I really want Dong Mino to date another woman.

Seungyoon wrote in Kiss Note ....

"Are you crazy?" the three asked at the same time.

"You know, he's very sensitive about that." complained Seunghoon.

"What did you think while writing it, Seungyoon-ah?" Taehyun said.

"It won't be finished quickly, I guess. He really looks angry. Sigh. " Jinwoo's words made Seungyoon feel sorry for Mino even more.

Mino packed all his supplies and returned to Korea alone.

Just as Jinwoo thought. The events in New York were not easily forgiven by Mino. He doesn't want anyone to see him. The apologies from his three friends were ignored by Mino. Standing in front of Mino's room had no effect, he kept walking past them as if he had never known or met each other. Seeing that there was no significant change, Jinwoo was the last one to try to meet Mino and soften his heart.

"I told you stay away from sweet foods, or at least cut back. If you eat up to 10 bars of chocolate like that, why don't you just eat a sack of sugar? Dont do it again! Remember, if you continue like this, don't blame me if other doctors will predict your life in less than three years. " Mino scolds his obese patient.

Mino sighed when he found Jinwoo standing at the door of his practice room. He just entered Mino's room, when Mino's patient came out of his practice room.

"Talk to me, don't be like this." Jinwoo persuaded.

"Never mind, I still have a lot of patients." Reject Mino.

Jinwoo closed the door and even locked the door so that no patient or nurse came in to interfere with their conversation. Mino snapped at Jinwoo for this behavior but Jinwoo had no other choice.

"THIS WILL NOT BE FINISHED IF WE DON'T TALK! Do you really want it to end like this? " snapped Jinwoo.

Mino was silent. Seeing Mino's reaction, Jinwoo started to lower his tone, "Seungyoon just wants to joke around, Mino. He's not really serious about it. "

Mino smiled sarcastically, "Are you kidding me? He told me to date other women. Doesn't that mean I have to cheat on Aeri? Is he crazy? Okay, if it really is a joke. Doesn't that mean you're the result of kidding too, Hyung? Is that so? "

Jinwoo was surprised to hear that from Mino. "What?"

"Right. I guess you're right, you've both grown up. Looks like you guys can solve it yourself. I will not bother you anymore. Sorry for making you waste time. " Jinwoo opened the door then disappeared behind the wall.

"You are more stupid than Seungyoon. You shouldn't say that, Mino! Stupid!" Mino cursed himself while leaning against the back of the chair and staring at the ceiling in his practice room.

* * *


I never imagined that either of them would bring up that matter. Mino made me aware of my position. That I am just a child who was born because of a joke. That I'm not Park Minyoung's real child.

I. I am the result of my father's affair. Only a few months after my father's marriage to the woman I call mother, my father had an affair with another woman who eventually gave birth to me. Everyone outside the friends of father and family only know that I am their official child. In fact, Park Min Young is a barren woman. They did everything to make my identity pure as the descendant of Lee Seungri and Park Min Young.

To me, Park Minyoung is neither a mother nor a human. He is an angel. If I were him, I would have thrown away the baby from the affair. Not willing to take care of the child, but what happened was the opposite. He took care of me, took care of me and loved me like a child born from his womb. That's why I love him so much. If asked to choose who should I save between Park Min Young and my biological mother, the answer is very clear. I will save the woman who loves me, Park Minyoung.

I was furious when my father did it one more time. Having an affair with his secretary at the Seungyoon family apartment. Until Seungyoon had to misunderstand for a long time because he thought his father gave facilities for my father to cheat.

My mother once said, "Punishing someone is not only possible with violence. Forgiving him is also a life sentence. Because of the guilt he felt. "

I felt that his message was aimed not only at my father, but also for myself. feelings of guilt because you may continue to be hurt when you see living evidence of the wrong done by her husband.

Mino made me aware of the position, not to be the heir to the Lee family. Just being their best friend is not really the right position for me.

I sat on the lawn chair of the Dong group hospital. This body feels very tired, Mino's words really make me surprised it seems. While trying to catch my breath, I saw Seunghoon approaching me with red eyes. What's wrong with him?


His hand hit my face right.

"Hey! Kang Seunghoon, what's wrong? " I asked, holding my hot cheek. Instead of answering, he grabbed my collar.

"What is wrong?" I asked one more time.

"What did you do to my sister?" He asked with a look that I couldn't really see but his question which I understood made me pause.

"I left her to you for treatment, NOT TO DATE! FUCK! " he shouted at me. I can only keep quiet because it's true. I did date Seunghi.

"What do you really think? THAT YOU LOVE IS YOUR FRIENDS BROTHER !!! Are you crazy? " he shouted once again. Again, I can only silence.

"You even just keep quiet and don't deny it." He said.

"What am I to deny? I do love him. " I answered.

"YAKK! LEE JINWOO !! " he snapped.

"Stay away from him if you still want us to be friends!" Seunghoon threatened me. How can he say that to me?

"Are you sure we can still be friends if I stay away from him after you know I like him? I'm not sure, Seunghoon. "

Seunghoon didn't turn around after hearing my words but he said something that once made me aware of my place.

"Of course not. But with that, you will always be aware of who you are. "

I saw his back farther away then disappeared behind the door. Now, there are more people who remind us of the position in the life pyramid of Bigbang Corp. I have to be self-aware, I am only the child of an affair.

Returning home, I went straight to the room. Threw the cardigan I was wearing on the bed and sat on the floor with the back of the bed. Staring at the ceiling of my room to launch oxygen flow to my head.

Is it wrong if I love his sister?

I don't know when it all started either. When did I start loving him, caring for him until I miss him?

This was the first time in my life that I had the feeling of wanting to protect a woman other than Mother.

Should I throw this feeling away for friendship?


Does an adulterous child like me have no right to choose my own love?

I always help solve other people's problems because of my job, can't you help me for just this once Lord?

* * *

"That's enough for me to say. Why are you saying it again, idiot? " Mino saw the argument between Jinwoo and Seunghoon. Mino was a little surprised to find out the fact that Jinwoo was dating Seunghi, but before forgetting he had to call Taehyun to tell him everything.

A few days later, Taehyun received news that Seunghoon had forbidden Seunghi to leave the house. After receiving news about it, Taehyun and Seungyoon stopped by Seunghoon's house.

"If you come to defend the psychiatrist, please go home." said Seunghoon with an indifferent face when he met his two best friends in the family room.

"We haven't even sat down yet, Hyung." responded Seungyoon with his innocence.

"Why don't you approve of them getting in touch? What kind of man is Jinwoo hyung in your eyes? " Taehyun asked matter-of-factly.

"None of your business." Seunghoon replied briefly.

"You think just because you are his brother, you have the right to choose what is and is not allowed for your sister?" Taehyun sneered.

"If that's the case, can you be called her brother when you weren't able to protect her for the past five years?" Taehyun said sarcastically.

Taehyun's insinuation ignited Seunghoon's emotions, "Kwon Taehyun!" he snapped.

"That's why! Tell me why you rejected Jinwoo ?! " Taehyun snapped, not wanting to lose.


-BUG! -

Taehyun hit Seunghoon after he said the word 'illegitimate child'. Seunghoon fell to the floor with bleeding lips. Taehyun didn't help, he just stared. Let Seunghoon stand alone.

"Since when did you start comparing that, huh? We've each promised not to bring up anything about it. Then why are you stupidly making that an excuse now, huh? " Taehyun clenched his fists but held back from hitting Seunghoon again.

"Stop it!" Jinwoo suddenly appeared and walked closer to them.

"Hyung." call Seungyoon.

"I'll stay away from him, but make sure you don't lock him up at home. She's innocent, I'm the one who's insolent to love her. I'm just here to say that. Let us go home! Taehyun! Seungyoon! "

Jinwoo left after saying that. Seungyoon chased after Jinwoo, while Taehyun sighed heavily.

Seunghi appeared with tears in his eyes, "Oppa, I'm going back to New Zealand. So, don't cut your friendship because of me. "

Seunghoon was surprised to hear Seunghi's words. He was sure, Seunghi heard all their conversations. After saying that, Seunghi went back into his room.

"You heard it yourself, right? Your attitude is even more shameful than an illegitimate child. " Taehyun left Seunghoon who was annoyed by what happened just now.

* * *

It was a beautiful day for other people out there, the blue sky, the lumpy white clouds and the sun that was not too hot, but today was unable to warm the hearts of the five young people.

Mino woke up and immediately saw the alarm clock on the table beside his bed. Seungyoon was reluctant to get out of bed but Jiho was already screaming for him to have breakfast. Seunghoon is still cold towards Seunghi. Jinwoo has been drinking milk in the kitchen, while Taehyun still feels at home in Eunsoo's arms.

When they accidentally looked at a photo frame that was on the table near the bed, the five of them could only sighed almost simultaneously.


This is the first time they have disagreed with each other. Because their father had always tried to separate them, so they never had the thought of fighting. They just did what they liked together, protested when they didn't like it, laughed when something was embarrassing, but now they don't feel like leaving the house for fear of seeing each other on the street.

What should I do?

How to greet him?

What should be discussed when they return my greeting?

That is what is in their minds when they meet one of them later.

"You have an operation tonight?" Asked President Dong.

"Nothing, why?" asked Mino.

"We'll have dinner together." President Dong replied.

"Very well, send the address later." Mino didn't want to ask too many questions because it would be a problem later, President Dong nodded.

"Good morning, Doctor Dong." Some of the patients greeted but Doctor Dong just nodded and left. Mino was known as an unfriendly doctor, tended to be curt, but this hospital was his, so no one could tell him for that.

While in front of the elevator, Mino got a message just as the elevator opened. Kwang Jiseob is in it.

"Hold this elevator for me." Jiseob holds the lift for Mino who takes his cellphone from the pocket of his practice suit.

Mr. Dong, we've got the flower. We're on the way to back to Korea. please prepare the money you promised.

Mino smiled reading the message, while Jiseob, who had been holding the door for his professor, looked confused and unpleasant to other elevator users who often left because they couldn't stand waiting.

"Professor Dong?" whispered Jiseob but Mino didn't care, he still replied to the message that came earlier.

Are you sure, it's the right flower?

"Professor." call Jiseob back.

We're really sure about it. The chief themselves who showed the way and told us what kind of flower it.

Mino looks even more excited with the message he received.

Okay, I'll prepare the money. Just bring the flower to me.

Instead of getting into the elevator, Mino ran towards the fire escape stairs and up the building. Even Jiseob's call was ignored even though Jiseob had held the elevator door for Mino.

"Wow! Daebak! Aeri will recover. He will be completely cured. " Mino shouted from the top of the building.

* * *

In a different place.

Seunghi was taking a walk outside accompanied by two bodyguards who were sent by Seunghoon to guard if Jinwoo and Seunghi met secretly. Even though it was a little uncomfortable, he had no other choice but to obey.

Suddenly, Seunghoon's two bodyguards were attacked. Seunghi who realized that was shocked and stepped back. When he saw his bodyguard lose, Seunghi's fear grew even more. He took steps to run but a black van blocked his steps. Two masked men got out of the car and pulled Seunghi into the van by covering his mouth so as not to scream. Neither of the two bodyguards managed to protect Seunghi. One of them is now contacting Seunghoon, reporting what happened to Seunghi.

Seunghi was taken to an old villa which is outside the city. Two men who forced her into the car, now made her sit on a wooden chair in the middle of a low light room.


"You scared him." A person who just entered hits the masked man's head with alternating hands.

"Ah." they groaned together. The person who had just entered immediately turned on the light.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" he asked Seunghi.

"Jinwoo oppa?" Seunghi hesitated.

"Taehyun oppa? Seungyoon oppa? " exclaimed Seunghi.

A few days ago.

"Why are you leaving him and chasing me instead?" Jinwoo protested in surprise.

"Hah?" Taehyun was confused to see Jinwoo ask like that, but still followed Jinwoo into the car.

"What do you mean, hyung? I do not understand." Taehyun asked.

"Are you not aware, Seunghoon is whining." Said Jinwoo.

"Whine?" they repeated together.

"He just wants his current sister for him only. Five years apart from Seunghi, there is definitely a lot of time he wants to spend with Seunghi. If I suddenly enter between them, then— "Jinwoo's words were cut off.

"Then Seunghi's attention will be more for the man he loves?" Seungyoon continued Jinwoo's sentence which he cut.

"Right!" said Jinwoo.

"So, Seunghoon is really jealous right now?" Taehyun asked in disbelief.

"Yes. So, let me solve my own problem. You two don't need to interfere. " Asked Jinwoo.

"We just want to help, hyung." Seungyoon sneered.

"Then help me meet Seunghi."

Jinwoo looked at the two children dressed, with the masks they still held, making Jinwoo chuckle.

"You brought Seunghi to me by kidnapping him?" Jinwoo asked in disbelief.

"There is no other way. Two of Seunghoon's bodyguards are always by his side, I myself can't believe what the god of ambition is doing. Wooah, his jealousy is really real." Taehyun scolding.

"Oppa ..." Seunghi ran to Jinwoo and hugged the man he had never met since Seunghoon found out about their relationship. Jinwoo returned Seunghi's hug.

"Oppa ~" imitated Seungyoon who hugged Taehyun.

"Hey! What the hell are you. aiisshh. " Taehyun let off Seungyoon's hug but the nosy man was still trying to hold on to hugging him.

"Mmmm .. can you leave the two of us?" asked Jinwoo.

"OK. Come on, Seungyoon. "

Now only Jinwoo and Seunghi in the room. Jinwoo asked Seunghi to sit down while he knelt in front of Seunghi. He looked at Seunghi, "I've heard from Taehyun. Don't go to New Zealand. Okay?"

"Oppa." said a surprised Seunghi.

"Seunghi-yes, I know it's hard but we have to endure. It's not just for me, for you or for us but it's also for Seunghoon. " Jinwoo said slowly as he gently rubbed the back of Seunghi's hand.

Seunghi's eyes began to tear at Jinwoo's words, "Can you believe me?" Jinwoo asked Seunghi. The girl with tears in her eyes, nodded slightly with a smile for her lover. Jinwoo lifted himself up so that he could grab Seunghi's forehead for a soft kiss.

"But it will be difficult to persuade Seunghoon oppa." Seunghi suddenly has worries.

"We don't need to persuade or do anything, Seunghoon just needs time." Jinwoo calmed down who then pulled Seunghi into his arms.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Jinwoo let go of his hug and grabbed Seunghi's hand then pulled him out of the room.

Jinwoo also escorted Seunghi home. About to enter the courtyard of the Kang family, Jinwoo was intercepted by two bodyguards. Seunghoon who accidentally looked towards the yard found Seunghi in the middle of Jinwoo. Whereas previously the news he received was Seunghi's kidnapping, but now Seunghi is actually with Jinwoo with interlocking hands clasping each other. There was anger that then filled his chest, Seunghoon immediately came out to meet them.

"Let them." Seunghoon's orders made the bodyguards pave the way for Jinwoo, who then walked side by side with Seunghi holding hands. Seeing Jinwoo who had no fear because he held Seunghi's hand in front of him, Seunghoon unlinked their hands and pulled Seunghi to his side.

"Did you have to kidnap her just to meet her? Aren't you starting to overdo it? " Seunghoon sneered.

"What else can we do? I miss him." Jinwoo's response was relaxed while Seunghi bit his lower lip to suppress laughter.

"If he wasn't your sister, I wouldn't have returned him and immediately took him to register our marriage." Jinwoo continued with a gentle smile aimed at Seunghi.

"Lee Jinwoo!" growled Seunghoon. She couldn't believe Jinwoo was able to say that to her.

"Don't forget to take the vitamins. I'll go home first, chaggi. " Jinwoo said goodbye.

Seunghi nodded gently as he let go of his lover, while Seunghoon did not let go of his sharp gaze at Jinwoo.

"Jinwoo oppa." call Seunghi then. Jinwoo stopped and turned his head.

"Saranghae." Seunghi said in a slightly coquettish tone.

"Yikes! Kang Seunghi! " snapped Seunghoon.

"Nado ..." replied Jinwoo.

The two people who are in love with him don't care about Seunghoon's annoyance. Jinwoo faded away and disappeared behind the gate, while Seunghi walked into the house feeling cheerful.

* * *

Mino who was on the roof of the building started to descend the emergency stairs and then exit on the floor that was intended. He was feeling happiness that he had never felt since Aeri was sick. His happiness even changed his personality to become more friendly, greeting the people he met while walking towards Aeri's ward. Even when meeting Jiseob, his student, Mino called him to approach him in a cute way.

Jiseob shuddered but he still approached, of course because the one who called him was a mentor. When Jiseob approached. Mino without hesitation held Jiseob's cheeks then pulled his face so that Mino's lips could touch Jiseob's forehead easily.


After kissing Jiseob's forehead and saying "I love you", Mino just walked away like nothing happened. Jiseob just shook his head when he saw his mentor acting weird like that.

As Mino cannot describe his joy except by acting out of the ordinary, because the image of Aeri's togetherness after Aeri is declared cured has filled his head.

* * *

Time is something that sounds simple but controls everything. Keep moving forward without thinking of going back. Because when that time retreats, it might hurt us again. Like love.

- Lee Jinwoo -