
Inside the top building where the icy CEO is sitting in his place, silently reading the reports of the activities in his company. He skipped school today since he got loads of work in his company.

While checking files, he somehow felt relieved as he saw the documents about the orphanage his company is supporting.

As he is checking the statistics on his laptop, a black folder caught his attention. He recalled what this is about and opened it.

"I don't see any significance in doing this thing. It's irrelevant since our company now targets consumers on their necessities in living." Volt said to himself as he digs deeper into the file. He sighed then grab his phone and checks the official website of his company. He felt a little relax that people were leaving at nice and happy reviews on their products.

"Should I snob this proposal?" Volt asked himself as he stared at the folder.

"Hmm... the chairman has his point, broadening our business but why must we conduct an activity like this? Another thing is, why at the university that I'm studying at? This is fishy." He mumbled.

The knock on the door snatched his attention as a woman in her 40s enters his office. Volt closed his files and exits tabs in his laptop. Securing his privacy and the safety of confidential matters in his place.

Voltaire laid his back in his seat, crossed his legs, and looked at her with daunting stares. She's wearing a nude pencil skirt partnered with a black ruffled top and beige heels to complete her look. Holding a champagne-colored designer bag to complete her outfit.

"Voltaire, my in charged CEO nephew. How are you?" She said.

"What brings you here without any appointments, aunt Morra?" Voltaire replied.

"I just arrived in this country yet no welcome for me? Oh sweetie, drop the honorifics. We were so close before...", Morra sat on the couch and looked around the place.

"I don't repeat myself, I want answers." Volt coldly said as he continues reading reports. Morra looked at her nephew with amused eyes.

"This timid boy grew a feisty one. Before, he always cries whenever someone surprised him, but now, he's a different one. I like what you did here, Joan. You created your weapon against his father's family....or is it?" Morra said in her thoughts.

The woman composed herself and faced the CEO, she sweetly flashed a smile and played with her hair.

"I just missed you, my nephew. Didn't you miss your aunt Morra? Come here big baby, give me a hug." She opens her arms, gesturing him for a hug, waiting for Voltaire.

"If you have nothing important to say, the door is open waiting for your withdrawal to my office." Volt muttered without sparing a single glance to her aunt. Morra frowned at his behavior and crossed her arms.

"Voltaire, that attitude of yours is just disrespectful! Is that what your mother taught you? Or maybe your father told you to be like that!" She hissed.

Volt slammed the folder in his desk then looked at Morra with a serious face and a heavy aura. The woman is caught off guard with his sudden attitude leaving her frozen in her position. She felt goosebumps and her knees felt weak as she met his blazing glares.

"Get out." Volt said in a deep, serious voice that sent shivers to Morra's spine. She can feel the impact of this young man on her and she's not liking it. However, she's not backing out to her nephew.

"I'm the elder here, he's supposed to obey me! This rude punk!" she said in her mind.

Morra has the urge to talk back but she can't manage to open her mouth. She felt like her tongue went somewhere else, words are scared enough to escape her lips.

Voltaire, on the other hand, is controlling his temper and actions. He can't believe that his father's sibling has the audacity to insult him, especially he's dead. The woman just pushed the wrong button in him, and now, his anger is raging inside him. One wrong move of the woman and he might burst and murder her with insulting words.

"Mrs. Morra Carter, this is not a request. Leave this building as fast as you could because I don't know how long I can control my temper. Now go." Volt announced in full authority.

The woman swallowed hard and grab her bag, leaving. She almost trips as she steps due to her weakened knees and ankles.

"I'll get back on you, Voltaire, Robert's son." Morra said in the back of her head.

Volt sat on his seat, contemplate his thoughts. To somehow distract himself, he played one game of his mobile game app.

Thirty minutes have passed and he won, sadly he's the tank so his stats aren't high, and only receive a silver medal but at least he won.

Volt was about to exit his app when a notification from the game pops up. He opened it and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow...." Volt whispered. He bit his bottom lip as he controls his excitement and joy. He's sure someone is spying on him so he shouldn't be obvious.

"Finally, you accept my request growling_jel. Now let's talk!" He said in his mind.

Volt sent a message to the player.

lightningvolt_: heya!

growling_jel: hi

His brows furrow with the reply.

"Tss selfish with words e?" Volt whispered.

lightningvolt_: we battle before right?

growling_jel: maybe...

growling_jel: I played different battles before so.. which one r u?

lightningvolt_: well, let's say it was a remarkable match :)

growling_jel: remarkable... did you lose?

growling_jel: XD

"Wow, this guy is arrogant e? Want me to buy your life?!" Volt muttered in annoyance.

lightningvolt_: nope, more like u

growling_jel: really?! wow, maybe ur teammates are good that time and mine's are cancer...

lightningvolt_: no they're not. i won fair and square.

growling_jel: i see.. but.. nvm!

lightningvolt_: nevermind what?

growling_jel: your stats are not impressive! XD

Volt got annoyed and threw his phone at the couch. The guy just hit his nerve and now he's in a much worse mood.

"Tsk! I should've known better." He shakes his head in disappointment and decided to do some research for the proposals.

He wanted to call Keisha for his schedule, unfortunately, she asks him for her leave for three days.

"Keisha rarely absents in her work, I wonder what's her reason now." Volt mumbled.


Tables were turned upside down, a bunch of papers was scattered on the floor and desks were wet with the spilled wine.

There, a man frustrated with the failure of his men. They're now exposed to their enemies and this made him more aggravated.

He furiously yanked his hair in frustration, rubbed his face with his palms, and throw any stuff that he'll clasp to the people inside their base.

"I'm paying all of you a huge amount of money, and THIS..." He showed a photo of a man tied up, bruised all over his face, sent to him using an unknown number.

"This is what I'll get?!" He hissed.

"Sir, I'm assuring you, we did everything we can but they're more skillful than we are." The furious man glares at him and pulls out a gun, pointing it to his forehead.

"So, should I fire you guys then? You all are useless! I'm wasting my time on all of you!" He shouted at their face.

"N-no sir, we have our disguised weapon..." said the guy in long hair. The man turned to him with furrowed brows, intrigued, and ask.

"Disguise?" He said as he lowers his gun.

"Yes sir. He's the greatest agent in our agency. An international spy and a very skillful leader."

the bald tall guy said. The man arched his brow and puts the gun in his pocket.

"I want to meet him, where is he?" The man said. There are five men inside the metallic room, all of them separated and looked at the rusty door, slowly opening.

A tall good looking man entered the room, wearing a button-down school uniform, round specs, and carrying his bag. He has this innocent face; bushy eyebrows, lively eyes, pointed nose, pinkish lips, and a chiseled jawline. Has an approximate height of 6'1 and has a tan skin complexion.

"You? Are you kidding me?! He's a student!" The man shouted at them pointing his fingers to the boy in the door.

In a split second, the man is now screeching in pain as the boy from afar suddenly is in his back, pinning his arm in his back. Everyone in the room was watching them, amazed by the boy's speed. The boy whispered,

"Be careful on who you judge, looks don't reflect someone's intentions.", Then he slowly let go of the arm.

The mad man is now looking at him with respect and fear.

"They were right, he is scary. At last! My ace is here." The mad man said in his mind as he massaged his painful arm.

The boy looks down on him as the mad man extended his hands. He blankly stared at him.

"I'm hiring you, boy. Don't fail me." The mad man said.

"Hiring? I haven't properly introduced myself." said the boy.

"My name is Kyler Hiroaki Porter, Fourth Base Commander, 22." He smirks.