Instantly an unnatural wind blew, making the three of them shudder. They did not imagine that either one would face death before, let alone both at once. Indeed, Kiss Note's ability cannot be doubted or taken lightly, especially Kiss Note has the ability to do anything it wants. This includes sabotaging the operations of Mino's leadership to make it look like fate and nature.

The luck it gives is real but the bad luck that follows is no less real.

President Choi kept trying to remember what Youngbae and Jiyong or even himself had missed when their Kiss Note was still in their possession. However, only a sigh could be heard from him. He couldn't remember what they might have missed so they could make things right. At least as a guarantee for the two presidents in the operating room to survive tonight.

Meanwhile the children, think what if they really lost both of them. Who needs them more? Mino or Taehyun?

Taehyun's heart kept saying 'no, please' over and over again like a magic incantation that could change things. Staring at the door to the operating room, he saw the automatic door slide. A nurse came out of the room and was seen rushing past them.

"No, we have to be really careful. Please just send the blood. Yes, we just removed patient one's kidney. How is Doctor Kim? Doctor Dong needs Doctor Kim's help to help him. At first he didn't want to use an assistant but he was a bit inconvenient. " Said the nurse who passed the patient's family called by him.

Hearing the nurse's chirp, Jinwoo paced back and forth. Taehyun looked even more depressed than before, President Choi looked down and the others wiped the sweat soaking their palms. No one expected the operation they predicted would last three hours at most, instead, it had already lasted twice as much as their prediction.

"The doctor called Mino was in two hours ago but there is no sign that they will finish the operation soon." Taehyun complained who was getting anxious.

"Why didn't you tell me, hyung? If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have let them be handled by him. I can still handle it if my father died, but what should I do if his father died saving my father? You think I can still live comfortably in that state? " growled Taehyun who suddenly stood, gripping Jinwoo by the collar and pushing him against the wall.

"Taehyun-ah, calm down." Seungyoon tries to break up Taehyun and Jinwoo but Seungyoon is no match for Taehyun who is angry.

"Kwon Taehyun!" Seungyoon snapped as the operating room door slid open.

Mino came out of the operating room door and immediately found Taehyun cornering Jinwoo with Seungyoon trying to intervene, "What are you doing, Taehyun? Why are you strangling him? "

Hearing the doctor's voice, which had made him restless for the past six hours, Taehyun walked quickly towards him and without saying a word, the man threw a punch to Mino's face until the doctor fell backwards.

"Aahhkk." Mino moaned who fell because his body was tired. Taehyun did not remain silent, he was on top of Mino's body while clutching the blue shirt that is always used for surgery.

"What are you thinking about getting into the operating room with that much risk, huh?" Taehyun growled. Mino just stared at Taehyun without giving an answer.

"Taehyun, stop!" Seungyoon tried to separate his two best friends again.

"YOU THOUGHT I COULD STILL ALIVE IF YOUR FATHER DIE THERE? AIISSH! " Taehyun shouted, not paying attention to Seungyoon's whereabouts.

"The operation was successful, Taehyun. Your father, my father, our father survived. They are fine." Mino finally made a voice. Hearing Mino's words, Taehyun let go of his grip, then stood stunned with gratitude at the news that Mino brought.

"There is a benign tumor hiding in the left side of the kidney choose my father. It is for that reason that I called another specialist doctor to treat your father. I had to remove the tumor from my father's body before it became active and malignant. It took us up to six hours because it had to be done carefully and had to be meticulous. If you're impatient, you should operate on them. I've been standing for six hours, at least let me lay down for a while but not by being hit, Kwon Taehyun. " Rambling Mino looked annoyed at Taehyun who looked back at him.

"Help me up." Mino reached out and Taehyun greeted him with a smile.

Geez, thought Tehyun.


Taehyun helped Mino stand up and when Mino stood up, he pulled Mino to hug, "You almost made me crazy, Dong Mino." There is relief from Taehyun's tone to Mino.

"Haha, you don't know me? I'm Dong Mino. One of 44 genius doctors in the world, what have you got to worry about when I step in? I'm sure. can finish everything. " Arrogant Mino who produced smiles from his friends.

"Yes, you must be my personal doctor, Mino." Exclaimed President Lee suddenly.

"Father!" Jinwoo protested.

"He can only treat my common sense but all my organs must also be protected, that's why you should be my personal doctor. How?" offered President Lee with his signature smile.

"I will consider it, President Lee." Mino replied while smiling President Lee.

President Choi approached Mino, "Good job. You did well. " Praise President Choi. Mino nodded in gratitude for President Choi's compliment.

"Get some rest." President Kang patted Mino's shoulder.

Seunghoon and Jinwoo raised their thumbs, Taehyun walked over to Mino to take him to the apartment.

"Wait!" President Lee suddenly stopped another step.

"Jinwoo, didn't you say Seunghi was discharged from the hospital today?" President Lee asked his son.

"Hmm." Jinwoo replied briefly.

"Then where is he now?" asked President Lee again,

"At home with mom." Seunghoon said.

"What?" President Lee was surprised to make the others confused not knowing what President Lee meant.

"Is Secretary Cha there?" he continued calling Cha's secretary - Lee's group secretary who was outside the VIP waiting room.

A man in his 40s came in to greet and wait for orders, "Take the file that is on my desk at home and pick up Kang Seunghi and take him to New Zealand. Give the first file to the university, say that it fulfills all the files needed for a student graduating there. All at a good value. Then go to a fashion house owned by Yoon's family, give me the second file and tell it to make a record of Seunghi's work. Do it in two days after that bring Seunghi back home. All I know, Seunghi has a history of living, studying and working there. You understand, Secretary Cha? " President Lee ordered his confidants.

"Ah one more thing, do everything as neatly as possible. No media or paparazzi. " Connect President Lee.

Secretary Cha leaves after receiving orders from President Lee. Jinwoo was dumbfounded to see President Lee in detail preparing everything for Seunghi. No, not only Jinwoo, Seungyoon and Seunghoon were stunned, President Choi was shocked to see President Lee's steps in handling the Seunghi case when everyone focused on the conditions of President Kwon and President Dong.

"Why? Do you think I can't be as cool as Seunghyun hyung? especially you Jinwoo, I know you often underestimate me. I'm Lee Seungri, acting in detail when others forget is my specialty. " He said proudly.

Seungyoon and Seunghoon chuckled at President Lee's arrogant speech while Jinwoo held back embarrassment. President Choi? he just smiled, not this time he saw President Lee in that style.

* * *

A few days later.

"Seunghoon, pick up Seunghi at the airport when he arrives. Seungyoon, as a public figure you must have acquaintances with reporters. Spread the news about Seunghi's arrival among reporters. You guys are good at acting, so be as natural as possible. You understand?"

President Lee instructed Seunghoon and Seungyoon early in the morning to make sure the play he made looked very real.

Seunghoon walked out of the VIP line with Seunghi with a suitcase being pushed by the Kang family bodyguards. Seunghi holds a flower bouquet that Seunghoon deliberately brought to welcome his return.

At the front, a line of reporters was waiting for Seunghoon to arrive for an interview. Seunghi was actually not very comfortable, so Seunghoon wore sunglasses to reduce his discomfort. The two brothers arrived in front of a dozen reporters, ready to conduct interviews.

"Director Kang, is it with the return of young Miss Kang Seunghi. Kang group will expand its wings to the world of fashion? " a reporter straightforwardly inquired about their family business.

"I don't know, Seunghi just arrived in Korea after five years busy in New Zealand. I think my little brother will enjoy kimchi jjigae, kimchi fried rice, samgyupsal. My mother first thought about it. " replied Seunghoon wisely with a happy smile.

"The news of young Miss Kang's return has had a positive effect on the Kang group's share price. What are your next steps to see the market's positive attitude about this?" another reporter asked Seunghoon.

Seunghoon looked at the camera and bowed and then stood up straight again, "Thank you for the positive attitude of the market, I hope the Kang group can bring about a better change so as not to disappoint the shareholders who already believe in us."

"Thank you to all of you. We will conduct an interview about the next steps later, please anticipate this. " Seunghoon bowed with Seunghii to close the interview session, then walked to the car that was waiting for them.

From afar, his friends saw how Seunghoon handled this interview very professionally. Thumbs up was given easily by his friends who then left as if nothing had happened. Scattered to get into their respective cars.

"Oppa, thank you and sorry for bothering you." Seunghi whispered.

"Stupid. I am your oppa, there is no brother who troubles his oppa especially for things like this. " Seunghoon ruffled Seunghi's hair softly.

"From today, I will live my life better. For your sake, Seunghoon oppa. " Seunghi promised.

"I know. Let's get in the car. " Seunghoon opened the car door and invited Seunghi to enter first.

* * *

Bad destiny can't be fixed, but we can change it by trying to be better, right? My only bad fate is to not trust the person who is holding my hand now. I swear, from now on I won't make her cry in silence anymore.

- Kang Seunghi -

* * *

"Why do you come here in droves? I'm fine. " President Director Kwon protested seeing his four friends on the terrace beside his house.

"We're not just here to see you, we came because we wanted to drink wine with you." argued President Lee while taking out a bottle of wine from the box bag he brought earlier.

"Haha, you won't drink it because I can't drink it." President Kwon replied.

"That's the most fun part, hyung. I can tease you with the wine we drink later. " President Lee's teasing didn't want to lose.

"You are okay?" asked President Dong then.

President Kwon looked lightly at President Dong, "I should have asked first, the one who has one kidney is you, Youngbae." President Dong just smiled at President Kwon's protests.

"Why did you do that?" asked President Kwon suddenly.

"I have no idea. Once I found out our kidneys were compatible, I wanted to do it. " President Dong replied casually. President Kwon also chuckled in disbelief that a Dong Youngbae could say non-sense like that.

"I just wanted to show it to you," said president Dong who took the spot because he succeeded in making all his friends turn to him.

"Daesung prefers to torture his son to protect us. You chose silence so we wouldn't worry. Then I chose this as my way of making friends with you. Giving what best friends need when I have it, not giving what you want. " It was clear president Dong who made his life friends smile proudly and feel something they had not felt for a long time.

"Haaa. I hate it when you look cooler than me. " President Kwon complained to President Dong, who smiled.

"Where are the children?" asked President Choi then. He always worries about his youngest child.

"I think they've arrived in New York now. Once they found out that Jiyong and Youngbae's condition was getting better, they decided to take a day off. " President Kang explained.

"Kiss Note with them?" President Choi asked again.

"It seems so." replied President Lee.

Their smiles immediately vanished after knowing where Kiss Note was.

* * *

New York.

Taehyun, Mino, Seunghoon, Jinwoo and Seungyoon deliberately invited Seunghi and Eunsoo on their vacation this time, even though initially Mino didn't allow Eunsoo to come because of his weak womb condition and his young age, but Taehyun said something that finally made Mino agree with Taehyun's idea.

"Nothing bad will happen to him. First because there was me, second because his personal doctor was there too. "Taehun said a few days ago to Mino.

Mino was confused because as far as he was, there were no doctors besides him.

"Who?" asked Mino innocently.

"You!" Taehyun answered lightly.

"Haha.Aaiissh." Annoyed Mino.

* * *

"Why are you taking so long? We almost died waiting for lunch. " Mino protests.

"What are you buying?" asked Jinwoo while protecting his head from the scorching sun using a Kiss Note. Seunghi and Eunsoo immediately showed their groceries on the table and managed to make the men who were there shaking their heads in horror.

"Why not just buy the shop?" said Seunghoon which made the two young women chuckle.

"Give it to me! I'll keep it. Haeehh, you should have brought the driver to carry all this stuff. I told you not to be too tired, right? " Taehyun scolded seeing the many items that Eunsoo brought.

"Eh? Who are you? Are you right, Kwon Taehyun? " teased Mino.

"I don't know, hahaha. I was as surprised as you were. " Said Seungyoon.

"Shut up!" Taehyun snapped, which made his friends laugh.

They seem to enjoy the holiday more this time, away from the fatigue that comes from their fathers' excessive worries. One week away from the fathers, their lives feel better, nothing bad or scary is happening as fathers always worry about. In order to look relaxed, they are not half as half as expected. Each of them remembers the message President Choi gave before they left.

Taehyun enjoyed his time together with Eunsoo. Never expecting that he would enjoy dating one woman so much like this time, he dated Eunsoo. This irregularity still often makes him smile when he reminisces about the past.

I'm happy with him, Taehyun thought.

Seunghi asked Seunghoon on a date to Universal Studio, of course, dating between brothers and sisters. Moreover, the last five years they have never spent time together like this. This is also a gift that Seunghoon must pay because Seunghi dares to hold a press conference regarding his return from Sidney. Not just going to Universal Studio, Seunghoon even promised to ride the most terrifying rides at Universal Studio. Roller Coaster.

"No body is perfect. Even a god of ambition like Kang Seunghoon has a fear of roller coasters. " Taehyun replied.

Seunghoon could not answer or deny when it comes to the rides. He would immediately shudder at the name alone, but since this was a promise, he couldn't break it. Seunghi laughed with satisfaction at this.

First. When he was about to go up, Seunghi had to pull him tightly because Seunghoon kept shaking his head.

Second. During the rides, Seunghoon didn't stop calling out 'mom' in Korean.

The latter. When he got off the vehicle, his face turned blue like someone having a heart attack.

It's annoying for someone who has a fear of creepy rides like that, but as long as you can see Seunghi's laughter, he doesn't have a problem if his younger siblings tease him.

Seungyoon and Jinwoo went out looking for a restaurant they hadn't been to but had good food. These two people have very good chemistry when it comes to food. They will not hesitate to praise in English if the food tastes delicious, and agree to ramble in Korean if the food ordered does not meet their expectations to avoid conflict with the cook of the restaurant they are approaching.

What about Mino?

"Hyung, Mino was in the hotel on and on. What do you think he was doing there? " Seungyoon asked while looking at each line of menu names listed, he was a little picky.

"When he arrived, he opened his suitcase carefully but it was clear that on the top side was the same dvd drama. So I guess he's watching it. " Jinwoo answered lightly.

"Seolma ... Descendant Of The Sun?" guessed Seungyoon, who was immediately answered with a nod by Jinwoo.

"Geez! He's been watching it since it was found in his father's study a year ago. Even the sons of the two main characters who got married are the same age as us. " scolded Seungyoon.

"What do you mean? Found in President Dong's office… "asked Jinwoo, confused.

"You did not know? President Dong even has a few more titles. " closed Seungyoon and continued with Jinwoo's laughter who couldn't believe the facts Seungyoon had revealed.

Seen from the outside, Mino seems like a person who doesn't like time-wasting things, but in reality Mino was sobbing in the room watching dramas. Her face was already wet with tears.

"No, Mo Yeon-ah. Yoo Shi Jin won't die easily like that. He will come back to you. Sob. Sob." cried Dong Mino who was watching the drama.

If it was like this, whoever saw him wouldn't believe he was Dong Mino.

* * *

"Where are Eunsoo and Seunghi?" Jinwoo asked.

"They left for LA this morning." Taehyun replied while sipping the aroma of tea before sipping it slowly.

"Wow, looks like the ones who are really on vacation are them." said Jinwoo.

"Wait! Didn't Mino get the punishment yet for lying to us during the surgery yesterday? " Seungyoon smiled mischievously while looking at Mino.

"Yes! what should be? " Mino protested.

"Of course! do I have to write it on Kiss Note? " The playful Seungyoon is back.

"Don't try it, Choi Seungyoon! If you dare me— "Mino's threat was cut short because Seunghoon had just agreed to Seungyoon's idea.

"Do it!".

"Seunghoon-ah" he called in a pathetic tone.

"Not a bad idea." It was Jinwoo's turn to agree.

"Hyung!" Mino protested.

"I agree." closed Taehyun.

"Aaarrgghh!" Mino starts to get frustrated that his three friends agree with Seungyoon's crazy idea.

Seungyoon started scribbling pen ink onto the pink book, writing down what punishment Mino had to endure for his mistakes. Seeing Seungyoon writing happily, Mino was only able to sigh. But it seems that the boy made a mistake because when he read the punishment he had to do, Mino's expression turned serious.

"Something like this you call punishment? Is this your way of kidding? Like you have no brains, Choi Seungyoon! You know until I die I won't do something like this but you still dare to write it. " Mino threw the pink book on the table and got up from its place.

"I went back to Korea first." Close Mino then exit the room.

Jinwoo took the Kiss Note that Mino had thrown earlier, opened right where Seungyoon wrote the punishment for Mino then read it with Seunghoon and Taehyun who approached.

"Are you crazy?" they asked at the same time after discovering the irregularity in the sentence Seungyoon gave. Seungyoon smiled uncomfortably and then drowned his head in guilt.