After Taehyun's return from Raja Ampat with Eunsoo, another adventure was ready for Taehyun and his four friends. They actually make house-to-house visits when the fathers are away from them.

They did it like they were touring a museum. The host introduces each room that is passed and closes it by gathering in one place that is the host's favorite place, talking about things related to the interior of the house or just teasing one another.

Fathers never allowed them to see each other or contact each other let alone become friends. There is no explanation for that. There were too many things their fathers were hiding and it passed on to their children. The five people kept secret the existence of Kiss Notes from the fathers.

There is only one house left that they haven't visited because the owner won't allow them to go on the tour. Seungyoon's crime arose because he was suspicious of Seunghoon, who didn't allow them to come to his house. He was hiding something interesting, thought Seungyoon, so he casually wrote a challenge on the Kiss Note.

Kang Seunghoon, show us your house. Give us a day tour of your house.

Seungyoon wrote it in front of his friends and smiled mischievously but Seunghoon could no longer tolerate Seungyoon's pranks.

"Are you deaf? Or are you stupid? CANNOT YES NO CAN! " Seunghoon raised his voice at the last sentence. Mino, Taehyun and Jinwoo were surprised to see Seunghoon, Seungyoon was more than surprised. His emotions were almost hooked when Seunghoon said it was stupid.

Among the five people, Jinwoo and Seunghoon were the ones who used harsh words the least. Jinwoo because of his profession, while Seunghoon because he has a younger brother who will later make him a role model.

"What are you hiding in your house, Seunghoon-ah?" investigated Jinwoo.

"There is no." replied Seunghoon briefly.

"Then show us." Jinwoo replied.

"HYUNG ~ CANNOT! WHY ARE YOU FORCING ?! " Seunghoon got out of control. the atmosphere gets tense.

"You can't help it, Seungyoon's challenge is already written in the Kiss Note. You have to show us. You know the rules, right? " Mino reminded Seunghoon that there would be bad things if he insisted like this.

Seunghoon is silent. He obeyed. During the trip to the Kang family residence, Seunghoon looked so agitated that he didn't realize that his friends noticed his misbehavior.

What should I do?

How can I undo all of this?

No one should be caught.

What if this news reaches dad?

I can't lose it. Thought Seunghoon.

But fate is not on his side, he has no good reason to make his friend cancel his visit. The five people had already entered the Kang family's house.

"Where is your mother?" asked Jinwoo.

"I don't know, it looks like he's out." Seunghoon replied briefly.

"What room is this?" Taehyun pointed to a room with a door. Seunghoon was surprised to hear Taehyun's question, he slowly looked at Taehyun's hand. His panicked face changed to normal when he saw the room Taehyun meant.

"My father's library." Seunghoon answered.

Seungyoon and Jinwoo caught a strange gesture from Seunghoon. Suddenly Seungyoon stood up, "Hyung, where is your room? I want to see it."

Seunghoon gave a long sigh to see Seungyoon who was so excited to go around the house.

"Was your original goal just playing in our room, Seungyoon-ah? You always say the same thing, "where is your room?". " Mino protests.

"Ignore Seungyoon first, when are you going to start the tour?" continued Mino.

The tour around the Kang family residence begins. Seunghoon really acts as a tour guide, he shows and explains every room they stay in. The four friends repeatedly chuckle and mutter about the high value and limited edition art items that the Kang family owns.

"Even if I sell my house, the price can't be above the total art items in this gallery. Crazy." Taehyun muttered.

Taehyun's mutter can't be called a mumble because everyone can hear including Seunghoon who makes him smile proudly. Suddenly Seunghoon became very serious when he walked through a door that gave off a different aura. Seungyoon walked slower than the others, just a few steps he passed through the door Seungyoon suddenly heard someone screaming, sounded small but clear.

Seungyoon pulled Jinwoo's shirt who was near him. Jinwoo seemed to have heard the same thing, he hinted Seungyoon to ignore the voice. In fact, Seunghoon also heard that cutting scream.

"Aaacchh ..."

Seunghoon's steps stopped because the sound made him think,

What is wrong? Why are you screaming in pain like that? Are you hurt? Shit! What should I do now? Inner Seunghoon.

Seunghoon's reverie made his four friends stare at each other as if they were asking the same question. Who is in the room? Why is he screaming? What was Kang Seunghoon covering up?

* * *

San Francisco, America.

"What else should I tell Jinwoo not to be friends with your kids, hyung?" President Lee opened the conversation during his morning tea time with the other four presidents.

"You're up to something yourself." Said president Kwon.

"I feel guilty for forbidding them to be friends." President Choi also spoke.

"Even though fate is forbidden, they should meet and be friends. I even forgot, so I just let it go and let it be taken care of later. " President Dong said.

"If it weren't for your reckless behavior asking about the future on Kiss Note, we wouldn't have bothered to keep them away to send them to different schools." President Kang quipped while glancing at President Lee.

"Eeyy hyung, at that time we were very young, the curiosity about Kiss Note's ability was still very high, so it's not wrong for me to ask about our future." President Lee defended himself.

"Speaking of Kiss Notes, somehow even though 25 years have passed but I feel that book is still around us." President Choi raised his face, saw the faces of the other four presidents.

"It's because we are attached to it. We met and became what we are now after meeting Kiss Note, even the book tells us not to let our children be friends or something bad will happen to one of them. " President Kwon explained.

"And even though we tried hard to stop them from being friends, in the end we couldn't do anything about them." continued president Lee.

"Now we can only watch over them so that something bad doesn't happen to any of them like the prophecy given by Kiss Note." President Choi closed the conversation about Kiss Note.

The five presidents were forced to forbid their children from making friends even though they lived in the same environment, especially since their parents were business partners just so that the Kiss Note prophecy did not happen. Protecting their children has always been the top priority behind the cold and firm attitude of the presidents. It's just that, the fathers are unable to convey directly to their children and children who do not understand their meaning.

At that time, President Lee wrote a question on Kiss Note.

Will our children be friends like us?

Kiss Note absorbed the president's question and wrote down the answer.

Yes, but it's best not to let them be friends if you don't want something bad to happen to one of them.

Kiss Note only provides answers about the future if the person asking the question really wants the answer. However, the law of the book is the law of reciprocity. This means that if something bad happens then something good will happen too. Likewise if something good happens then something bad will follow.

* * *

"I'm sure I'm not the only one who heard it. What space is that? Who is in it? " Jinwoo asked after catching Seunghoon frozen when a voice from inside the room sounded rending.

Seunghoon just kept quiet. He wanted it to remain a secret. At least for now.

"Eh? Why are you silent, hyung? " asked Seungyoon confused.

"You won't tell us?" Jinwoo walked to face Seunghoon.

"Who are you hiding there, Seunghoon-ah?" Jinwoo tried to suppress the pace of his emotions because of Seunghoon's increasingly strange attitude.

"No one. You heard wrong. " Seunghoon passed Jinwoo.

"Lie!" Taehyun made a voice. He drew all the attention as he showed what he was holding. Taehyun held an open Kiss Note with the Kiss Note written on it.

"I asked Kiss Note who was inside. You can see the answer here. " continued Taehyun.

Kang Seunghi.

Mino, Jinwoo and Seungyoon were surprised when they read Kiss Note's answer, but Seunghoon was more surprised because the secret that had been kept very neatly was uncovered. Then another question came to their minds.

If it's true that it's Seunghi inside, why is he there? Isn't Seunghi currently continuing his designer school in New Zealand? Why did Seunghoon hide everything? What is the reason?

"Jaebal hyung!" asked Seunghoon. Seunghoon blocked the door to the room with his body. his face was panic and worried.

"Move, Kang Seunghoon." Jinwoo sharpened his eyes at Seunghoon.

"I beg you, don't interfere with my business on this one. Go. Go home and pretend this didn't happen. " Seunghoon pityed the four friends who were looking at him. His eyes began to tear up. He was earnestly begging.

Seunghoon is known as a man who almost never shows his sadness, a CEO who is full of ambition but what he does right now is astonishing. Seunghoon made a wish to his friend. However, for Jinwoo, the situation Seunghoon was facing was so unnatural that he approached Seunghoon and grabbed Seunghoon's shirt collar and pulled the man away from the door.

"At least we have to know what happened to Seunghi. Give me the key. " Jinwoo tucked into Seunghoon but Seunghoon insisted on not letting the others know what happened.

"You guys are so slow." Taehyun kicked the door until it roughly opened up. Mino smiled when he saw Taehyun do that.

"Hey! Daebak! " praised Seungyoon.

"It's dark in here, hyung." Taehyun competed, who first entered with Seungyoon. That child is brave even though he is lazy.

"Look for the switch," Jinwoo released his grip on Seunghoon's collar and caught up with the two people who had entered first.

When Seungyoon found the switch and started turning on the light, it was clear that the contents of the dark and closed room were clear. How shocked they are to see the state of this room. Not only is it cluttered with papers and torn clothes scattered about, the chairs and tables in this room are not in their correct position.

As Mino caught up, his eyes were immediately fixed on the liquid that was near another door in this room. Mino grimaced because this messy room didn't look like a room fit for a human.

"What is this?" Jinwoo whispered.

Seunghoon came in and walked to the side behind the bed, "I told you not to try to interfere."

"What is this, Kang Seunghoon?" asked Jinwoo firmly.

"Oppa!" The voice of a young woman from behind the bed made Jinwoo fall silent and the four pairs of eyes stared straight at the same point.

Slowly Jinwoo and his friends walked closer and when their eyes could see the figure behind the bed, the four of them gasped. They saw a small young woman hugging her knees and drowning her face between them. Her black hair was hanging loose but looked matted, the clothes she wore looked shabby. Sad, only that word could describe the young woman today.

"Kang ... Seung ... Hi?" called Jinwoo quietly.

"Come on, hyung. Leave him, we go out. " Seunghoon grabbed Jinwoo's hand.

"Let go!" Jinwoo pulled the hand that Seunghoon was holding. But either because of Jinwoo's pull that was too strong or Seunghoon who was not on standby, Seunghoon fell to his knees.

"DON'T HURT SEUNGHOON OPPA !!" Seunghi came out of his hiding place and hugged Seunghoon while crying. He cleaned Seunghoon's clothes and Seunghoon's face which was actually not dirty or injured.

"It's okay, Seunghi-ah. Oppa is fine. " Seunghoon held Seunghi's arms who were still crying, trying to calm his little brother who knew nothing but to protect Seunghoon.

Seunghi was still sobbing. Seunghoon pulled his younger brother into his arms. Nothing hurts more than seeing Seunghi's current state. Suddenly Seunghi pushed Seunghoon, "The door is open! What if someone saw you here? Dad will hit you. Oppa, you better come out. I hope! I don't want you to get hurt again. Ah… or just close the door before anyone sees you. Please, oppa. "

Seunghoon could no longer hold back his tears. It's heartbreaking for Seunghoon. Realizing that his friends were still in Seunghi's room, Seunghoon wiped his tears and grabbed Seunghi's arms again. His sister asked him and looked him in the eye, reassuring her that nothing would hurt her for opening that door.

"Ah, Seunghi-ya, do you remember oppa's friends? They are here now. Do you remember Jinwoo oppa? Mino oppa? Seungyoon oppa? Taehyun oppa? " Seunghoon asked while turning Seunghi's body so that his younger brother could see the faces of his friends.

"They came to help us. Therefore, don't scream at them. You understand, honey? " continued Seunghoon. Seunghi nodded slowly, his eyes staring one by one the faces of Jinwoo, Seungyoon, Taehyun and Mino. As if starting to recognize them, Seunghi's faint smile appeared on his face.

"Clever girl." Seunghoon gently rubbed the top of Seunghi's head.

Jinwoo stretched out his hand to shake Seunghi's hand. Seunghi's smile disappeared, replaced with suspicion and fear. Seunghoon touched Seunghi's shoulder to make Seunghi turn around and look at him, Seunghoon nodded to assure Seunghi nothing bad would happen.

Jinwoo managed to shake hands with Seunghi. He smiled to give Seunghi comfort and a sense of security, "Mino-ya, check Seunghi's vitals now."

Mino moved quickly so as not to lose the moment, he checked Seunghi's vital signs with certainty and certainty, starting from Seunghi's pupil shape, skin color, hair, nail tips, to the depth of Seunghi's collarbone.

"Can Mino hyung check it without a stethoscope, Taehyun-ah?" Seungyoon whispered to Taehyun to which Taehyun answered by shrugging his shoulders.

"I can even hear your heartbeat, Seungyoon-ah." answered Mino.

"He heard me. Hey! Daebak! " responded Seungyoon.

Mino finished checking, "His vital signs are quite normal but his lungs are not very good."

"The air here is not good." Said Jinwoo and Mino agreed.

"Seems like Seunghi is sleeping enough, he has a regular diet. Even though her body doesn't smell, she— "

"She's not crazy. She's just depressed. " Jinwoo continued Mino's diagnosis.