, if only he didn't remember what President Choi said last night.

"He lives on the outskirts of Incheon to be able to see his mother every day in prison. My mother and I have met and persuaded him to go home but he refused. Jiho wants to stay there a little longer, he wants to build memories with his mother and also wants to return what you should have. Jiho knows you became an idol because you rebelled to protect him but from now on he will protect you. I was asked to see the changes that would occur when you led the company. When that time came, he was ready to return home. In the meantime, let him enjoy every second with his mother, you must understand more about your hyung's feelings. "

Half an hour passed and Seungyoon saw Jiho come out of the detention house. A smile was clearly etched on Jiho's face, a smile he had never seen before. Tears immediately fell when Seungyoon saw Jiho's smile.

All the passage of time that they passed neatly in his head, suddenly a sense of guilt lurked, "Thank you and forgive me, hyung."

Seungyoon drove his car, past Jiho. Without trying to say hello, Seungyoon only saw Jiho in the rearview mirror of the car that was getting smaller and farther away. Jiho noticed the car that had just passed him, a small smile and steps that stopped Jiho when he looked at the car that had moved away.

"Oraenmaniya, Seungyoon-ah."

* * *

"Eh? Seungyoon? " Jinwoo was surprised to see Seungyoon enter and immediately lay down on the long sofa in his study, just like Mino usually did. Seungyoon really slept. The sound of the cellphone and the vibrations in the grip of the hand did not make Seungyoon wake up.

"Aigoo, if you told me everything sooner, you wouldn't be this tired. Pabo. " Jinwoo scolded the immobile Seungyoon. He took the cellphone from Seungyoon's grasp and answered the incoming call.

"Yes, Jiho-ssi?" replied Jinwoo.

"Where are you?" Asked Jiho who didn't realize it.

"I'm Jinwoo. Seungyoon is sleeping at my practice. "

"Lee Jinwoo? Oh, is Seungyoon okay? " Jiho's voice sounded worried.

"Yes, Seungyoon is fine. You want to talk to him? " asked Jinwoo.

"Not. I'll be there soon. Just, please hold on to him for a moment. " Asked Jiho.

* * *

Kang group company.

Seunghoon looks annoyed at his company's wine sales report when compared to the sales of Choi group companies. Annoyed that his efforts to make his father satisfied are getting further away and maybe the person he is protecting right now won't be able to get out of there.

For six years he tried to be the best but was always beaten by Kwon Taehyun, now one more person appears to show his intelligence, Choi Seungyoon makes him even more frustrated with the situation he is in.

* * *

"Have you come?" Jinwoo welcomed Jiho's arrival. He was a little surprised at Jiho's appearance but Jinwoo immediately understood the situation.

Jiho smiled at Jinwoo, he didn't speak but Jinwoo understood he was looking for Seungyoon. Jinwoo pointed to the sofa where Seungyoon was sleeping. Jiho came to the sofa, he could see Seungyoon's tired face.

"He looks tired and thin." Softly.

"Seungyoon keeps everything alone, even he refused my offer to help him." Jinwoo heard Jiho's quiet voice. He walked to the side of the mini pantry to make drinks for his guests.

"I shouldn't have spoken harshly to him at that time. What kind of hyung am I. " regretted Jiho.

"Don't beat yourself up, Jiho-ssi. You were emotional at that time. " Jinwoo gave the tea he made earlier to Jiho.

"I should be grateful, they want to take care of me and think of me like their own child. I was even angry because of that fact and this kid forced himself too much to protect me. He should know, his life is more important than just hiding this harsh reality. " Jiho touched Seungyoon's hair and rubbed it slowly.

Your bonds are really strong. Inner Jinwoo.

"Ah, how long has he been sleeping?" asked Jiho.

"Since you called until you got here, maybe in about three hours." Jinwoo answered lightly. As if he knew what had happened next, Jinwoo began tidying up the patient files that were on his desk. He planned to make room for the two brothers to release all held back feelings.

"Seungyoon-ah, wake up." Jiho started to wake Seungyoon by moving his younger brother's body but no movement was expected.

"Yes! Choi Seungyoon! How can a CEO sleep long, can lose your company, you idiot. " Jiho shook Seungyoon's body harder than before. Seungyoon began to see movements.

"Choi! Seungyoon! Wake up!" Jiho used his strength to wake Seungyoon up and his efforts were successful. Seungyoon woke up and looked at him with half open eyes.

"Hyung?" he said softly as if he was dreaming Jiho was silent and looked at him.

"HYUNG !!!" His voice rose, his consciousness mixed with surprise to see the hyung whom he had only passed a few hours ago was in front of him.

"Hyung ~" His tone changed, his body which had been tensing up looked like he was getting weak. Seungyoon really saw Jiho in front of him.

"Hey, why are you crying instead? You know the media's eyes are everywhere, do you want to let them write articles, "Group CEO Choi—"

"Hyung ~" Seungyoon didn't let Jiho finish his sentence, he immediately hugged Jiho while sobbing.

Three minutes. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Jiho and Seungyoon didn't let go of each other's hugs. Only Seungyoon's sobs can be heard echoing in the room. They let go of their homesickness and also let go of the tightness in their chests that had been held up for the past few months.

"Stop crying. Let's go home, mom and dad are waiting. " Jiho patted Seungyoon on the back once to make his sister stop crying.

Without directly saying goodbye to Jinwoo, the two of them left Jinwoo's practice room to the parking lot. Jinwoo, who came out of the other room, saw that the two brothers were teasing each other.

"Tsk. After finding the real hyung, this hyung was abandoned. "

Even though Jinwoo said that, there was no expression on the face of annoyance or anger towards Seungyoon. Instead, he pulled both ends of his lips until a smile was etched on his face.

* * *

Dong Mino was checking the CT-SCAN result documents of several patients this afternoon until suddenly an intern, gasping for breath, came to see him.

"Profehhsorhh why your cellphone haaaah not activehhgfgh?"

"What is wrong? Why are you running— Could it be ?! " Mino had gotten up from his chair, he rushed out of his room, followed by the intern earlier.

"What is it this time?" asked Mino on his run.

"Cehhhhgukhhhan." The intern said earlier.


The run got louder as soon as he heard the cause.

Hiccup. It may be a matter of indifference to those of us who are in good shape. Treating it can be by drinking water or being surprised by other people so the hiccups will disappear, but hiccups turn into a frightening specter if someone experiencing it has ataxia.

"How long have the hiccups started from you running?" Mino asked on his way to Aeri's ward.

"Since I ran? Maybe about… three minutes. " The apprentice replied while still trying to keep pace with Mino.

"You let Doctor Aeri hiccup that long? Aiish! " he hissed irritably.

"Sorry, sir. I was surprised to see Doctor Aeri suddenly hiccupping, I remember your words about hiccups and panic when trying to contact you but couldn't, that's why I ran to where you are. "

Mino had warned all the doctors on duty in the ward where Aeri was being treated, he also warned about hiccups. Ataxia sufferers cannot immediately be given drink to overcome their hiccups because it can trigger their motor nerves to stop, nor can they give shock therapy in a way that surprises them because their heart may stop pumping blood and cause a heart attack.

Mino arrived in front of Aeri's ward and immediately broke into the room.

"Wasn't breaking through the way she startled him?" said the intern earlier.

"Heuk." The sound of Aeri's hiccups was still heard.



Mino immediately helped Aeri sit down, she looked very miserable, especially since her hands could no longer be moved. Mino sat on the edge of the bed facing Aeri, he held her shoulders tightly, he pinched her shoulders to be precise.

"Take your breath slowly, Aeri-ah. Slowly. Look at me. Take it out slowly too. " Mino tutored Aeri. Slowly Aeri followed Mino's words. He inhaled slowly and exhaled when Mino asked him to.

After Aeri's hiccups disappeared, Mino laid her back down. He asked Aeri to rest and then came out of his room followed by the intern who looked surprised by what happened just now, his eyes could not be separated from Mino. How can the hiccups go away so quickly?

"I pressed the skin over the deltoid muscle of his shoulder to stop the hiccups." Obviously Mino was short.

"Deltoid muscle?" repeated the intern.

Mino looked at the apprentice doctor's face and sighed, "In order to stimulate the phrenic nerve which is blocked by the droplets attached to the nerve, you can not only get rid of it by drinking warm water or shocking someone who is hiccupping. You can do that to prevent poisoning in patients with kidney failure who are not allowed to drink water or to avoid heart attacks in patients with heart problems. " Mino explained.

"Aaaa ~ that's why so many elderly people pat their shoulders when they hiccup… I think it's just their habit." the apprentice doctor imitated the attitude of the elderly, he patted his shoulder while nodding.

"They pat because they have to find the skin over the deltoid muscle right. If you already know the point, you only need to pinch it once. "

"You also have to learn it. Try it with your partner. " He said who responded with a nod from the intern.

Mino continued walking while the intern bent over to let Mino go. At first he thought of being beside Aeri but letting Aeri rest after what happened was the only option Mino could take.

That night, after all the work was done. Mino returned to Aeri's treatment room. He saw Aeri was closing her eyes, maybe she was sleeping. Mino approached the bed and touched Aeri's hand slowly.

"Aeri-ah ..." he called softly.

"Honey ... Are you okay?" Mino rubbed Aeri's head slowly.

"Jung Aeri." Mino started to panic, he was confused why Aeri didn't answer his call. Maybe Aeri can't talk anymore? In his heart, Mino kept saying no and no.

"Aeri, what happened? Please, speak before you can't speak! " Mino's voice rose.

"Leave me, oppa."

Aeri finally answered the call, Mino sighed, relieved that what he imagined didn't happen. Mino smoothed Aeri's blanket, checked the humidifier on the table near the bed.

"Geurae, rest. I'll come back later, tonight I'll sleep here. " said Mino.

"Leave me forever, it's time you got to know another woman besides me. Let's break up, oppa. " Aeri said it calmly.

"W-what are you talking about, honey? Today is quite tiring for you, rest. " Mino returned to tidying up Aeri's neat blanket, as if he wanted to pretend he didn't hear her.

"I will not recover, oppa. Ataxia can't be cured. " Aeri put emphasis on her last sentence along with her trembling voice.

"Don't believe whatever these hospital people say. Go to sleep, honey. " Mino calmed Aeri.

"Did you forget that I'm a doctor? I AM A DOCTOR! " Aeri screamed hysterically. Her tears broke out and Mino immediately pulled Aeri into his arms. Aeri's cry sounded harsh.

"I know what my condition is like. I beg you, don't make me torture you even more by maintaining our relationship. I'd rather see you happy than cry when I'm gone. " continued Aeri.

Aeri's words sounded painful to Mino until the man shed tears when he hugged Aeri. Mino bit his lower lip to hold back the tears that might spill out.

"Wait, dear. I will find a cure for you. " Mino started rubbing Aeri's head behind him, making her cry again.

"I'll find your medicine." Mino softly.

God doesn't immediately make way not because he wants us to give up, but to test how strong we can endure. If you just give up, then what about me? what about God, Aeri-ah. thought Mino.

* * *

"Mother ..." Jiho approached the woman he called mother.

"Oh, Jiho. Are you home, son? " Sohee - a woman called Jiho's mother - spread her arms to embrace Jiho.

"I miss you. Can I still call you mother? " asked Jiho in his arms.

"Brat. Of course you should still call me mother, I live to have two sons. " Sohee tightened her hug on Jiho and started sobbing.

Seungyoon didn't want to just see him, he approached the two of them and hugged them, "And I was born to have a mother like a mother and a hyung like a hyung."

President Choi smiled at the three of them. After releasing his hug, Jiho looked at Seungyoon to go to president Choi. At first Seungyoon was reluctant because he felt embarrassed and awkward but Jiho threatened Seungyoon from his gaze and finally, Seungyoon went closer to president Choi.

"Ehem ... Mianhabnida, Abeoji." Seungyoon was embarrassed because of his awkwardness.

"I was wrong with you too. Mianhae, Seungyoon-ah. " president Choi in return apologized to Seungyoon.

President Choi's apology sounded sincere, without having to explain the two of them understood what their apology was for. Seungyoon immediately hugged President Choi.

"Go to the office with your hyung." President Choi orders after releasing his embrace.

* * *

"Something you want to straighten out will never go straight if you still mix your ego in it. Get rid of your ego first, then you will definitely see a way to straighten it out." - Choi Jiho.