Lee Jinwoo looked out of his practice room window, staring at the blue sky with white clouds that were perhaps whiter than the practice suit he always wore while working. Birds flying here and there, were either the same bird or different birds without Jinwoo noticing. Just thinking about the bird was able to tie the knot of the psychiatrist's smile.



The sound of the room door opening roughly by someone, without a word that person immediately sat on the sofa. Jinwoo just smiled at him who was putting on that annoyed but adorable face. Jinwoo remembered Seungyoon's words, if this person was born a woman then he would be as cute as his mother.

"What is wrong?" asked Jinwoo closer to her.

"Haaaahh ..." he just sighed to make Jinwoo smile even more, he sat in front of that person.

"My father. He told me to take Eunsoo on vacation. " She said with an annoyed face and a tone that also sounded annoyed.

"That is good." Jinwoo let out a laugh.

"What's so good, hyung?" he protested. Jinwoo also leaned his body on the back of the sofa.

"Taehyun-ah, what's wrong with Eunsoo? Is it because her face is similar to Eunhye? " Jinwoo asked quietly. Taehyun only responded with another sigh, Jinwoo understood the meaning of his sigh. The boy was reluctant to answer.

"You know that's unfair, right? If Eunsoo knew that his face resembling someone else bothered others, he would not have wanted to be born that way. Just like you who don't want to be born as the son of President Kwon. " Jinwoo blatantly told Taehyun the truth.

"Hyung!" he protested.

"Why? Did I speak wrong? " asked Jinwoo, who moved to his desk slowly while meeting Taehyun's annoyed gaze.

"Not. You are right. Hufft. "

"Go. Take Yoon Eunsoo on vacation at least once. " Jinwoo didn't look at Taehyun, he wrote something on his desk.

"Sirreo. I better sleep. " Taehyun said.

It was silent and Taehyun turned his head towards Jinwoo who was still writing. He suspected that Jinwoo was doing something that would add to his annoyance.

"What did you write, hyung?" Taehyun asked as he headed for Jinwoo's desk.

Jinwoo looked at her and smiled, "What do you think?"

Taehyun let out a long sigh. The suspicion of Jinwoo seemed to be true when viewed from the smile Jinwoo gave.

"Shall I read it?" Jinwoo teased her by raising the book to face Taehyun.

"" Go on vacation with Yoon Eunsoo at least once, Kwon Taehyun. "" Jinwoo reread the writing on the Kiss Note.

"Yes! Lee Jinwoo !! " Taehyun shouted. He took the book that Jinwoo was holding and saw for himself, Jinwoo's handwriting was written on the book. Jinwoo challenged her via Kiss Note.

"Lee Jinwoo?" Jinwoo repeated.

"I mean hyung. Seriously! Can't you love me like you love Seungyoon? Why are you so happy to tease me? " Taehyun pointed at Jinwoo irritably using a Kiss Note. Taehyun's annoyance was so cute to Jinwoo that he couldn't hide his laughter.

"Maybe it's because you are too cute with your irritation. Be cute often, maybe I will love you more. Hihihi. " Jinwoo replied while continuing to giggle.

"Hyung !!" shouted Taehyun irritated. He took the phone in his blazer pocket and dialed someone's number. While waiting for his phone call to connect, Taehyun still glared at Jinwoo, who smiled proudly at teasing him.

"Hello?" answer the caller on the other side.

"Where should I take him on vacation, Dad?" Taehyun asked matter-of-factly.

"Hooo ~, Kwon Taehyun." Exclaimed jinwoo. Taehyun hissed to see Jinwoo teasing him.

"Raja Ampat? You mean, the Raja Ampat in Indonesia? "

"Hooo ~ Papua New Guinea, that's a beautiful place." Jinwoo teased again.

"Shut up!" shoot Taehyun. Jinwoo giggled again seeing Taehyun annoyed.

After finishing talking with president Kwon, Taehyun returned to pressing the phone number on his cellphone, he called someone. Jinwoo wasn't done laughing at Taehyun who was moving fast because of the challenge in Kiss Note.

"Get ready. I'll pick you up in an hour. Don't bring too many clothes, you can buy them there. " short Taehyun. No need to ask who Taehyun called, from the way he spoke and what he was talking about, it's clear that he just called Yoon Eunsoo.

"Wow, daebak. You're moving very fast, Kwon-ssi. " joked Jinwoo.

"I'm working on a big project. Haaah! I would go crazy if I lost to Seungyoon just because of your ignorance. " Taehyun scolded.

"So you accepted this challenge because you were competing with Seungyoon in a big project?" Jinwoo asked.

"Do you think because I care about Yoon Eunsoo? So? Are you kidding?" Taehyun took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator in Jinwoo's practice room and took a quick sip.

"Tell the others I am leaving for Indonesia tonight. I'll go home first. " Goodbye.

Taehyun had already left the room, Jinwoo shook his head, "Aigoo, that kid ..."

Jinwoo would just return to focus on the work he had put off because he saw the beautiful sky and Taehyun who came, when the door to his practice room opened roughly again. A person entered and immediately approached him, he noticed the slightly worried face of the new arrival.

"Hyung, do you have Kiss Note?" asked the man who had just arrived in his deep, hoarse voice.

"Aigoo, why are there so many people who violently enter my room today." Jinwoo quipped.

"Right, what's wrong?" continued Jinwoo, his gaze focused on the person standing in front of him at this time.

"I want to borrow it for a moment. Where is the book? " He asked again.

Jinwoo immediately gave the book without asking, but his gaze could not be separated from the person who was already holding the Kiss Note. In his haste, the man turned and walked towards the door. When the person's hand has touched the doorknob.

"Dong Mino." Jinwoo's call made Mino pull his hand back from the doorknob and froze for a moment.

"Calm your heart and mind first, then you can use the book. You haven't forgotten the rules of the book, have you? " Jinwoo tried to pull Mino to share the burden because he could see Mino's back ducked under the weight he was carrying.

"I know." Mino answered flatly then opened the door and went out without turning or saying goodbye to Jinwoo, making Jinwoo guess what Mino would do with the book later.

* * *

Mino brought Kiss Note with him. It was the fist and grip of his hand on the book that made Jinwoo guess.

What will Mino do with the Kiss Note in his hand?

The roar of a sports car driven by a doctor who has specialist degrees in 4 different fields of medical science was hoarse, as if the car was showing its owner was depressed in his heart and mind.

Arriving at a room that is neatly arranged between formal and non-formal award certificates, with a shelf arranged by books from various publications, Mino forced his body to sit behind a desk not far from the bed in his room.

For a moment he looked at the photo in the frame at the right corner of his desk, a photo where he was standing tightly hugging his girlfriend during college in New York. Then, Mino took out a pen and started writing something on the white Kiss Note.

I want you to tell me, is there any tool or knowledge that can cure Ataxia sufferers?

After writing, he seemed restless waiting for the answer that came out of the Kiss Note. Mino and the others understood very well, Kiss Note was able to answer questions that even human reason could not grasp.

His hands were sweaty and his breathing was ragged, it was obvious that he was so dependent on the answers that would be issued by the Kiss Note. His uneasiness was not without reason, he knew Kiss Note would not answer if it was about one second in the future, even if he wrote repeatedly.

Mino waited for a long time for an answer from the Kiss Note, suddenly a brush-like rubbing sound was heard as the ink lines appeared that gradually formed words.


Kiss Note gave an answer to Mino's question and made him take a deep breath in surprise.

Several hours earlier

Mino's hobby apart from studying the latest medical science in order to find a way to heal Aeri is surfing. The sigh that is issued in front of the open sea is almost inaudible because of the roar of the waves that are quite high. He felt the serenity of being here, standing beside the surfboard that had been stuck in the sand for a long time, making him forget who Jung Aeri was for a moment.

After warming up to relax all his body muscles, Mino walked towards the shoreline to begin blending with the sea water into the waves that were ready to welcome him. Standing on a surfboard following the waves of the high seas that might drown it is a challenge for him. When he couldn't beat the waves and was knocked down, it wasn't the sound of swearing that came out of him but the sound of laughter. As much as he surfed, he fell several times because he failed to beat the waves but there was no fear in him. There is no reason to fear death if a loved one is suffering alone, Mino thought.

After being satisfied with the sea, Mino returned to the surfboard storage room to store his boards. He sat himself in the storage room and leaned against the wall of the room.

"Haaaa…" Mino sighed to reduce the tightness in his chest but there wasn't much less because his chest was still tight.

"How could he speak to me in such a cruel way? Asking me to find another girl? How can he cherish my love only for the time? Haaah, if President Kwon can last twenty-seven years, he should know I can last much longer than that. You're too mean to me, Jung Aeri. " Mino repeated Aeri's words last night.

Suddenly, Seungyoon's words echoed in his head. The words that the child used to say made Mino aware of something.

"If you are confused about your choice, just ask Kiss Note. That book is sure to be able to answer the most difficult questions in your life, while what you are asking is not about your future, hehehe… "Although Seungyoon said it with a laugh but because of that he had new thoughts.

"Stupid! Why are you thinking now? " Mino stood up and rushed to the car to get his cellphone.

"Oh, Seunghoon-ah. Is the Kiss Note in you? " asked Mino.

"Ah… Jinwoo hyung. Arraseo. Gomawo. "

Mino immediately drove his car to the Lee group hospital. When he arrived at the crossroads, his cell phone rang. A name "Team Aeri" appeared on the cellphone screen, Mino immediately answered the phone call.

"Prof, Doctor Jung ..." his voice sounded panicked.

"Doctor Jung ... He's starting to be unable to make his voice." Connect the owner of the panicked voice.

Mino, who was pressing the gas pedal, immediately stepped on the brake pedal. It was fortunate that the road was not so busy that Mino had no accident except for the sound of the horn given by another driver. Mino hit the steering wheel so hard, tears couldn't even come out.

"Aaarrgghh !!" without thinking, Mino continued on his way to the Lee group hospital. He only needed to turn around to get to the hospital, seeing Aeri's current condition but in his head right now was a Kiss Note.

* * *


Today is very tiring, I don't want to eat or meet other people. The only person I wanted to meet I couldn't meet. I wanted God to send an angel and take him away from that damned place, but it seems that God is afraid of my father and the only thing my father is most afraid of is President Choi. Unfortunately, before President Choi is involved, my father will prepare to send him further away from me. It looks much better right now than others and I know I can bear it.

"Don't worry dear, Oppa will get you out of there. Soon."

Seunghoon said it while looking at the ceiling of the room, imagining the face of the person he called dear.

* * *

After obtaining a Kiss Note from Jinwoo and asking about Ataxia's treatment, a lot of questions filled his head at this time. It seemed impossible to him. Studying the latest methods from four important fields of medical science in just eight months didn't make him find the answers to his questions, but Kiss Note answered them very easily.

What is that?

Mino wrote down his next question, but nothing like the previous one made him wait. This time Kiss Note gave the answer immediately after absorbing Mino's question.

In 2004, Hollywood produced a film called Anacondas.

Mino growled, Kiss Note's answer to him was not the answer he wanted. Feeling fooled by Kiss Note, Mino returned to writing.

Don't play with me. What does the film have to do with Ataxia? It's just a movie, why should I believe in that film?

Kiss Note etched word for word in reply to Mino.

Not films but knowledge.

Mino frowned. He wrote back, Knowledge? What knowledge?

The film tells about the search for a sacred flower that only blooms once every 34 years. The essence of the rare sacred orchid flower is able to strengthen the anti-body in humans.

Mino started to think, while Kiss Note was still writing down the knowledge he meant.

The serum contained in the extract of the orchid's pistil is also able to cure cancer without surgery or chemotherapy. For ataxia, this serum is able to repair tissue damage in the sufferer's cerebellum.

There has been no official research, but the benefits of the extract from the pistil of the orchid flower are actually able to strengthen the anti-body of people who eat it. There are still many who believe that the sacred flower is just a myth created for film purposes. In fact, the sacred orchid flower actually grows once every 34 years.

Its existence is known to be in the forest off Kalimantan, Indonesia. The orchid that only grows there has the ability to prolong a person's life by making him immune from all diseases including viruses and bacteria.

Reading the explanation written by Kiss Note made him unable to utter a word, his brain was busy digesting the Kiss Note writing. Recalling the information Kiss Note gave him. Then he remembered to ask the next question.

When was the last time the flower bloomed?

This question will determine Aeri's future. At least he should know about it, it would be useless if it turned out that he had to wait a long time because no one knew how long Mino and Aeri had to be together.

April 12, 2007.

"April 12, 2007? It means that next month, the flowers will bloom. Aeri-ah, luck is on our side. I will get the flowers for you and you will get well. "

Without Mino realizing it, his eyes were already wet with tears that he could not bring out before. The tears that fell on the Kiss Note sheet, and it became a sacred agreement between him and Kiss Note.

If Mino really used the answer given by Kiss Note, then he must also be prepared to lose something valuable in his life.

* * *

"Something must have happened to Aeri. Haah, Dong Mino, you worry me. "

Jinwoo stopped his work and was stunned to remember Mino's face when he asked for a Kiss Note from him.