Mino was so happy with what he got today that he forgot his dinner appointment with President Dong. Mino sat on the chair near Aeri's bed, staring at the face of the woman he loved, then memories of the past swirled beautifully in his head.

"What clothes are you wearing, Mino-ssi? Ha ha ha." Aeri chuckled to see Mino in clothes that actually didn't look like Mino's style at all.

"Why? This is good." Mino protests.

Hearing Mino's protest, Aeri pursed her lips so that her laughter could be suppressed. Today is the first day they officially become lovers. The blue sky of New York explained the extent of Mino's feelings to the point that he chose clothes in colors matching the New York sky today.

"You know today I'm very happy, so don't spoil my happiness." Mino raised and lowered his eyebrows accompanied by a smile that never stopped growing. He even showed several poses that made it even harder for Aeri to laugh.

"What makes you this happy?" teased Aeri.

Mino moved closer to Aeri, his face only inches from Aeri and made the girl blush, "Because. you are mine." Mino flirtatiously touched the tip of Aeri's nose, making the girl blush even more.

"Forever. You heard, Jung Aeri? You are mine forever. You understand?" continued Mino.

"I understand, Dong Mino-ssi." Aeri replied, she nosily pulled Mino's ears to get rid of her embarrassment. Pulling right and left with exasperation while closing his eyes.

Mino swiftly grabbed Aeri's cheeks and immediately landed his lips on Aeri's lips briefly. Aeri, who was surprised, immediately removed his hand from Mino's ear until Mino took the opportunity to run away.

"Yikes! Dong Mino! " shouted Aeri, then chased after Mino.

Remembering that incident Mino's smile grew wider. Seeing Aeri sleeping peacefully like an angel while counting down the time of the arrival of the flowers which will be a medicine for Aeri made Mino's feelings jump inside her. Mino even imagined the days he would spend with the recovered Aeri.

* * *

"Let's talk." Seunghoon walked into Jinwoo's practice room suddenly. Jinwoo looked at the clock which showed 11 o'clock at night then looked at Seunghoon who turned around and left Jinwoo's room, then followed Seunghoon.

Jinwoo got into the car which Seunghoon immediately greeted by saying to find another woman, "find another woman, not my little sister." Said Seunghoon coldly.

"I just want Seunghi." Jinwoo replied briefly.

"Haa. He's not the best for you, hyung. " said Seunghoon still in a flat and cold tone.

"To me he's the best—"

"Seunghi has been tarnished, Hyung." Cut Seunghoon. But he was surprised himself after saying that sentence.

"Seunghi is just a victim, Kang Seunghoon. If you could choose, I'm sure Seunghi wouldn't want this to happen in his life either. How can you act like this? You are her brother! " press Jinwoo.

"Hyung!" Seunghoon snapped.

"I really love him, Seunghoon." Jinwoo softened to the point where Seunghoon was silent.

"You don't believe in the love of someone like me?" asked Jinwoo because Seunghoon didn't respond.

"I really love your sister." I'm Jinwoo once again, but Seunghoon still doesn't respond to his confession.

"Now I leave everything to you. No matter how long you act like this to us, Seunghi and I will remain in our stance to maintain our love. You are more mature than you should know, replacing someone who has reigned in your heart is not as easy as turning your palm. " Jinwoo continued.

"I have to go back to my room, I have some work to do tonight. Tell Seunghi, I love him. " Jinwoo closed their conversation and got out of Seunghoon's car.

Jinwoo walked into the building, he took a small glance and smiled, "In the end you will agree to us, Seunghoon-ah."

* * *

"Mino-ya. Dong Mino. Get up. " Someone woke Mino who was asleep on the long sofa in Aeri's room.

Mino groaned and peeked at who had woken him. When he saw someone he knew, he went up to sit down, "Oh, Hongseok hyung. What time is it, hyung? "

Professor Jung Hongseok looked at his watch for a moment, "8 am. Are you sleeping here? "

"Hm." answered Mino.

"Come on, take turns, you can take a shower first and I'll take care of it." Professor Jung's bargain.

"No need. I want to be with him today. " Mino refused.

"Okay. I'll buy something for you. "

After leaving Professor Jung from Aeri's ward, a nurse came in and greeted Aeri kindly. Mino saw the tray the nurse had brought and stopped in his tracks.

"What have you brought?" asked Mino.

The nurse who came in looked shocked, "Omo! Professor Dong. You startled me. "

Sorry. What have you brought for Doctor Jung? " asked Mino once again.

The nurse looked at the tray and smiled, "Abalone porridge. Eh, don't you have a schedule today? "

"That's why I'm here. Do we have a menu like that at the hospital ?? " Mino asked with a thoughtful face.

"Not. Professor Jung brought it from home, their mother's homemade abalone porridge. " replied the nurse who began to put the tray on the table in front of Aeri's bed.

"Just leave it there, I'll feed Doctor Jung as soon as he wakes up."

For a moment the nurse was silent then nodded in agreement and left when she finished arranging the food on the table. Mino got up and walked closer to Aeri's bed, gently stroking her hair until Aeri slowly woke up from her sleep.

"I love you, dear." Mino's whisper of love. produced a smile on Aeri's face.

Mino started feeding Aeri with the porridge that her brother brought, little by little painstakingly. Smiling each other has become a habit for these two people now.

"Are you always beautiful because I love you?" Mino teased.

When the remaining abalone porridge was low, the motor nerves in Aeri's throat suddenly stopped working, which made the porridge that Aeri just swallowed unable to flow through her throat. As a result, Aeri had difficulty breathing. When Aeri took a breath to take air, her chest would expand upward, but because her respiratory tract was blocked, Aeri's chest was too late to return to its original state. This situation also has an impact on Aeri's heart which is 1 second faster than normal humans. Her heart stopped working due to sudden cardiac arrest. Aeri left Mino at the last second of Mino's struggle against Ataxia.

The sound of a heartbeat detector machine sounded with the same long and long tone, suddenly made Mino stunned and stopped his activities to stir the little porridge left in the bowl.

Mino was stunned for a few seconds, he was stunned because for a moment Mino didn't know what to do. Mino even had difficulty regulating his breath and swallowing his saliva.

"Aeri-yes." he called softly while touching Aeri's face gently.

Mino watched Aeri's face then moved to the chest and stomach to see Aeri's body movements, but he did not find the movement he expected from Aeri. Mino put down the bowl of porridge he was holding, then climbed onto the bed to do CPR.

"Jung Aeri, please." Mino's tears began to wet his face even though he didn't want to cry, even dripping on Aeri's face but the woman didn't move or make a sound.

One! Two! Press!

One! Two! Press!

One minute had passed but Mino's CPR didn't produce the results he wanted. Aeri really had left Mino forever before Mino realized it.

"MINO!" called professor Jung Hongseok who entered and was surprised to see what Mino did to his younger brother.

"Hyung, help me do CPR. I'll try to get the lump of pulp that's stuck in his throat. " Mino calls professor Jung without stopping his actions on Aeri.

Professor Jung walked unsteadily towards Mino and patted the man on the back while sobbing, "Never mind, Mino. Aeri is gone. " he said in a trembling tone.

Mino did not stop his efforts. He did manage to get the porridge clogged in Aeri's throat but Aeri's life from the start was helpless. Professor Jung pulled Mino's body roughly until he fell out of bed, but Mino got back on the bed and continued to do CPR on Aeri.

"Mino, never mind. Stop it, it's no use. " Asked professor Jung but Mino didn't care.


Professor Jung's words hit Mino's chest until they felt so tight. His breath was tight due to tightness in his chest. Professor Jung pulled Mino slowly to get out of bed. Mino almost staggered down if Professor Jung didn't support him quickly.

"I've found a cure, hyung. The team I formed on the way here, why can't he be a little more patient, hyung? Aeri can't leave me like this. " Mino sobbed loudly in front of Aeri's body. Dong Mino cried and screamed.

For 8 months Mino tried to master all fields of medical science only to find a way to cure ataxia. When he found a cure for ataxia, Aeri left him without ever trying to cure Aeri with it.

Mino was sitting on the sofa in Aeri's room when a message arrived on his cellphone.

Mr. Dong, we've arrived and on the way to meet you.

Reading the message, Mino suddenly threw his cellphone anywhere, "Aaarrgghh!"

"I don't need that anymore." He shouted.

Jinwoo entered the room followed by the others and saw Mino folded his legs and wrapped his arms around the folded legs while sinking his head between his legs and shoulders.

"Mino." called Jinwoo pityingly.

Hearing a familiar voice, Mino lifted his head slowly, his face already wet with tears that kept flowing. Seeing Mino helplessly, without realizing it, Jinwoo had tears in his eyes. Their other three friends also showed their sad faces because they knew very well the love story between Mino and Aeri.

Jinwoo put his hand on Mino's shoulder and at once the man's sadness burst into tears. Mino lowered his head in hiding his sad face with a crying voice that filled the room, his voice sounding heavy and harsh.

For a moment Mino remembered the Kiss Note rules, he immediately got up and went to Seungyoon. Gripping Seungyoon's shirt tight, "I'll do it!"

At first Seungyoon was surprised by what Mino said but then he understood what Mino meant. There was nothing Seungyoon could do except to pull Mino into his arms.

"I will date whoever woman you choose for me, Seungyoon-ah, but tell her." Mino tried to speak between his tears.

"Tell Kiss Note to return Aeri to me. Tell him that, Seungyoon. I hope." Mino begged Seungyoon, who started to shed tears hearing Mino's sadness.

"Mianhae, hyung." Seungyoon responded slowly.

"Don't apologize, Seungyoon. I don't want to be sorry, I want you to do it. " Mino refused while releasing Seungyoon's hug.

"Mianhaeyo. mianhaeyo. " Seungyoon said again.

Mino knelt in front of Seungyoon with his palms together in front of his chest and head down. Seungyoon also knelt in front of Mino, grabbed Mino's hands, "hyung, bitch." sorry.

Mino's sadness became sadness for his best friend, and Taehyun was no exception, who was secretly wiping his tears. Whatever they hold now, the reality is that the life which the Almighty has taken away can never be exchanged for whatever they have.

* * *


No greed produces any good. No matter what form it takes, greed will only leave you with nothing.

- Kiss Note -