Chapter 3 Harry leaves Azkaban

British ministry of magic is in total chaos because of the recent petrification in Hogwarts. It is not because of the life of muggleborns or halfbloods are in danger but because they send Harry Potter in Azkaban with only a theory and bribes.

Now that it is proved that he is innocent. Someone informed reporters about this particular detail and it became a headache for ministry. When they send an auror to bring him back. Harry Potter refused to come out of Azkaban without his particular demand being fulfilled. Somehow this detail also get leaked out between reporters. Rita seeker is behind this incident.

The men who got the most lashing in this incident are Cornelius Fudge the current minister for magic and Lucius Malfoy who sentenced a 12 year boy to Azkaban as the main judge.

The British ministry of magic accepted the demands of Harry Potter. But Cornelius Fudge is unable to repair the wand of Harry Potter by any means.

...Minister for magic office....

Dumbledore enters the office to meet Fudge.

"Hello Minister Fudge," Dumbledore says to fudge. Fudge is still looking at the broken wand of Harry Potter.

"Hello Dumbledore, do you know any old wand maker who can repair this wand. I can pay the money," Fudge says to Dumbledore. His men went to ollivander and many other old wand maker shops but every one said the same thing. They cannot repair this wand. Somehow repairing Harry's wand is out of their league.

Fudge is nervous now because one of the demand of Harry. Harry's wand should be repaired by Fudge's money. After all he snapped his wand. And so the responsibility fall on his head. He sent his men to repair it immediately but they couldn't finish their job.

" I can repair the wand for you. Just hold it together," Dumbledore said to fudge. And Fudge hold the broken wand in his hands.

Dumbledore took his elder wand and repaired Harry's wand. He knew this is Harry's wand. After looking at the repaired wand Cornelius fudge became excited.

"You just came on time Dumbledore. I was personally going to visit Harry to release him from Azkaban. He demanded a huge sum of money for the days he spent in the Azkaban. I never expected that from him. He even refused to leave Azkaban without a compensation. You must have heard it before you came to my office," Fudge said to Dumbledore. He never met a problematic child but in his opinion it is the fault of Lucius Malfoy.

"Ohh yes.... I heard about 15 million galleons as the compensation. But a child should not be send in Azkaban in the first place. We should leave right now. He may not able to attend the Hogwarts for few days as he should be thoroughly get checked in St mungo's hospital," Dumbledore said to Fudge. He wants to take Harry out of Azkaban.

"How are the other children who got petrified Dumbledore?" Fudge asked Dumbledore. As a minister of magic he suppose to ask some questions.

"Quite soon we are gonna catch the real culprit. We cannot cancel the classes otherwise we will lost the lead. Don't worry we have the antidotes of petrification. Now let's bring Harry back," Dumbledore said to Fudge. Both wants to catch the real culprit.

" Let's go to bring Harry back from Azkaban. I will send some aurors in Hogwarts to keep an eye on the students. Now I cannot take any chances," Fudge said to Dumbledore. Fudge called few aurors and left with them and Dumbledore to Azkaban with an apparition spell.

They cannot close the Hogwarts due to dangerous incidents. Petrification is not a big problem and it can solved with some potions. And if they close the Hogwarts for investigation it will only show that magic government and staff of hogwarts are not reliable.


Harry is waiting for the arrival of the auror. And the good news about the compensation. He is playing with the small Grindelwald lizard. After some time he heard some movement nearby. The lizard went to his pocket.

Fudge arrived with five aurors and Dumbledore in front of the cell of Harry. They saw the small boy is sleeping peacefully after creating such chaos in ministry.

" Mr Harry Potter time to wake up," Fudge said to Harry. He saw the boy opened his eyes and sat down.

" Hello Minister Fudge. I didn't expect you to come so soon. I was hoping you would come after 10 days. So I can get at least 25 million," Harry Potter is smiling while saying this thing to Minister Fudge and aurors.

"Don't be greedy Mr. Potter. I hope you can forgive my mistake..... And the compensation you demanded is already paid. You can check it in your trust vault. Your wand is also repaired. And I personally came to inform you," Fudge said to Harry. The million galleons is quite easy to get compared to Harry's wand being repaired.

"Harry my boy, let's go. First we have to check your health. Did anything unexpected happened to you during this 15 days in Azkaban," Dumbledore asked Harry.

At the same time an auror opened the cell gate. Harry walked outside his cell. And he stretches his arms above in air. And then he gives reply to Dumbledore.

"I almost get kissed by a dementor on my head's scar. It definitely sucked something out of me but I cannot put a finger on it. But I feel great after it. It felt like dementor exorcised me of a bad spirit. Maybe my imagination or a dream. Well after that they didn't disturbed me at least," Harry said to them. Aurors and Fudge are shocked by the mention of almost getting kissed by dementor. But Dumbledore was shocked for another reason. He wanted to check the scar of Harry to see if he is a now a horocrux or not.

Dumbledore used a passive legilimency spell on Harry Potter. Harry allowed him to see only the particular incident where dementor sucked the cursed spirit of voldermort from his scar. Dumbledore stopped after seeing that particular incident.

" Let's go Harry. We have to take you to St mungo's hospital before we take you back to Hogwarts," Dumbledore said to Harry. Harry didn't said anything and he started to walk with them.

After leaving Azkaban they went back to minister's office. Minister Fudge gave harry his wand back. Dumbledore took Harry from Minister's office to St mungo's hospital. His hospital bill will be paid by ministry of magic.

...St Mungo's hospital....

Dumbledore is now talking with medi-witch.

" Mr. Dumbledore we have to keep Mr. Potter here for few days. He is a 12 year old child who just came from Azkaban after being wrongly accused. We cannot send him early to Hogwarts please try to understand," The medi-witch said to Dumbledore. Medi-witch are scary when it comes to the health of their patient.

" Okay I understand. Kindly inform me a day before you are going to release him," Dumbledore said to medi-witch. He saw no point in arguing with a medi-witch. Medi-witch knows how to handle irritating patients and their demanding relatives.

" Mr. Potter please come with me. And Mr. Dumbledore you can leave as you have too many jobs and students to handle," The medi-witch said to Harry and Dumbledore.

" See you later Harry my boy. I will send someone to pick you up on your release date," Dumbledore said to Harry. And he apparate away from hospital.

The medi-witch took Harry to a hospital wing and started to treat him. Meanwhile Gellert is still in the pocket of Harry. He cannot send him away without treating him.

After Medi-witch gave Harry some potions she left him to rest. After she left, the lizard came out from his pocket. And turned into an old man. Harry casted a silence magic so no one can listen their words after he made sure that no one is around them. Not even a certain animagus bettle.

"Gellert I cannot take you to the Hogwarts. So you have to go on your own after I leave the hospital. Here take this it is a recovery potion," Harry said and gave him a blue potion which he took out of ainz's inventory space.

Gellert drank that potion and he recovered his full strength back. He is looking healthy. He still looks like an old man but he grew beard and hair.

"Lord Potter why did you not drink this potion. You would have recovered faster and you didn't have to stay in the hospital," Gellert said to Harry. If the potion can recover his health which is quite worse due to his long imprisonment. Then this can definitely help to recover Harry's health.

"I don't want to be look like a suspicious person. According to Dumbledore, Harry entered in wizarding world for one and half years ago. This year I should able to recover my health to it's peak without looking suspicious," Harry said to gellert. And he did a plus sign with his fingers. And with the smoke a clone Harry appeared.

"Are we going somewhere?" Gellert asked Harry. And Harry nods his head.

Harry got up from his bed and his clone took his place.

"Create greater item" Harry said and his clothes changed from a hospital patient to a suit. Then Harry looked at Gellert and he extends his right hand.

"Create greater item," Harry said and a magic circle appears in his right hand. And the clothes of Gellert changed from a prisoner to how he has seen him in fantastic beasts.

"I like this clothes. Do they get expired or is it permanent?" Gellert asked Harry. He is curious about this clothes. It feels different.

"Only I can change it back or destroy it. But now we have to leave and take the fresh air," Harry said to gellert and put his hand on gellert's shoulder and they disappear from St mungo's leaving his clone behind.

....Diagon alley.....

A boy and an old man appears near Diagon alley. It's Harry Potter and Gellert Grindelwald.

Harry transforms himself into an adult person. Harry didn't change the appearance of Gellert because his face is not known by many people. And now due to his beard and long hair it is very difficult to put them together.

"Grandfather let's go. We have to take a new wand for you. And do you have an account in gringotts bank?" Harry asked Gellert. At least Gellert should have kept his money somewhere for all of his previous operation.

"I have an account in gringotts bank and don't worry they will not tell about my visit. I have several accounts across the world. Goblins are greedy and they don't care who is their client," Gellert said to Harry. After all he was the most cunning man even for a dark lord.

" You go first, I will enter after five minutes for the full detail of my vault and my family vaults. Even my parents and grandparents property detail will not be spared by me today," Harry said to gellert. After that Gellert entered the Diagon alley. After few minutes later Harry walked inside Diagon alley.

He directly walks towards the gringotts banks. He enters inside the bank. The writings written on the bank's wall, he didn't spare them a glance. He is now standing on the reception.

"Excuse me, I want to know who handles the potter's vaults and property. I would like to meet that goblin," Harry said to the receptionist. The goblin looked up and said something about disrespectful wizards under his breath and went to bring a goblin manager who looks after the vaults of house of potters.

After few minutes the receptionist goblin came back with another goblin.

"Hello wizard, I am the one who is in charge of Potters vaults after their death. I also take care of their property issues. For the fees which is paid from their vaults. After all no service is free. By the way my name is grinok," The goblin said to Harry. He wants to know why he is called by a stranger.

"I want to have a private talk with you. I came here on the behalf of Harry Potter," Harry said to grinok. The goblin raised his right eyebrow with curiosity.

"Follow me," Grinok said to Harry and they went to a private room. After entering inside the room Harry Potter revert back to his previous form.

Grinok got amazed by the ability of Harry Potter. He didn't know Harry himself will come to meet him. After all he is released today from Azkaban.

" Mr. Potter I didn't expect you to come. Even no one expected you to come in gringotts today. You got a huge payment today from ministry for about 15 million galleons. I am amazed by how you looted ministry of magic," Grinok said to Harry. He heard the news about Harry just few moments before meeting him.

"Mr. Grinok I am not going to waste your and my time. I want to know how much wealth and property I have from my parents and grandparents or any of my dead relatives," Harry asked grinok with a serious expression.

Grinok thought about it for few moments and started to explain him.

"You have seen your vault Mr. Potter. That is left by your father for you before you become fully mature according to British wizards rules. And there is Potter family vault which you have not seen. All the wealth of your dead Potter relatives have already put in the Potter family vault. So they don't have to pay unnecessary fees. Your mother has a separate vault which you can access easily. Or you can transfer the money to your vault," Grinok said to Harry. He wanted to know his opinion.

"Transfer everything of my mom's vault into my vault. You will charge for it, don't you," Harry asked grinok. And the goblin gave him a smile.

" Yeah definitely we will charge for it. Compare to rich pureblood families vault it is average but it is more than your vault before you had access to it. You are also a nominee for black family vault and property if Sirius Black dies. He also left you some money in a separate vault," Grinok said to Harry. He is waiting for some reaction from Harry.

"Transfer whatever is in that vault into my vault. And you can take the fees of course for your services. How come I am the nominee for the black family vault and property. I thought it should be Draco Malfoy," Harry asked him. He is not interested in black family's money and property.

One of the main reason is because he knows Sirius Black is innocent. Taking an innocent person's wealth is not good for anyone's health. If by chance Sirius dies he will capture all the black families money and property in his grasp. He will make sure it will not fall in the hands of Malfoy.

" Sirius is now the Lord black. In the dead bed his father made sure of that. When Sirius got the news he made you the nominee for everything he will get from his father. He was in the Azkaban at that time," Grinok said to Harry. He was disappointed when he found no surprise look in the face of Harry.

"Is there anyone else who left a vault for me. If not then you can start telling me about the Potter's property and their houses which should be empty now," Harry asked him. He wants to finish this matter faster. Gellert would be waiting for him by now.

"I am afraid Mr. Potter that's all the people who left money for you. Your father's house is completely destroyed which is in the Godric's hollow. It can be repaired for a fees of course. Except that your grandparents Villa is in quite good shape. But no stranger can enter there. You have to go with your family ring. It is on the borders of Britain and Scotland. You also have a big farms of rare magical herbs which is near the villa. And no one can enter the place too," Grinok said to Harry. He didn't know the accurate details of Harry's grandparents Villa.

"Then who takes cares of the villa. The herbs should have dried by now. If no one can enters in that place," Harry asked grinok. He is not surprised to hear about villa. He has expected that his family should have at least one villa.

"Well your grandparents have house-elves. They used to take care of take care of magical herbs and villa. That place is rich of magic so they should be still around. And your grandfather's brother left behind another villa with an whole unknown island. I can gave you the location but even that place is locked out for strangers. All the other places are sold by your grandfather. He couldn't sell his brother villa. So he kept it. Here is your family ring and the map location for all three places Mr. Potter," Grinok said to Harry Potter. He wrote the address and name of the places. He also gave him the family ring.

Mr. Potter wore the ring. The ring adjusted to his finger. He can feel a connection to some houses or his family house. The ring is made of gold and in the middle it has a piece of red gem.

" If you are an imposter the ring would have cursed you. As you are the last member of Potter family by default you are the owner of the ring and full Potter wealth. But for the family vault of Potter you have to wait till you become mature in the eye of wizard community," Grinok said to harry. He relaxed a little as he can explain Harry more easily now.

Grinok started to give detail about the money transaction after the death of his parents. There was no illegal transaction without his knowledge from his vault. After that Harry withdraw some money from his own vault. And left the bank after transforming himself into another person.