"Seunghi, hyung…" Seunghoon looked at Jinwoo with a worried face.

"He will be fine. You don't trust me and my people in this hospital? " Jinwoo looked up at Seunghoon arrogantly. Actually, he didn't really want to boast, he just wanted Seunghoon to stop worrying about light things.

Seunghi was taken to the Lee group hospital for intensive treatment. Jinwoo even deliberately provided a special room for Seunghi and ordered him to keep Seunghi a secret.

"Now tell me everything. Right now I have the right to know what happened to Seunghi because he is my patient. You can tell everything, right, Seunghoon? " Jinwoo gave a cup of chamomile tea to Seunghoon.

Seunghoon accepted the teacup but he looked down. His sobs could be heard faintly. The three people who were also in the same room were silent, waiting for Seunghoon to start his story.

"I can't, hyung. Can not." he replied in a trembling voice.

"If you can't tell, let me hypnotize you." Asked Jinwoo.

Seunghoon nodded without an answer. When asked to speak directly, Seunghoon didn't know where to start and it was very hard for him to open the wound to get the pus stored in it.

Jinwoo prepared a rose scented candle. Seunghoon's favorite scent. After the scent of roses began to spread in the room, Jinwoo began his hypnosis.

"Relax Seunghoon. Make yourself comfortable and then close your eyes. Now you can keep your worries in a box and you can talk about anything because you have saved worry. " Jinwoo started his hypnosis by instilling suggestions on Seunghoon.

"What's this smell, Seunghoon-ah?" asked Jinwoo.

"Rose." Seunghoon replied briefly.

"This scent of roses only smells when you wake up. It only smells when you wake up because once we start the session, this rose scent will fade away. You understand what I said, right? " Jinwoo explained. Seunghoon just nodded.

"Can you tell me, what happened to Seunghi?" Jinwoo was careful to ask Seunghoon questions.

"Seunghi… It all started when he was waiting for me to pick him up five years ago. Uri Seunghi… She was raped by three thugs. I… If only, at that time I wasn't too busy with my life with you… "Seunghoon stammered out the fatigue that had been filling his chest.

Jinwoo was not the only one who was surprised to hear Seunghoon's confession. The other three people who were in Jinwoo's study were just as shocked. Not on their minds, Seunghoon and Seunghi have been going through tough days for the past five years.

"Surely Seunghi will not experience it. That girl must have become a famous designer. " Seunghoon connected with sobs.

"Then, what is the reason you locked Seunghi and not bring him here?" Jinwoo asked again.

"Not me. Father who locked her in that damned room. " The look on Seunghoon's face changed when he mentioned his father, there was a hint of anger. Even Jinwoo saw Seunghoon clenching his fists.

"What is the reason?" Jinwoo repeated the question why Seunghi was locked up.

"If this goes viral in the media, then the Kang group will meet destruction. President Kang thinks what happened to Seunghi is a family disgrace. " Seunghoon answered. His tone dropped, there was an obvious disappointment.

"Instead of seeing the company he built bankrupt, he prefers to lock up his son." Seunghoon's breath caught like he was holding back tears.

They thought their father was more than annoying but President Kang was even more annoying. Seunghoon, who is known to be so ambitious and strong, is so fragile and weak because of the pressure his father puts on him and Seunghi.

"DAMN !! AAARRGGHH !! " Seungyoon shouted. He kicked a broken patient bed on the roof of the Lee group hospital building, venting his frustration with their fathers.

"What are they thinking? Are they really humans, not devils in human form? How can they treat Seunghi like that? Seunghi is human too. " Said Seungyoon whose emotions were already at the threshold.

The three people who were also on the roof with Seungyoon couldn't give an answer to Seungyoon's question. No one knew why they could do that to a young woman who was so weak and deeply injured like Seunghi.

"Really sorry that all this time I was not sensitive to his seemingly normal behavior. I was too focused on Aeri that I didn't realize my brother was carrying a burden. " Mino babbled regretting his insensitivity.

"They're a family of monsters." Said Taehyun.

"Dad, can you come back now to Seoul? I have to talk to you. No, I can't talk about it on the phone. Not waiting for the day after tomorrow. This is important. Even more important than your business there. HURRY UP! " Seungyoon ended his conversation on the phone by yelling at his father.

"What did you do just now, Choi Seungyoon?" Jinwoo and Mino asked almost simultaneously.

"Summons the devil here. I will make calculations with all of them. " Seungyoon left his three best friends.

"You just beat the drums of war, Seungyoon-ah." Taehyun said dryly.

Seungyoon stopped his steps, he didn't turn around and only turned his face to the side, "I don't care. Even if maybe I could kill your father first, Kwon Taehyun. "

* * *

"Something bad must be happening. Haah, especially this time? " muttered President Choi as he ended his phone call with Seungyoon.

* * *

"I do not care. Even if maybe I could kill your father first, Kwon Taehyun. " Said Seungyoon coldly.

"Hahaha, I'll buy you a yacht if you can kill him." Taehyun replied with a satisfied smile. He caught up with Seungyoon and embraced Seungyoon's body.

"Arraseo. We will share the work now. You and I will kill the five spoiled ahjusi while Jinwoo hyung and Mino hyung will take care of and handle the two Kang brothers. Come on, we have to prepare ammunition. " Taehyun smiled. The two of them went inside leaving Jinwoo and Mino.

President Choi knows very well that his son can be angry and very pushy means that something serious is going on with him. President Choi contacted his wife and eldest son but neither of them knew what happened to Seungyoon.

President Lee, President Kang, President Dong and President Kwon were surprised by the cancellation of all their schedules in San Francisco. They protested to President Choi but the chairman didn't care. The five presidents returned to Seoul immediately.

Arriving in Seoul, the president's motorcade of five cars distracted the public's attention. Seungyoon asked his father to bring all four other directors to their house where all the wives of the presidents were present, including Jiho. When they saw the main family room, confused faces mixed with curiosity were the choices for the expressions they gave.

"Why are all gathered here?" asked president Choi confused.

"Sit down first, my father and uncle." Greet Seungyoon friendly or rather try to be friendly.

"I hope this is really something important because in order to meet you, we are ignoring a giant contract that even if you do this work the value of the contract can't even reach a quarter." President Kwon cynical as he walked towards his wife.

"Tch, I'm not mistaken to call you spoiled ahjusi. Just losing the contract can make you guys this annoying. " Taehyun responded sarcastically to President Kwon's complaints. The two father and son stared at each other as if the knife was less sharp than their gaze.

"Where is Kang Seunghi?" asked Seungyoon without preamble.

Seungyoon's question made President Kang and his wife froze, President Kang's wife's hands clenched tightly, while President Kang tried to hide his emotions,

"Why are you suddenly asking that? Isn't Seunghi currently in New Zealand? " asked president Choi back.

"Anhi. Seunghi is not in New Zealand. He's currently being treated at the Lee group hospital. " Suengyoon replied flatly.

Seungyoon's answer surprised President Kang and his wife for the second time, even making President Kang rise from his seat. The other presidents also felt the same shock, especially the Lee group hospital which was meant to be a special hospital that deals with psychiatric problems.

"What do you mean, Seungyoon? What's he doing there? " President Kang asked confused. Just as Seungyoon expected, President Kang fell into his trap.

"Maybe you mean 'how could Seunghi be brought there?'" Seungyoon teased President Kang.

"Just answer my question, Choi Seungyoon." President Kang growled.

"Wait! What do you mean? Explain! Now!" President Choi intervened.

"President Kang locked Seunghi for five years in his house after being raped by three thugs. He deliberately did it so that his company would not be destroyed. " There was a tone of scorn in Taehyun's words, if he didn't control himself he would definitely stare disdainfully at President Kang but Taehyun preferred to sit quietly while folding his arms across his chest.

Sobs began to be heard from president Kang's wife, Seunghi's mother, everyone present looked surprised to hear Taehyun's words.

"Don't joke, bad boy!" said President Choi.

"Don't act like you just heard it today. I'm sure you're involved, father. " Seungyoon sneered.

"Me what? Have you ever thought from your parents' side? Wasn't that the Kang group's golden year? Kang's group was just going up at that time and if the media could find out, obviously it would tarnish the group's name Ka-ng. "President Choi lowered his voice as he realized what he had just said.

"Ha ha! You also think that Seunghi's condition is disgraceful ?! Wow ... again you make me embarrassed using the name Choi in front of my name. " Seungyoon growled. He would leave the main room because he felt that there was nothing he could do after hearing the answer from his father.

"I've said this from the very beginning of his birth, just kill him. He will be of no use, only to trouble you. My words are proven right ?! "

Seungyoon stopped in his tracks. Without needing to see who was speaking, he knew it was President Kwon who said it. Not much different from Taehyun.

"You speak as if you managed to raise your own child, President Kwon. You're not that different from them. " Taehyun passed president Kwon and joined Seungyoon leaving them in the main room of the Choi family's residence.

"It hurts more if your own child says it, right, Kwon Jiyong?" President Choi left the room and entered his study.

* * *

"How? Will his lungs be back to normal? " Jinwoo asked Mino.

"If I was the doctor, I certainly can, hyung." Mino smiled confidently.

Seunghoon was relieved to hear Mino's words, as was Jinwoo. Mino grabbed Seunghoon's shoulder, "Don't worry, hyung. Seunghi will be fine while he has us by his side. "

"Then, how are you going to treat the trauma and stress, hyung? are you going to use hypnosis? " Mino asked Jinwoo. The three of them looked at Seunghi's weak body who was sleeping in the treatment room.

"Seunghi won't be able to repeat the events of the last five years. It hurts too much. " Jinwoo replied.

"I will use the Expressive Writing method." Connect Jinwoo.

"What's that method, hyung? Expressive Writing? " Seungyoon entered followed by Taehyun.

"According to the journal in Advances in Psychiatric Treatment by Karen A Baikie and Kay Wilhelm, expressive writing is beneficial for one's health in the long term." Taehyun was brief.

"This method is also able to improve immune function, lower blood pressure and even improve liver and lung function." Connect Mino.

"In addition, psychologically, someone who uses this method will experience improved mood, also helps reduce symptoms of depression after trauma or stress or the like." Jinwoo explained even more.

"How are you going to do it, hyung?" Seunghoon was curious after listening to Jinwoo's explanation.

"A book and pen will help him. Maybe at the beginning it will be difficult but after getting used to it, Seunghi can write down everything he wants to say but cannot directly. No matter what language he uses, whether he will swear or swear, what is clear is that I will monitor the results of his writing. The more open she is to writing, the better it will be to begin to calm her heart and heal. Something like that is expressive writing. " Jinwoo explained further.

"I also want you to do the same, Seunghoon-ah. This method is not only for patients with deep trauma. This method is like writing a diary, you can use it to control emotions. People today prefer to use social media to express themselves but that doesn't really help because responses from other people can make things worse, but with a diary, everything is more natural and no one can judge you. The more often you express all your expressions in writing in a diary, the more comfortable you will be living life. So, start writing a diary if you don't believe in other people including us. " Connect Jinwoo.

"I know it feels very old-fashioned, but this method is still more successful for people like you and Seunghi." Jinwoo smiled looking at Seunghoon.

"You too." Jinwoo looked at his three best friends but Jinwoo got faces that pretended not to care about what he said. Jinwoo chuckled at the level of his friends.

* * *

"It is not an option if there are only good and bad choices, it is just life learning. Good choices to remember so that even better and bad choices will be teachers in the future. So, don't force yourself to choose something that doesn't come from the heart. Because a rebuke from the heart will be more painful than someone's harsh words. Ask your heart or don't choose both. However, there is no heart that has no answers. The heart always answers when we start asking him questions. Ask your heart and do what it believes." - Lee Jinwoo.