The Call

Two days have passed, and every day is a regular one. However, Voltaire didn't seem to manage attending school due to the demand of his work. He's been sleepless since the rainy day he gave Ashlyn a ride to her home.

Work at day, even at night. Study in between breaks.

He's now silently reading the narratives while intently listening to the presentation of the design team. They are upgrading their minor income products for them to sell in the market, trying to develop it according to the present trend.

"Sir Voltaire, what can you say or at least suggest to our attempt?" Clara, the presenter, asked.

"An idea of having this kind of project is a good one. However, what makes you so sure that it's gonna hit big in the market?" Volt asked with a straight face. Clara gasped in nervousness as he met his gaze.

"Si-sir, we're not anticipating that this will be a hit in the market. We're just finding a solution to those products of our company that is not appealing to the market, sir. Let's not put into waste those efforts in the products." She answered.

Voltaire does his usual intimidating actions; leaned back, crossed his legs, and look straight into the eyes.

"As someone who's proposing something shouldn't you aim big? Are you gonna settle for less like.. just selling those products and not wanting them to be at the top? It's hard to get the cycle of money steady these days, so why should I provide in your proposal?" Volt interrogates.

"The-That's not what I meant, si-sir. I'm just saying that–"

"I know what you mean but do you get my point, Ms. Clara?" Voltaire retorted without sparing a glance at the woman. He arranged his things and stands up.

"Everyone did a good job, keep it up. For you Ms. Clara, I hope you have your answers to my question in our next meeting. Think about it carefully and then I'll give my response regarding your proposal. Thank you, everyone. Dismiss."

Volt gestured his secretary to come with him back to his office. He needs to finish his contract making with the company supplier, needs to assess new investments with the shareholders, and improve an effective strategic plan for the company.

While at the elevator, he closed his eyes and leaned to the cold metal wall. He wants to take a rest with all the exhaustion that he's feeling.

"Sir, I went to your university and gave your professors a heads up about your absence and they agreed on giving you special activities. Is that alright with you?" Keisha, the secretary, asked. She looked at the tired man with a worried look.

"I supposed taking good care of the CEO is part of my job. Volt is working hard, proving his capabilities but he needs to rest or he might collapse anytime." Keisha thought.

Volt nods in approval. As the door opened, his eyes did the same, and fixed his posture again wearing his intimidating look. Keisha watched him from behind as he shifts his behavior, and somehow, he can see the real Volt.

He's not exactly what they think he is.

She bit her lower lip and felt guilty for the guy, recalling the times she bad-mouths him.

"Keisha, what's my next schedule?" Volt asked without glancing. He's focusing on his work as he reviews other recorded issues.

"Thirty minutes from now, you'll have a meeting with the board of directors arranged by the chairman. According to him, he'll discuss a confidential matter with the members but he did not state what." Keisha reported. Voltaire massaged his temples, as he is being stressed.

"I'm sure this is about the project he's pursuing in my university. Tomorrow is my deadline, what do you think Ms. Xaver? Should I consider something as risky as that? Conduncting something like intramurals in the campus I'm studying at and a pageant?" Volt asked as he looks at Keisha with a tired look.

"Have you considered the pros and cons of the project, sir? If you already did then you finally have your answer. In my opinion, it's unnecessary to do something like that since our company focus is somehow irrelevant to it." Keisha straightly answered.

"Yes, that's my point also. However, something in my gut tells me to agree on this..." Voltaire noticed his words and gazed away. "Oh, why am I saying this to you? Anyway, after the meeting, do I have more schedules?" Volt asked as he went back to his business.

"One of the company's major shareholders, Mr. Billie Hubert asked you for a dinner at their mansion at 9 in the evening sir." Keisha reported.

"He didn't mention why?"

"No sir."

Voltaire nodded at her and gestured to leave. He continued his work when his phone suddenly rang. He checked the caller ID and it made his brows furrow.

An unknown number is calling him which is quite peculiar since it's his personal number and only his closest friends and the board members know it.

"Now, who are you?" He mumbled before recording the call and putting it on a loudspeaker.

["Voltaire Flammia, nice to cross paths with you..."] It was a man's voice but Volt remained calm and listened to the call.

["Why is no one answering? Hiro, did you get the number right?!"] The man in the call shouted on the other line.


["Tss.. stupid old man."] voice of another boy.

["What did you call me?! Come here you..."] then the call ended. Volt checked the number and send it to Keisha. He ruffled his hair and went back to his interrupted work.

Minutes later, someone knocks on the door and his secretary went inside, having confusion in her eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir, but what was the sudden message all about? Is it a business matter?" Keisha asked while holding her phone.

"Trace that number, give me the result after a week. You may leave now."


Each member was gathered inside the board room especially the executive committees, finance committees, and the fundraising committees.

Most of them are surprised by the sudden call of the chairman, however, a man in a black business attire entranced the room wearing his familiar intimidating aura. He sat in the first seat in the round table having the glass window behind him, parallel to the smirking chairman.

"Alright, a pleasant afternoon to everyone. I know that this is sudden but I just want to inform you that our IN CHARGED CEO, is doing a great job as the stocks rise to 1.5% higher than the previous month and broke Vermillion's record in his first month which was 1.2%. Considering that Flammia Group of Companies is one of the leading companies in the industry.", Chairman Flammia stands in his seat and drink a glass of red wine then claps. The other committees were exchanging glances with each other, surprised with Volt's record especially the company is pretty messed up lately. Some were smiling, others are confused and some frowns.

Voltaire is still quiet in his place, analyzing the situation if he should be happy or not.

"Congratulations sir Voltaire." Mr. Clifford let out then drinks his wine.

Keisha, on the other hand, is examining everyone's faces. She knew something is not right, the chairman has his motives and the same goes with the other members. She's marking those who are suspicious and further investigate them.

"Should I be happy?" Finally, Volt commented with a straight face. He crossed both of his hands and laid back to his seat as he plastered a playful smirk on his face.

"Of course grandson. You made history in our company. Imagine, a rushed IN CHARGE CEO like you? Having the highest increase in stocks in just a month?" Volt sarcastically chuckled at his grandfather.

"Is that all? The EMERGENCY meeting that you said, this is it? I should leave now, then." Volt announced, standing up. The board members were just staring at him, scared to interfere.

Chairman Flammia is glaring at him, his nose smoking from the anger and the humiliation Volt did to his grandfather.

"How rude! You should be grateful! Is that what you're mother taught you to become after Robert died?!" Chairman Flammia yelled. Volt stops in his position, eyes were glaring at the floor, fists were clenched and his teeth gritted in anger. They pulled the wrong lever again. Keisha grabs his wrist, helping him to calm down.

"Chairman Flammia, mentioning something like that is inappropriate. Would you like us to witness that side of you? Being rude and insensitive?" Mrs. Madden, the head of the fundraising committee, told as she sips her wine. The chairman seems to be bothered by her statement so he did his best to relax and be professional.

"I-I'm sorry, everyone including you, Voltaire." The chairman apologize. Voltaire calms down and regains himself again. He remembered his main objective: to show no weakness.

"It's alright chairman Flammia, I understand you. However, is that everything?" Volt asked as if nothing happened.

"I would like to hear your answer to the proposal regarding the institute you are studying at." The chairman said as he takes his seat.

"The deadline is tomorrow so why are you asking that now?"

"It's because I want to discuss a scholarship program to an orphanage that the company is supporting. It might only be possible if the proposal is granted by you." He said.

"Sir, are you talking about the intramurals you mentioned last time?" Mr. Humington, the secretary of the audit committee, asked.


Everyone starts to whisper to each other as they are intrigued.

"An orphanage? Intramurals? Sports tournament? Pageants? Seriously chairman, what are you planning?" Volt said in the back of his head.