Is It Over?

It's 2 A.M. when she finished every report that she needs to submit. Everything is now peaceful, starting from the sound of the ceiling fan, the calm surroundings of her apartment, and the comfort of the mattress. An ideal place where you can have a nice and prosperous sleep.

Not until....


The loud ringtone from the cellphone abolished the peacefulness in her place. She quickly grabs her phone and answered the call.

"Salute!" Keisha answered in a sore voice.

"Agent SX, where are you?" Commander Lionel asked in authority.

"At my apartment, sir."

"Come here at the peaks, change of plans." Then the call ended. Keisha sighed in exhaustion. She didn't even have an adequate rest since Volt became occupied in the office. She can't sneak out and perform outdoor missions.

Using her Ducati XDiavel motorcycle, she traveled almost one and a half hour until she reached the peaks wherein their base is located.

Before entering the entrance, she pulled out her handgun with a suppressor and sharply feel her surroundings. She made sure that she's not followed by anyone.

Keisha was about to go when she heard crackles near the bushes so she fired a bullet at it. Her jaw drops in surprise when she saw an unexpected person wearing camouflage and cargo pants.

"Zylant! What are you doing here?! It's dawn for Pete's sake!" Keisha looks around before uttering,

"Quick, ride!" She hurriedly drives her motorcycle into another place where she can assure his safety.

Both of them went down the motor and Zylant steps back as he saw a pair of blazing eyes from the woman.

"And what do you think you're doing?! Want to die? Just tell me and I'll kill you without any second thoughts." Keisha hissed.

"No! I- I was just following you..." Zylant mumbled in a low voice. Keisha sighs deeply and understands his situation.

"How did you get here?"

"I told you, I want to help!" Zylant replied.

"It's too dangerous, Zylant. Especially now, you uncover my identity." Keisha is serious right now. She cannot let anything happen to the innocent guy.


Later on, she pulled his hoodie and cap revealing his face. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in shock. She instantly released him from his torment.

"Keisha, it's me. Zylant...." he muttered.

Keisha instantly released him and immediately apologize. She pulls him inside the house so no one can see or notice them.

"How..." Keisha looks at him with nervous eyes and shaking hands. She brushed her hair, over and over again as she is panicking.

"I went to your office and saw this...." Zylant takes out his phone and showed a picture of guns and an earpiece. Keisha's eyes began to open broader and asked,

"Did anyone entered my office other than you?"

"I don't think so, but I saw one of the company's gossip freak outside your office like she's waiting for someone. She's not shocked or alarmed etcetera." Zylant explained.

"Of course! She's agent Crixx, an ally of mine." Keisha responds in her thoughts.

"Why would you carelessly leave a GUN in your table? Oh! and the gun looks cool tho, I want to join you!" Zylant commented as if it's not a hazardous issue. Keisha smacked him to somehow wake some senses on him.

"What was that for?!" Zylant complained while massaging his nape.

"You stupid rat. How can you say such things so easily? As if it's not a big deal? Now, you're in danger too!" She annoyingly said to him.

Zylant fidgets his fingers while sitting on the sofa. He looks like a kid scolded by his mother.

"The gun..." Keisha muttered that snaps Zylant's attention.

"Who put that there? It's definitely not Crixx, but why is she there? Is she really Crixx? Or was it someone else? Maybe another disguised spy? Ugh!" Keisha thought.

"What's with the gun, Kei?" He asked.

"It's not there when I returned to my office. That weapon doesn't belong to me." Keisha said beside Zylant as she critically thinks who might be it.

"Huh?! Then who owns that?"

"I don't know either." Keisha said as she facepalms in frustration. Zylant patted her to somehow calm her down.


"Let me join you, Kei." Zylant insisted while he kneels to her. He gave her the 'puppy eyes'.

"Ew, you look like a frog Zylant. Stop that thing." She muttered in disgust and force him to stands up.

"I'm not standing up until you let me join you and I DON'T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE A FROG!" Zylant asserts.

Keisha is running out of patience so she pulled out her handgun and pointed it to his head. Zylant looks at her with wide eyes.

"H-hey, don't joke like that. It's not funny, Kei." He said, stuttering, and slowly stands up. She looks at him with intense stares.

"Until now you think that this is some sort of joke to you? Maybe I'll just end you here. Less problem for me." She threatened while glaring at him with serious gazes.

Zylant sighed and held both of his hands in the air, then looks down.

"I surrender, alright? I just really want to help..." Zylant mumbled while biting his lips. Keisha squints her eyes, analyzing his facial reactions.

"Stop it, Zy. This job is so dangerous for you, I'm just protecting you. I don't want a civilian to be involved in this messed-up mission." Keisha hides her gun inside the pocket in her thighs.

"Here I am, volunteering–"

"You're saying that because you don't know how serious this is. Volunteering? Zy, you've got so much better things to do other than this." Keisha argued.

"I am well oriented about the dangers of situations like this. I also had a brother like you... once." Zylant said in his mind.

"Alright. I'm sorry for disturbing you. I promise that I won't tell anyone about your secret and this place. I swear with all of my heart, if I break my words, give me a straight headshot." Zylant announced and starts to walk away.

Keisha can't help but worry about him on his way out. Too much worrying so she commanded him to stay at the place. She'll give him a ride out of the peaks.

"I'll be back." Keisha muttered while she wears a helmet and starts her motorcycle's engine.


"Sir, what happened?" Keisha directly asked as she went inside the lodge seeing her comrades in black leather suits and armed with their best weapons.

"We've tracked the number you sent us and found out the user. Residing in an isolated area between the woods and the rivers of the west." Commander Lionel announced before heading out. Agent 'Crow' handed Keisha the uniform she's gonna wear and the accessories they'll use for emergencies.

"Go." He said and Keisha nodded as a response.

Every agent that's part of the offense team were all inside their specialized transport van. The spy agents who are in charge of the updates in their target were already in the place, hiding on tree branches, bushes, and even underwater.

Commander Lionel explained the plan using the blueprint hologram that their Tech Genius team provided for them while they are on the road.

"The number that agent SX gave us is an intense secured one. Meaning it's not easy for normal hackers and programmers to have access to it. It is the same number where I sent the photo of one of our captives, the one who tried to shoot Voltaire Flammia. However, the enemy's mistake by calling the CEO gave us the chance to track their location.... the owner is still unknown as he is more guarded now than before we stalked him so I'm advising everyone, to take hazards to your surroundings...."

There were about ten veteran agents and each of them is paying attention to their commander but an agent seems to be distracted and uneasy, it's Keisha. She's trying so hard to pay attention but her conscience is bugging her.

"Ugh, I left Zylant at the peaks. What do I do now? He's probably alone in that bushy place. I screwed my word saying I'll be back! I have no idea what's his phone number so I can't contact him! Talk about bad timing." She was cut in her thoughts when their commander yelled her name.

Now everyone is looking at her.

"Agent SX! Why aren't you paying attention?! This is a serious situation yet you're spacing out?!" Commander Lionel let out.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

After a fifteen-minute drive, they arrived at the quiet woods. Each agent split just as planned. They went to their designated positions, loaded their weapons, and had their sharpened instincts. The agency knew that they have a greater disadvantage in the situation since the location is unfamiliar to them and it's dark, the sun hasn't risen so they're all relying on their night vision devices to allow them to see in the complete darkness.

Keisha, on the other hand, focuses on the mission. She's teamed up with the agent leader, agent 'Lore'. Both of them are crouching in the ground near the exit of the building.

Yes, it's a building having a pure metallic interior and an 'abandoned look' facade to disguised itself from people. Right now, there are two men in black attire guarding the door, one of them is sleeping.


Even so, the man, having a crazy smile carved in his face, inside his luxurious car is watching from the open windows from afar.

He's intrigued by how the agency's plan will work to ambush their place. He's amused with the strategy of the agent's system to attack him.

"Nice job, Hiro. We definitely have them bite our trap." He muttered to the guy outside his car, also watching them fail miserably.

"Now they took actions from the call we did, we are certain now that Voltaire has protection. He's gonna be hard to touch especially he has the best spy agency in the country guarding him." Hiro muttered in a serious tone. The man looked at him, intrigued.

"What are you planning to do now?" The man asked. Hiro flashed an evil smirk and took out a remote in his jacket. The man's eyes widened in shock as he saw the remote having a red button in the center.


A large explosion blasted on the second half part of the building. They witnessed how the walls awfully broke apart, destroying the upper part of the establishment. Scattered window glasses were showering to their area. A quick earthquake happened. Giant blazing fires slowly eat the place, piece by piece and thick black smoke covered the area.

They heard loud screams.

They felt their comrades anticipating for help.

Some near the building were wounded from the impact.

But no one.

No one moved...

Everyone was stunned....

Because no one....

No one expected.....

"Commander!" she screamed as tears flow down her bruised face.