Consecutive Humiliations

A large modern styled mansion having impressive light designs, then a wide garden filled with various types of lovely flowers in front, sports cars and SUVs at the garage, and a large pool in the backyard.

"Yeah, our mansion sure is very eye-catching, it's a dream house for some, but have you ever been inside it?" Ashlyn mumbled to herself as she went out of their family car and stared at their place.

She sighed before entering the main door. Maids approached her and get her belongings, after that she went upstairs head straight to her room.

"What a boring and sad life I'm living in. Sucks to be me."

A genuine smile flashed on her face as she saw her cat Tala sleeping in her bed, having her iPad as her pillow and the mouse pad as her blanket.

"My baby Tala sure is a rich cat hihi." Ashlyn entered her walk-in-closet to change her usual clothes when she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Upon opening the door, Ashlyn in an instant have her posture decent, and immediately looked down. Avoiding her mom's terrifying gaze.

"Is that how you'll dress?" Mrs. Dixon told in authority as she scanned Ashlyn's T-shirt and shorts.

"Yes, mom. This is my casual clothing. I'm just gonna study anyway." Ashlyn is still looking down and not making eye contact.

"Voltaire will have dinner with us, dress accordingly. Can't you be like Natasha? Alert and presentable. Tsk, what a shame." Then Mrs. Dixon harshly shuts the door.

Tala, her cat, suddenly woke up with the bang and starts to meow. She approached Ashlyn's feet and when she saw that Ashlyn is sad again, she began cuddling her legs. The simple action made Ashlyn smile.

"Aww, thank you, baby."


The smell of different dishes surfaces to the whole ground floor. She went down wearing a white crop top black skinny jeans and a pair of sandals. To add some fashion, she wears a designer belt and a minimalist necklace.

Ashlyn went to the couch and sat there, waiting for their guest. Natasha sat one meter away, snubbing her.

Her sister's distance made Ashlyn battle with her thoughts.

"Should I approach her?"

"No, she won't like it."

"What if she's just waiting for me?"

"What if she doesn't want to talk to you?"

"I'm the elder, I should understand her. All I can do is to comfort her at least."

"She'll push you away like she always does."

"My sister needs help."

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her stepfather calling her in the kitchen. Ashlyn quickly stands up and walks to the dining table.

"Volt and I are gonna talk about business and the engagement which his mother and I agreed on." Mr. Hubert frankly explained. Her lips part as she heard his utterances.

"Engagement? Dad, Volt doesn't love me.." She reasoned. Her dad slammed the newspaper on the table. He looked intently at her, having his jaws tightened and his brows greatly furrowed.

"Ashlyn, you're too old for imagining that love fantasy of yours. Don't you get it? You're in the reality..." Mr. Hubert sighed and shakes his head in disappointment.

"...and in reality, there's no such this as love or a happy ending!" Mr. Hubert sternly hissed.

"But I don't want to be tied for eternity to someone who never loves me!" Ashlyn replied with threats of heavy tears in her lids.

"In this cruel world you're living in, love doesn't exist. It's only a game for fools." Mr. Hubert's last words before dismissing the conversation.

Ashlyn went outside the mansion. She entered their large garden and sat on the cold grass. Her vision looks upward, in the night sky where many stars are sparkling and the moon dazzlingly glows.

"Love. The only sensation I never felt in this lifetime yet at the very end, you'll still refuse to let me have it." She mumbled as she closes her eyes and let her tears flow down her face.

Ashlyn welcomed the cold night breeze before realizing that she's wearing sleeveless so she hugged herself in chilliness. She continued allowing her tears to escape, it's the only way to reduce the pain.

The girl slowly opened her eyes as she felt a warm feeling.

A coat. It's on her shoulders. As she searches for the owner, her lips parted in astonishment as he is beside her, sitting in the grass, silently staring at a blank space.

She felt intense rapid pounds in her chest. She didn't take her eyes off on him as she is so flattered at the moment. Volt notices her stares so he stared back without any dark auras, he just stared with the eyes of the real Voltaire Flammia.

Both of them are a few inches away from each other. No one is conversing but it appears like, their eyes were conveying words that lips are incapable to address. They both comprehends what they are realizing.

Happiness. The girl's heart is feeling a subtle amount of this emotion. She flashed a genuine smile on her face while retaining their eye contact.

"How did you know that I'm here in the garden?" Ashlyn softly asked. Volt stares at her and put her loosened hair behind her ears. The girl's heart starts to pound rapidly than earlier. Her heart is feeling the happiness that only Voltaire can make her feel.

"Instinct." He shortly answered. Ashlyn giggles at his response. She inhaled deeply as she gazes at the beautiful night sky, having a smile carved on her face.

"The moon is so pretty right?" Ashlyn asked. Volt turned to her but she's not taking her eyes off the sky.

"It is." He said looking straight at her.

"However, it's only showing its bright side." She bit her lower lip and continued,

"People only appreciate the lighted area but what about the dark portion? They only liked it when it's glowing but they forget it when it's the phase of new moon." Ashlyn mumbled but Volt heard her.

Voltaire always knew that something is going on with Ashlyn. She always has this perfect facade whenever she goes, always prim and proper in her actions and perfect in every way that it made him suspicious of her.

"Well, people do be like that. Biased at pretty things..." Volt muttered at a serious tone that hooked Ashlyn's attention. He's looking straight at her with blank eyes.

"Nevertheless, the moon won't be able to shine brightly without starting at the phase of the new moon. That darkness will help to reflect on the past and start a new beginning...." Volt grabbed both of Ashlyn's shoulders to face him. He gazed at her eyes and muttered.

"...For you to be capable to glow. Don't let dark temporary moments swallow you, Ash."

She looks at him with teary eyes and smiles sadly. For her, that moment is intimate enough to at least voice out her true feelings, starting with Volt.

Ashlyn moves closer to his face, she stared at it before closing her eyes. Voltaire knew what she's trying to do and he felt uneasy about this. He doesn't want to confuse Ashlyn but based on the situation, he's the one being misunderstand.

Volt looks around and sighed deeply. He intends to be a friend to her which he has always been since their childhood and not, you know...

"What is she trying to do? This is so weird between friends." Volt said in the back of his head.

Voltaire halts the situation when Ashlyn was inches away from his lips by patting her shoulders. Ashlyn seems shocked by his response and moved away. He stands up, shifting attitudes by wearing his expressionless face and intimidating aura. He lashes out to the garden without sparing a glance at the embarrassed girl.

Meanwhile, Ashlyn is slapping herself because of the embarrassment she's feeling. She's thinking of running away from the situation but she's stuck because of the dinner her dad arranged. She doesn't want to disappoint her parents again.

"Ugh! I'm so humiliated BIG TIME! So stupid of me to do the first move and assume things! Oh please, dear Earth, open the ground and swallow me!" she whispered to herself while jumping like a fool in the corner of the garden.

Moments later, when Natasha entered the garden, looking for her older sister. She rolled her eyes and shakes her head when she saw her talking to herself and doing ridiculous stuff. She can't help but smile a little as she looks really hilarious.

"Oh Ashlyn, why are you going cray-cray? I'm smelling a dumped woman by the guy she likes for dang years..." she whispered with a smile to herself. She panicked a little when Ashlyn suddenly turned to her but she managed to act like a cold sister.

"You look stupid, mom's looking for you," Natasha said and flips her hair before leaving the garden.


Ashlyn is quietly sitting in her place at the dinner table beside the cold and intimidating Voltaire. She's moving stiffly as usual while eating.

"Alright, let's settle with the latter agreement and proceed with the process of the papers. Anyway, how are things going between you and Ashlyn? Future son in law ." Mr. Hubert said then laughed fakely. Ashlyn chokes on her food and spills her wine when she heard her father's joke.

"Pardon?" Voltaire replied without sparing a glance at anyone, even with the suffering Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn, why are acting like that? How rude!" Mrs. Dixon scolded.

"I'm sorry about her behavior, Voltaire. Don't worry I'll teach her a lesson about manners at the table that a proper lady should possess. Tsk! why can't you be prim with your manners, Ashlyn?!" Ashlyn's mother added.

"I don't think anything is wrong with your daughter Mrs. Dixon. I believe that's a normal way to react when you're choking." Voltaire spat as he looks at his watch. Mrs. Dixon looked away and sips water in shame.

"Thank you for the dinner, sir, I believe I must get going now. Excuse me." Voltaire said before he takes his leave.


Voltaire arrives at his home at midnight feeling drained. As he entered the house, he noticed that the living room has complete darkness inside so he opened their dim lights.

He was surprised to see his mother, sleeping on the couch, looking exhausted while her bag and coat were scattered on the carpet. She still has her makeup on and is now snoring. Voltaire shrugged and went upstairs to get some blanket for her mom and a makeup remover. He was cleaning her messed up mother when her phone suddenly rings.

The loud sound wasn't enough to wake her mom so he checked the caller ID.


"Hello, Joan... I have news for you."