
Everywhere around the area is wet with the splashing of water here and there. Zylant dives as he heard the whistle signal of his coach. He's moving his entire body in sync, his arms powerfully brushing his way on the water while both of his legs were paddling fast enough for him to reach the other side of the pool.

"And stop." Coach Jerro announced as he stopped the timer.

Zylant sat on the diving board as he regains his breath. He looks afar, spacing out thinking about the shocking things that he discovered. He's also worried about his shoulders that feels a bit heavy than usual and a little hurting.

Coached Jerro noticed him so he patted his head and sat beside him, wetting his feet a little as he laid them on the pool. Zylant looked at him, confused at his coach's sudden behavior.

"Zy, you seemed down? I also noticed that you're slower today than yesterday. Anything bothering you?" Jerro asked. Zylant looked away and gulped as he chooses his right words. He doesn't want to worry his coach about him.

"I'm just thinking about something... unnecessary matters hehe." Zylant blurted but Coach Jerro isn't buying it.

"Really? Since it's not that necessary, I still have time..", Then coach checked his watch.

"Tell me about it." He said as he splashes water on Zylant.

"Hahahaha nah, it's nothing. Anyway coach, is my record the slowest among us swimmers?" Zylant whispered. He looked around at the other athletes and felt a little intimidated as their body builds and records are more intriguing than his.

"Hmm.. should I be honest?" Zylant nodded and he gulped.

"Well, it's not THAT slow..."

"Then what coach?" said Zylant in a nervous tone.

"Just fourth in speed ranking among all here. That's unusual in your case Zy, you're a top athlete in swimming." Jerro muttered being straightforward.

Zylant sighed in disappointment. His shoulders were down and his fists were clenched. He looked away, avoiding his coach's gaze.

"What have you done, Zylant? This is not you, put yourself together! Swimming isn't just a sport, it's your life!" These statements were running across his thoughts as he blames his carelessness. He began to felt angry at himself as he is not doing any better.

Coach Jerro noticed him being anxious so he caressed his head. Zylant got distracted and glanced at him.

"I know the pressure is too much to deal with Zy but that doesn't mean that all your efforts and sacrifices mean nothing. We all have our better days."Coach Jerro started.

"Life is like a moving wheel, sometimes we're at the top and sometimes lower than below. Don't be too hard on yourself. I understand and will help you go back to the top, but for now, rest my son. You need that in this exhausting world we're living in." Zylant's eyes began to twinkle while listening to his coach's words. He felt his favorite feeling in the world, having a fatherly figure to talk to. He smiled and nodded at him.

"Yes, coach! Thank you.." Zylant mumbled.


Two girls were bickering at each other outside the Olympic pool area. Ashlyn forcingly pulled Heaven's hand while the latter is doing her best to resist her pulls.

"Come on, Heve! Meeting him won't hurt! Plus there are many hot guys that you'll love inside!" Ashlyn asserted while frowning at her best friend.

"No freaking way that I. WILL. ENTER. THAT. PLACE. WEARING THIS." Heaven sternly replied. Ashlyn could certainly smell the smoke coming from her friend's nose. She laughs and laughs at Heaven's angry face.

"Why not? You look perfect in that outfit." Ashlyn innocently asked.

"So I wasted half an hour time picking an outfit only to enter a swimming pool area with lots of hot guys?!" Heaven blurted in annoyance.

"It's worth it tho since you mentioned HOT guys." Ashlyn playfully raised her brows that made Heaven smirk.

"Yeah, maybe you need some hot guys too. Voltaire seems to be expired since hmmm..." Heaven teased while holding her chin, calculating.

"He's 13 years old in your precious heart." She said that made Ashlyn's jaw drop. Ashlyn later smiled sadly and this made Heaven alarmed.

"O-oh... I didn't mean it like that, Ash.", Heaven grabs her arm but Ashlyn slowly refused to give it. Heaven bit her lower lip and felt guilty.

"No, you're not wrong. Nothing to be sorry about. Let's go somewhere else." Ashlyn said as she turns her back facing the car's direction.

Heaven closed her eyes intently and hold onto her last resort.

"Oh gosh, here goes nothing." She said in her mind as she blurted her words.

"Fine, let's go inside.", Ashlyn slowly turned to her wearing a mischievous smile. Heaven's lips parted as she realizes that she's just acting hurt.

"Traitor," Heaven intently glares at the laughing Ashlyn.

Somehow in Heaven's heart, she felt happy seeing her best friend laughing and smiling. She knows that Ashlyn's heart is shattered into pieces and chose to hide it with her sweet smiles. For her, making her smile and laugh is priceless and the least she can do for her.

Ashlyn hooked her arms into Heaven's and wait inside the area. Both of them are nervous as they know that they'll encounter guys inside but Ashlyn wants to see Zylant to tease her best friend.

They reached the entrance to the pool area and both of them are debating on who to enter first.

"You go first, Ash. They're somehow familiar with you since you're a public face. Go!" Heaven said but Ashlyn protest.

"What? No!"

"Alright let's go now since this is your idea in the first place. I never wanted to go here." , Ashlyn rolled her eyes because Heaven's tactic worked on her.

She bravely enters the place and faced numerous gazes she received from the athletes.

Some were wiping their heads with towels, some almost drown while getting distracted by the two stunning ladies walking across pools.

Heaven holds Ashlyn's wrist and whispers.

"Maybe I'm dead and this is heaven." She roamed around with eyes twinkling. Ashlyn elegantly laughed at her friend being fascinated with the different guys having a nice figure.

A confused tan tall man with wet hair and a topless body approached them having a towel in his neck. He smiled as he saw Ashlyn.

"So this is why everybody is looking at the entrance, gorgeous ladies are approaching. Hey, Ash and..." He looked at the other girl intently.

"Heaven right? Nice to meet you." Then Zylant extended his hand to her. Heaven froze at her position and blushed. Ashlyn smirked and secretly took a photo of the two. She knows that Heaven has a crush on Volt's best friend.

"We ain't best friend for nothing, thank me later!" Ashlyn said in her mind.

Heaven took it and nervously smiled at Zylant.

"Wow, are you cold? I have a dry towel in my place. Just wait." Zylant was about to leave when Heaven pulls him back.

"No, no. I'm okay. So much okay.." Heaven said.

"Eh? Why are your hands cold then?" Zylant asked.

"I held something cold earlier that's why hehe."

Zylant nodded at her response and faced Ashlyn again.

"Ash, why come here without any notice? You could have sent me a message at least." Zylant asked.

"Well, we just wanna invite you to hang out." Ashlyn said fidgeting her fingers. Heaven on the other hand is busy distracting herself from staring at Zylant's body. She doesn't want him to think that she's a perv.

"Really? Sure! Let me take a shower first then talk later. Ahm, do you guys feel uncomfortable here? You can wait outside tho."

Ashlyn agreed to his suggestion.


"Ash, what were you thinking?" Heaven asked as she is nervous holding the steering wheel.

"Hehe, I can't come up with a better reason. Let's also say that this is baby steps." Ashlyn playfully said, sitting in the shotgun seat.

"Baby steps on what?"

"Baby steps on your relationship with Zylant."

Heaven's eyes widened in shock. She felt like this is not the prim and elegant best friend that she has, it's completely a different person!

"Who are you really?" Heaven stared at her but Ashlyn just laughs and gaze to the window, spotting Zylant in casual attire. She had another idea that came into her mind.

"Good job on playing cupid, Ashlyn. Finally, someone can tame a wild Heaven." Ashlyn said to herself as she went out of the car and went to Zylant.

"Hey Zy, do you have a destination in mind?" Ashlyn asked that made Zylant furrow his brows.

"Wait, you came hanging out with no definite plans?" He asked. Ashlyn shyly smiled at him.

"Hmm.. alright then. What do you prefer, a city or a province?" The guy asked.

"Province sounds nice for relaxation." She replied. Zylant quickly surveyed Ashlyn's attire to see if she's appropriate for his idea.

Ashlyn is wearing a navy blue fitted crop top partnered with black cargo pants and ankle-length boots.

"Alright, do you have a car?" Ashlyn pointed to Heaven's.

"It'll be nice if we share the same car. Directions will be easy since I think you've got an idea where to go so...Let's go!" Ashlyn said and was about to go back when.....

"Should we invite Volt? I mean, if it's alright with you." Zylant asked as he dials Volt's number.

Ashlyn is still standing, facing the car while feeling her heart's intense pounds. Every time she'll hear the name 'Volt', she can't help but become nervous.

Zylant ended his call with his best friend and went inside the car, sitting at the shotgun seat. Ashlyn did the same and nervously sat at the back seat.

"Is Volt coming?"