
Another typical normal day at school. The sky seems dark, having threats of strong rain anytime, cold breezes welcomed every student's skin outside their vicinity, it is one hour before their lunch break.

Volt is casually writing some random words in his notebook while their creepy professor is having his discussion in front. He doesn't mind listening to him since he already knows the lesson: financial management. He ain't a CEO for nothing.

However, Volt being a CEO is unknown in the school, only his closest friends know it and of course, the shareholders and other highest persons on the campus.

"What if I'll sign the proposal then have a condition on firing this guy? Nah, he's good at his job. Just creepy." He said in his mind then shot a glance at the professor, and he instantly saw it. Mr. Beam creepily smiled at Volt but he just rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, why does he keeps on doing that?" He asked himself in his thoughts.

Meanwhile, his annoying seatmate keeps on poking his arms but Volt ignores him.

"Oh come on, Volt. Help me here, I'm dying with all the computations. I don't even know what I'm doing!" Zylant whispered to him. Volt looked at him with arching brows. Zylant then gives him the 'puppy eyes'.

"Zy, you look like a frog doing that, stop." said Volt then again wrote random gibberish on his notebook. Zylant looks at him in disbelief.

"Tch. I look cute you know?" Zylant replied.

"Makes me wanna puke.", Zylant gives him a deadly glare but it didn't seem to bother his best friend.

Suddenly, everyone's attention is now on the two. Zylant looks at his professor with a nervous look while Volt is not giving a sec on sparing a glance back. He really is just writing.

"Mr. Flammia and Mr. Cohen, what do you think is the answer to the given problem?" Mr. Beam asked. Zylant taps his best friend, asking for the answer to the question. Volt got annoyed and looked at him.

"What?" He said loudly. Zylant's eyes are so wide that any second it might pop. He's also sweating badly with the tension that he's feeling. He gestured the professor to Volt.

Voltaire looked at the professor with daunting eyes. The professor got shocked for a split second but regains his self back. He felt his ankles weakened and began to feel scared at his glare.

"This kid really has that impact of weakening his enemies only by using his eyes. I wonder how he masters such a craft, he's quite good at it. I don't want to be terrified but he's making me one." Mr. Beam said in his mind.

"The answer is zero." Volt said.

"Mind explaining, Mr. Flammia?"

"No." Volt shortly replied.

"No wonder everyone is trying so hard to overthrow him on his position as the CEO. He's a rare type of an individual, much better than his father. Chairman Flammia must be shaking now because of this young man." Mr. Beam said in the back of his head then smiled at him and nodded.

Everyone in the room starts to murmur as they heard Volt's rudeness but their professor smirked at him. Some of their classmates are glaring at him but Volt, again, never seems to be disturbed.

"Alright, Mr. Flammia. You're right. Moving on class." Mr. Beam said and the class resumed.

"Ugh, did you hear how rude he was? Like I wanna strangle him!" Kristal, the classmate, gossiped.

"Yeah, he has no manners! I hate him even more. Like, the prof is so nice and there's him being so mean. Who does he think he is?! the CEO of a big company worldwide?! The president?!" Yesha exclaimed wanting to be heard by Volt.

Volt and Zylant grabbed their bags and went outside, passing the two gossiping girls, completely ignoring them. This made the two more furious.

They were walking in the hallway when Zylant opened a topic.

"You heard Yesha? Dude, she's not wrong Haha!" Zylant asked but Volt shrugged.

"I don't even know who she is." Volt muttered in a lazy tone that made Zylant furrow his brows.

"She's your classmate and you don't know her?! Oh.. right. You're Voltaire Cyde Flammia, the guy who's ice cold and never cared about anyone except....." Zylant playfully raised his brows.

They arrived at the cafeteria, sat in the least crowded place, and called the waiters for orders.

Each student's attention inside the cafeteria went to an outstanding girl. She's wearing her school uniform, high socks, and her hair is not even styled yet she looks captivating.

Zylant waved his hands making her notice them. The girls approached their table and sat parallel to them.

"Hi, how are your classes?" Ashlyn asked.

The usual, Volt is keeping himself busy with his game avoiding conversation with Ashlyn.

"It was a tensed one but Volt handled the situation. How 'bout you guys? Hi Heaven, did you enjoy last night?" Zylant replied.

"It's boring...err what LAST night???" Ashlyn asked in intrigued. Heaven turned red and gazed away.

"Ey, don't be too green. It was just a friendly dinner. Shut your imaginations, Ash. Tsk tsk." Zylant said then winked to Heaven.

Ashlyn elegantly laughed at their expressions then looked at the busy Voltaire. She sadly smiled as she is ignored again.

After thirty minutes, they are finished with their lunch when sudden heavy droplets of rain poured from the dark sky.

"The rain sure is heavy, the campus might dismiss classes anytime since flood easily happens here." Heaven said as she stares at the droplets falling from the above.

"I didn't bring my car with me, nor an umbrella." Ashlyn worriedly said.

Volt stands up and opened his bag. He grabs his umbrella and blankly looked at Ashlyn.

"I'll send you home, use this," Volt said as he hands Ashlyn the umbrella.

"What about you Volt? You might get wet, you still got work." Ashlyn muttered.

"Let's share then..." Volt turned to the two other people. " We'll go now, see you next time."

Then he walks together with Ashlyn in the pouring rain. They shared the umbrella but Voltaire gave seventy percent of the umbrella to the girl resulting in his wet shoulders. As they reached the car, Volt assists Ashlyn preventing her to get wet.

"Volt, you're wet. You might catch a cold." Ashlyn worriedly said.

"Don't worry about me, I'm alright."


Back at their secret base, a man checks his gun and aims it at the targets. He struck it perfectly, in the red area.

"So how did today's mission went, Hiro?" He asked the boy in specs as he felt it's presence.

"Nothing special, just him with a girl named Ashlyn Dixon." Hiro reported. The man turned to him as he heard intriguing news.

"Ashlyn Dixon? The daughter of Amanda Dixon and Billie Hubert? Those powerful politicians?" He asked.

"Certain." The man shoots the target consecutively as he lets out his frustration. The target was almost destroyed with the holes when he finally stopped.

"I've been keeping an eye on Voltaire for the longest time yet I never knew he has a girl! And worse, the daughter of my business partners! Ugh!" He groans in frustration and yanked his hair.

Hiro, on the other hand, stares at the crazy old man. He's now doubting his decision on working for him, however, he has the same intention as he is. To defeat Voltaire Flammia, the jerk whom he hated since high school.

"What are you planning now?" Hiro asked.

"We can't touch the girl as she is an important person to my name. However, did you find him... dating anyone?" The man asked.

"He's not even showing the tiniest interest in anyone. He only has his athlete friend always with him."

"You mean Zylant? No, I won't hurt that kid. We need to find his other weakness." The man said as he sips his wine.

"Is ditching my classes even worth it with this guy?! He's irritating and dumb! I'm losing my patience!" Hiro said in his mind.

Hiro grabs the gun and pointed it at the man. He pulled its trigger and this made the man scowled as he is almost shot.

"Not involving his friend is like that, an almost kill. We are so close to Volt yet you're neglecting the easiest way to assassinate the target? Are you kidding me?" Hiro impatiently reacted. The man clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He turned away from him and bent his head a little.

"Zylant is an important part of my life, and I would never, ever involve him with this issue." He said. Hiro rolled his eyes as he hates dramas the most, all he wanted to do is to seek revenge.

"Stop with your drama old man. The chairman, I saw him talking to a bunch of men in his office. Is he included in the anti-Volt mission?" Hiro asked. The man faced him again and shrugged, unsure of the chairman's intentions.

"One thing is for sure, he hates Voltaire among his grandsons. He's not in favor of him as the in charged CEO. There's a wild conflict within the righteous one for the position and I know many are interested, including me."