
Raja Ampat Waters, West Papua New Guinea, Indonesia

Haaa ~

The psychiatrist really pissed me off. If it weren't for her pranks, I wouldn't be sitting next to this woman in the helicopter. Since the helicopter left the helipad, his mouth has not closed at the beauty of the Indonesian sea. Geez, what a shame.

"You will get your reply, Lee Jinwoo. I'll make sure of that. " dumelku.

"Are you talking to me?" this woman might hear my whisper.

"Just look to the right there." my orders.

He obeyed. His mouth fell open again. Tch, embarrassing.

"Are you sure this is Indonesia?" he asked without taking his eyes off the chopper's glass.

"You've never been to Indonesia?" I asked back. He turned his head then shook his head innocently.

"Geez. Look again there, don't stare at me for too long. You might fall in love with me later. " I joked.

"Tch ..." he hissed softly.

"Woah. How can you see the underwater life from up here? I guess it's not a sea but a big aquarium. Kekeke. " He shouted suddenly, startled me

I took a breath to see his tacky behavior.

* * *

After the helicopter landed, Taehyun still had to use a jeep type to get to the Raja Ampat coast. Geographical conditions and roads in Manokwari make it impossible to use sports cars, even though sports cars are available. Eunsoo can't stop being amazed by the natural scenery of Indonesia that is presented in front of his eyes, making Taehyun uncomfortable.

The trip to the shoreline only takes thirty minutes by car. After Taehyun parked the car, they walked until they saw a bridge made of wood and bamboo which is still traditional but beautifies the surrounding scenery. Taehyun and Eunsoo tread the bridge very carefully. Especially Eunsoo, who made several surprised voices, making Taehyun have to hold the woman's hand.

"Hey, what's up bro ?!" said a woman who welcomed Taehyun and Eunsoo at the end of the bridge.

Taehyun let go of his grip on Eunsoo and walked faster to hug the woman who smiled kindly at him.

"Ah, I really miss you, Jae." Taehyun used non-formal Indonesian to the woman and Eunsoo was silent because he was shocked to see Taehyun using a language he didn't understand.

"Hahaha, me too. I was surprised that President Director Kwon called his father last night asking to prepare all the sailing facilities for two people. I thought you would come with Mino, it turns out to be a girl. " Reply to the woman of Indonesian - Korean descent who is called Taehyun Jae but his real name is Jaebin. He has been friends with Taehyun and the four children of the richest family in Seoul since he was 7 years old because all the resorts and all the facilities in Raja Ampat belong to Bigbang Corporation and his family who are in charge of managing them.

"My butt is bothering you, huh? Sorry, yes. " Taehyun feels bad for Jae.

"Okay, like this doank. Are we still friends? Why do you ask that? I swear, you're not cool. " Jae threw a fist to Taehyun's right chest which was greeted by Taehyun's smile. That's right, Jae is a tomboyish woman.

"Can you speak their language?" Eunsoo asked with a shocked face seeing the conversation just now. Jae smiled at him.

"It's 2034, Yoon-nim. Indonesia is much more developed than you think. Their curriculum requires that each student master at least ten foreign languages. If Indonesia is that advanced, then what makes me unable to master their language? We live in a country much more developed than them, it would be a shame if they couldn't even master their language. Tch. " Taehyun's successful explanation made Eunsoo look down in shame.

"We even made it to Korea in just three subway rides, ahgassi." Jae added which made Eunsoo drown his head even more.

Jae nudged Taehyun, "who?"

"Tauk ah." Taehyun replied lazily.

"Friends?" asked Jae again, he tried to dig information from Taehyun.

"No. My father's future son-in-law "Taehyun explained short and curt.

"Candidate in law? Happfftt. " Jae stifled a laugh, he knew for sure this was President Kwon's doing.

"Laugh at me?" Taehyun asked back.

"Not. Hehehe." Jae replied with a giggle.

"Njiir ... Where's the key to the ship?" Taehyun changed the subject.

"This. Call me if you need anything. " Jae throws the cruise key President Kwon ordered for Taehyun.

"No need to wait, I'll be back tomorrow." Taehyun said while catching the cruise key.

"Algaesseubnida, CEO Kwon."

"Nice to meet you, ahgassi. A little message for you, you have to be careful with him. Taehyun is always a little annoying. " Jae messages before leaving the two men.

"She sure sucks." Cibir Eunsoo.

* * *

Cheondamdong, Seoul, South Korea.

"Cough ..." Jinwoo coughed, who could not catch the attention of his three friends.

"What's wrong with you, hyung?" asked Seungyoon.

"I don't know. Looks like Taehyun said my name. " Jinwoo put down the teacup that made him cough earlier.

"Ah… I just realized, there is no Taehyun here. Where is he going?" Mino asked, he lifted his head waiting for answers from the other three friends.

"He went to Raja Ampat." Jinwoo replied briefly.

"West Papua New Guinea? Indonesia?" Mino asked again and got Jinwoo nod.

"With whom?" Seunghoon's turn to ask.

"Yoon. Eun. Soo. " Jinwoo answered slowly but emphasized each word. This made the three friends widen their eyes.

"Ha ha ha. I thought he really hated that woman, it turns out… "Seunghoon deliberately stopped his sentence.

"He went to run my challenge on Kiss Note." Jinwoo was still amused when he remembered Taehyun's annoyed face when he gave Taehyun the challenge.

"You're so mean, hyung. He definitely won't stop swearing at you. " Seungyoon could clearly see Taehyun's face in his shadow cursing Jinwoo for his ignorance and it made him laugh. Likewise others.

"Haaa, just a moment! Guess what, hyung, Taehyun must be sailing on a cruise ship. Do you think he will do it with Eunsoo? " Seungyoon threw a question at Seunghoon.

"I do not think so. You see, Taehyun really hates Yoon Eunsoo. After all, he's someone who has no interest in such things. " Seunghoon's values ​​about Taehyun.

"Eii, he's Kwon Taehyun the female conqueror, hyung. Have you forgotten whose father? Or have you also forgotten about Margaret, Seunghoon hyung? " Seungyoon reminded.

"Margareth?" Seunghoon frowned, as if he had heard his name but his memory was not very clear.

"Did you forget? Paris woman you can't even get a drink with. "

"Oh that tall woman. Then?"

"You didn't succeed in getting him to drink but Taehyun managed to get him to sleep." Seungyoon replied lightly but his ignorant smile appeared, he was teasing Seunghoon.

"What?" Seunghoon's goggles were accompanied by laughter from Jinwoo and Mino.

"Why are you laughing too? Do you guys know about this? Am I the only one who doesn't know? " Seunghoon protests.

"Geunyang, we just want to protect your feelings." Jinwoo laughed at Seunghoon's expression.

* * *

Raja Ampat Waters, West Papua New Guinea, Indonesia (05.00 WIT)

The morning sunlight entered from between the curtains exposed to the gentle sea breeze, Eunsoo woke up and realized that from yesterday he was sailing in the sea with Taehyun. Nothing happened overnight even though they drank the wine Jae prepared. Taehyun busied himself reading novels while Eunsoo went crazy because he could see the vast night sky with the sprinkling of stars.

"When do we return to the mainland?" asked Eunsoo who knew that Taehyun had woken up first.

"Why didn't you say that since we were at the airport, I would be very happy if you said it earlier." Taehyun opened his eyes and got up, even walking past Eunsoo to the deck of the ship.

Eunsoo followed and grabbed Taehyun's hand, "You're really annoying."

"You know, you are much more annoying, Yoon Eunsoo-ssi." Taehyun replied.

"If you don't like being here, why are you picking me up at home?" asked Eunsoo.

"Father's orders." short Taehyun.

"You're the best at refusing orders, why don't you refuse it this time?" Eunsoo asked again, their eyes deepening.

"Jinwoo hyung made me have to do it. If it weren't for that, I would have insisted on rejecting this idea. " Taehyun replied.

"I give up, maybe you really don't like girls." Eunsoo let go of his hand and was about to leave when Taehyun pulled Eunsoo's hand until he caught Eunsoo's tiny body.

Taehyun grabbed Eunsoo's waist and sat the woman on the edge of the ship's lip fence. Taehyun made Eunsoo's hands around his neck, leaving their bodies less than 10 cm apart.

"Don't talk carelessly in front of me, Eunsoo-ssi." the two pairs of eyes met each other.

Eunsoo was lulled by Taehyun's eyes. Like there is a magnet that keeps him attracted to keep looking at Taehyun's eyes. Eunsoo could have removed the circle of his hands from Taehyun's neck but the woman allowed himself to be lulled by a Kwon Taehyun.

The wind was blowing the ends of Eunsoo's hair to cover his face. Taehyun corrected Eunsoo's hair that covered his face, he put it behind Eunsoo's earlobe, although amused Eunsoo didn't move. He closed his eyes reflexively and when he opened his eyes, the distance between Eunsoo and Taehyun's faces was very close.

Eunsoo was nervous so he wanted to remove the circle of his arms but too late, Taehyun's lips touched hers first. At first their lips only touched each other then Taehyun began to adjust the rhythm, trying Eunsoo's lips so he could crush Eunsoo's lips easily. Eunsoo has surrendered himself to Taehyun, even the circle of his hands has shrunk. Eunsoo pulled Taehyun, showing that he wanted Taehyun. Taehyun received the code, he crushed Eunsoo's thick lower lip. His tongue even barged in, making Eunsoo even more lulled.

Eunsoo's awakening was an opportunity for Taehyun. Taehyun started to let go of Eunsoo's circle of hands and pulled his face away from Eunsoo's face, he even took two steps back. Eunsoo, who was shocked, lost his balance and didn't have time to hold on to it causing himself to fall backwards. Eunsoo did not fall because there was no sound of the water crashing, apparently Eunsoo was still hanging on the edge of the ship.

Taehyun peeked, "Get up on your own if you want to continue earlier."

Taehyun disappeared for a moment then came back with a glass of wine, he raised the glass in front of Eunsoo and started to drink it.

From the fishing boat that stopped in the middle of the sea, someone watched them with binoculars, "Chairman, young master let Miss Yoon hang on the boat's lip. Should we help Miss Yoon?

"No, just leave them." replied President Kwon.

"Eh?" The man who was sent by President Kwon seemed confused by President Kwon's decision.

"It's just a trick to make Eunsoo fulfill all his wishes. Leave them, Taehyun caught you after all. " Said president Kwon.

"Very well, president." Local fishing boats began to leave the site.

* * *

Taehyun just laughed at that. He's not unaware of President Kwon's people around him, it's just that he wants to put on an interesting performance for President Kwon.

"You think I don't know about your men? Tsk, I've even noticed since picking up your future-in-law, Dad. You seem to be enjoying this show. Very well, I will continue this game as you wish. " Taehyun said while enjoying wine right above Eunsoo, who was still hanging and could only look at him irritatedly.

"Kwon Taehyun, bitch. I'm not strong anymore, my hands are sore. Please help me up. " Eunsoo begged Taehyun. Both of his hands could not support himself hanging on the edge of the ship.

"Take my hand." Taehyun stretched out his hand to Eunsoo.

Eunsoo tried to grab Taehyun's hand with his right hand, but Taehyun immediately pulled the hand he had stretched out earlier and Taehyun's attitude made Eunsoo surprised that he didn't have time to return to hanging his right hand to the edge of the ship. Taehyun just smiled mockingly.

Eunsoo's left hand could not bear the weight of his body which finally made Eunsoo's body slammed into the sea and drowned. Meanwhile Taehyun was still enjoying the wine that was left in his glass, mouth after mouthful. After the last sip, Taehyun threw away his glass and immediately jumped into the sea looking for Eunsoo.

Diving to find the figure of Eunsoo who might be dying because Taehyun deliberately didn't help the woman immediately. The waters of Raja Ampat are increasingly looking clear because the sun is starting to rise, this makes it easier for Taehyun to find Eunsoo's figure. It didn't take long, Taehyun swam closer to Eunsoo's body and pulled Eunsoo's body by wrapping his arm around Eusoo's chest then swam up to the surface.

Taehyun lay Eunsoo's body on the deck of the ship, he began to give CPR to Eunsoo. Pressing the chest and giving a breath to Eunsoo without feeling panic. Taehyun does CPR easily because he learned from his best friend Mino a few years ago. After a few minutes, Eunsoo coughed and drained water from his mouth and then took a deep, rough breath.

"Hah hah hah ... Are you conscious?" Taehyun asked looking at Eunsoo's face.


A slap landed on Taehyun's cheek. He grimaced a little as the heat spread rapidly around his face. When he returned his face and looked at Eunsoo, he found his tears were already flowing. The woman cried without sobs.

"If you can't make me smile, then don't make me cry, Kwon Taehyun." Eunsoo pushed Taehyun's body to the side so he could wake up.

"I started liking you a few minutes ago but your attitude earlier made me kill all that feeling." continued Eunsoo. He got up and walked towards the inside of the ship.

"If you can't endure don't act like you have that ability." Taehyun started to stand up and looked at Eunsoo's back. The woman stopped her steps when she heard Taehyun speak.

"I started liking you a few minutes ago but your face made me destroy all that feeling." Taehyun replied to Eunsoo's words earlier.

"I give up, I will tell your father to cancel our match and I will not show my face to you again." Eunsoo continued his steps but then his body pulled and twisted. Now he is in the same position as before he fell into the sea.

Taehyun's breath sounded clear, "Say it again tomorrow, if you don't change your mind."

Taehyun put his lips with Eunsoo's lips and tried to make Eunsoo open his lips but Eunsoo pushed Taehyun's body.

"Don't repeat it if you still want to try to drown me. You are no different from a bastard man even you are lower than that. " Eunsoo looked disgustedly at Taehyun, making the man pull Eunsoo's body closer than before.

"You can't tell the taste from earlier and from earlier? What if I mean it? " asked Taehyun.

"Really forget who you are and who I am." Taehyun continued.

Taehyun's fingers arrived at the dress tie Eunsoo was wearing, Taehyun easily pulled the tie and started to crush Eunsoo's lips while removing the dress Eunsoo was wearing.

Taehyun's touch by touch made Eunsoo forget a moment ago that he almost drowned because of this man. Like Seungyoon said, Taehyun is a conqueror of women.

And as president Kwon said, letting Eunsso drown was Taehyun's trick to make Eunsoo give him what he wanted. Eunsoo's body, which is exhausted from drowning, will not resist all of Taehyun's touch. With ease, Taehyun controlled everything including Eunsoo's body.

The more intense sunlight made Taehyun lead Eunsoo into the ship without releasing his lips. Eunsoo did not refuse when Taehyun directed him to lie on the bed on this cruise ship.

They have dissolved in a world where they forgot who Kwon Taehyun and Yoon Eunsoo are. Like Taehyun's wish.

* * *

Seoul South Korea.

"I just got news from Jae, Taehyun hasn't returned from his voyage. It's been one day or night, right? Hihihi isn't that enough time to do it a few times? " Seungyoon smiled mischievously.

Seungyoon just arrived at Jinwoo's study. Not in a hospital, but in a building located in the city center. In fact, he didn't really open a practice apart from the hospital, this building was more suitable to be called a base camp. Being a place where his friends can freely come and go to consult with him or just sleep in relieves fatigue.


Jinwoo landed a thick book he was holding on to Seungyoon's head making the man grimace while holding his head.

"Issh, fill your head, Choi Seungyoon." Jinwoo hissed with a smile.

"Aahh, hyung. Aren't they going on a business trip to America this week? " Seungyoon asked anyone who could answer his question.

"I don't know anything, I'm just a doctor not a businessman." Mino's answer.

"I also." Jinwoo replied.

"They will be there for an annual trip to all Bigbang Group subsidiaries. Why do you ask that? " Seunghoon answered Seungyoon's question. Without having to say who they meant, they knew that the object of conversation was none other than their fathers.

"So, here it is. So far, we always meet outside and don't know what is inside our house. How about while those spoiled ahjusi leave, we take turns visiting each other's homes. " explained Seungyoon.

"Good idea. I'm also curious about your house. " Mino replied. Jinwoo agreed.

"No, not my house! Just your house. " Seunghoon refused to visit his house.

"Wae?" asked Jinwoo.

"Just not my house." Seunghoon said firmly.

Seunghoon's refusal made his three friends exchange glances at each other, feeling surprised at Seunghoon's attitude.

* * *

The evening light entered through the window touching Eunsoo's face and body, which was not covered by a single thread, he fell asleep in Taehyun's arms. The man was staring at Eunsoo's face who indeed looked very much like the woman he had hated all his life. It crossed Jinwoo's words about Eunsoo and Eunhye who have similar faces but one is not the other, they are different people.

Eunsoo didn't deserve his harsh treatment just because his face resembled the woman he hated. Taehyun pulled the thin blanket over their bodies. Eunsoo made a movement, he leaned closer to Taehyun's body.

"Do you still think I'm your father's ex-girlfriend reincarnation?" Eunsoo still closed his eyes but didn't really sleep.

"Don't talk about it if the incident this morning doesn't want to happen again." Taehyun cynical. He didn't really mean to be cynical about Eunsoo.

"Sorry." Said Eunsoo.

"Use whatever you can to cover your body, we will return to the mainland now." Taehyun got up and started walking towards the ship's wheelhouse covered in a towel.

"What's with my clothes?" asked Eunsoo.

"Looks like it fell into the sea." Taehyun replied casually and then disappeared behind the door.

"MWO?" surprised Eunsoo. He saw the situation, it was impossible to come out like this.

Then what about me? There's no way I'll come out like this. Yes! Kwon Taehyun! " Eunsoo raised his voice calling Taehyun to take responsibility but Taehyun from the wheelhouse could only hold back laughter seeing Eunsoo's panic.

"You can use that blanket to cover your body. The land is already visible. " Taehyun's suggestion. He still held back his laughter even though he didn't really have to, but the connecting mirror between the wheelhouse and where Eunsoo was was too clear.

When he arrived on the mainland, Jae was already waiting for Taehyun and Eunsoo's arrival.

"What are you, Jae? I told you to prepare everything including a change of clothes. Why can't I find a change of clothes over there ?! " Taehyun raised his voice because he was angry with Jae, his eyes glazed at Jae's surprise. Eunsoo walked down in embarrassment as he tightened his grip on the blanket that covered him.

"Sorry, young master. I am really, really sorry. I didn't think you would go down to sea. " Jae explained.

"This is your first mistake so I will forgive you." Taehyun strolled past Jae who bowed slightly when Taehyun and Eunsoo passed.

Jae started tidying up the ship that Taehyun had just used, he did so grumbling, "Why is he angry? It was he who said not to bring a change of clothes. Tsk! "

Jae found a medium sized bag near the rudder of the ship, he opened the bag and found clothes in it.

"What ?! Isn't this the shirt they wore yesterday? Why don't you wear it again if you really need a change of clothes? "

As Jae returns to tidying the boat, a message arrives on his cell phone. Jae picked up the cell phone and read the contents.

"Good job, Jae. You are my best friend. Sorry I snapped earlier. Btw, I'm back to Korea now."

Jae took a deep breath, "I forgot whose son he was. ha ha ha.".