Identity Uncovered

Inside the training ground in the hidden parts of the peeks trainees are doing their drills, developing skills and the character that they should possess.

'Agent SX's' ankles are sore from the action she had yesterday yet she continued the drill. Doing 300 push-ups, pull-ups, running laps, and even the obstacle course.

Her sweat continues to drip as she runs laps. She's so exhausted and feels like giving up but the passion she has for her job is steaming inside her and this motivates her to do better.

As she reached their lodge, she takes her seat at the stairs and drinks her water. Her comrade approached and greeted her.

"Agent SX, how are you?" Roy, a top trainee, asked her.

"I'm fine, why?" she replied.

"Well, you have fresh wounds in your limbs yet you're here, doing training even tho you've graduated." Roy muttered.

"Well, Roy, here's a tip. Yes I graduated but working hard doesn't stop there, you'll continue to learn along the way in your journey, and for me, this training is part of my learning." Agent SX said that made Roy nod.

"I see...can we do sparring?", Agent SX turned to him with brows furrowed.

"Hey kid, you sure about that?" she asked.

"I'm not a kid, and yes. Let's do it unarmed." Roy stood up and went to the center of the training ground. He looked at agent 'SX' with playful eyes and take away any weapons inside his pockets. This made 'SX' fascinated with his courage so she did the same, unarming herself.

'SX' stands parallel to him, wearing a poker face. She positioned herself in her usual combat stance: her body facing a little sideways, both legs are leaned slightly wider than the hips, feet were angled slightly to the side where her knees are facing the same direction and both fists were leveled in her chest protecting her body. She made sure to have an equalized weight distribution to her feet to build a strong balance.

"Wow! She looks cool! Waah! I'm better than her! I can't lose." Roy thought having fascinated eyes on her.

Roy looked at her, analyzing her posture, calculating his moves. He positions himself also in his combat posture. He arranged himself a little similar to SX's but he makes sure to tenses his abdominal muscles, his right elbow is placed close to his body and his head is tilted forward to the chin.

"Who's gonna go first?" Roy asked. 'SX' shrugged so he did the first attack.

Roy smirks as he runs toward her and first tried to break her defense. He threw few consecutive powerful punches, both left, and right but SX managed to dodge it with her undeniable speed.

"Nice try, kid.", 'SX' thought and smirks at him.

Since her speed got him a little off guard, she targeted his stomach by kicking it using her left leg but,

"His core is strong so one powerful kick wasn't enough" 'SX' thought.

She placed her left foot behind and rotates 360° and now aims her kicks for his head, when surprisingly, Roy managed to read the attack so he stepped backward and grasp her leg in the air, twisting it then pinning her to the ground.

"Argh!" 'SX' groans as the impact hurts her back. Now, both of them are lying on the dirt, Roy on top of her.

"How are you?" Roy mocked and glares at her eyes in pain. His face is so close to hers that he can feel her breath in his ears. To makes sure that she can't resist any longer, he grabbed her right arm since it's dominant and placed it across her. The stitches on her arms open and blood start to flow.

'SX' flashed an irritating smirk at the young man, ridiculing him.

The impact of the fall got her eyes a little blurry but she managed to do another attack. She used her left elbow, aiming it to his temples. The hit was so strong that he managed to bleed and this distracted him. 'SX' took the chance and used her hands powerfully hitting his nape. She didn't waste a second and used her legs and wrapped them in his body particularly his chest area and strongly squeezing him slowly, compressing his body until he runs out of air.

"Argh!" Roy groans. He can no longer think of anything else but the pain he's feeling. He opened his eyes and tried to choke 'SX' but she tightened it more making him howl in pain.

'SX' smirked then lean to his left ear and whispered.

"Give up?" she asked and Roy nodded like an obedient dog. She finally let go of him and threw him away from her. She slowly stood up, seeing blood flowing to her right limb. Her wounds opened up again.

'SX' looks around and saw other trainees watching them in amazement. They are circling the area, quiet while enjoying the show. She also saw their commander so she walks towards him to salute.

"Sir!" She said.

"Why did you go easy on him? Tch, the show is amusing and you got better considering your injuries from yesterday." Commander Lionel commented.

"I can't go hard on him sir, he's still learning and I might cause him severe injuries." She turns around to Roy who is still lying on the ground, panting hard while holding his chest and stomach. His face has blood with the wound 'SX' caused him.

"But.. he is good sir. Even though I am an experienced one, he'll surely have the potential to be better than I am." 'SX' muttered and approached the striving Roy in the ground.

She smiled at him and extended her hands to assist him in standing up but the boy just stared at it. He covered his face with his arm and muttered.

"Ugh! This is too much humiliation... Go away, don't look at me in the eyes." Roy said.

'SX' chuckled and sat down right next to him. She stared at him.

"Humble beginnings, kid." Roy looked at her in confusion.

"What?" 'SX' stood up and chuckled at the embarrassed boy. She extended her hands once again.

"Stand up, you'll achieve nothing if you keep on lying on the ground. Take my hand, if you won't, I'll make sure to break your bones." She said that made the latter to clasp it instantly.

Roy slowly stands up as he felt the injury he has. It felt like his bones are crushing in every step he makes.

"Argh! This pain is unbearable! I feel like dying! how am I gonna do training tomorrow? So foolish of me to think that I'm the best in here when in fact I really am not. I'm starting to regret challenging this lady beside me..." Roy mumbled in his thoughts then looked at the pretty girl walking next to him, helping.

'SX' and Roy went to the clinic to have themselves checked. The boy is lying on the white bed, having himself examined while 'SX' went to the bathroom to take a bath.

"Based on the examinations conducted, you have sprained rib, Roy. How stupid of you challenging aces like that. You're lucky she went easy on you." The doctor said at him.

"Tss, she gave me a lesson." he mumbled.

"What lesson?"

"The sprained rib lesson, doc." Then Roy rolled his eyes.

Both of them turned their gazes to the opening door. Agent 'SX' went in wearing white sleeveless and brown cargo pants.

The doctor approached her and immediately treated her deep wounds. She sat at a table, parallel to Roy's bed while the doctor is stitching her injuries.

"Arent you hurt?" Roy asked her having a poker face while stitching her raw wounds without using any pain killers.

"Nah, I embrace the pain." she replied that made Roy frown in confusion.

"You're such a weirdo."

Minutes have passed and she's done. The doctor went outside to do some other things making the two left alone in the room.

Agent 'SX' approached Roy lying in his bed.

"What did they say? How are you?" she asked.

"Thanks for the rib sprain agent. I really appreciate it." Roy sarcastically replied making her chuckle.

"I asked you if you're sure then you replied yes. So basically it's your fault but I'm still sorry, kid."

"Hah! yeah you're right but don't call me kid! I'm no longer a child." Roy protests.

"Why? How old are you?"

"I'm 19." he replied.

"Oh, you made me feel like I'm so old." 'SX' teased.

"Eh? How old are you?"

"28 years of existence, sir. Anyway, you have the potential to improve yourself every single day." She replied.

"Really? Does that mean I can surpass you?!" Roy asked.


"But, I'm not as skillful as you are."

"Let me tell you this, kid. No one started being the best. Everything I have right now? I worked hard for this." SX states. Roy looked intently at her, listening. Since she got his attention, she continued.

"Well, I was 18 when I first enter the agency. I remember being the thinnest and the clumsiest in my batch like I can't even do squats properly..." SX laughed.

"But since I love what I'm doing, I used this weakness to motivate me to become better than yesterday. It wasn't easy and it wasn't fast either but I never gave up. Sure, there are stressful days like you think that nothing's working out but don't let it hinder you from achieving your goals." Agent SX patted Roy's head as he noticed him being focused and his eyes were sparkling.

"Kid, always remember that bumpy roads leads to beautiful destinations, and when you finally arrived there, always look back to where you came from. Keep yourself grounded."


It was night and she's walking on a dark path to go home. Only the moon provides a source of light so she kept her guards up from possible dangers surrounding her.

Agent 'SX' was about to open her door when a guy suddenly grabs her hands. She dropped her keys and twists the hands holding her's. The guy in black hoodie screams in pain so she covers his mouth. Now, it was kneeling to the ground while she's at his back pinning his arms.

"Who are you and how did you find me?!" She whispered. The man struggled to make her detach her hands from his mouth.

Later on, she pulled his hoodie and cap revealing his face. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in shock. She instantly released him from his torment.

"Keisha, it's me. Zylant...."