
The loud sudden ring of the bells in their hallways and stages distracted all the students in their respective classrooms. Professors and other school personnel halt their works and went out to check. Of course, some students secretly followed them to feed their curiosity.

"Zy, don't you dare follow those gossip freaks," Volt commanded his best friend who was about to follow too. Zylant scowls when Volt grabs his collar to stop him.

"Ugh, there you are again! Being KJ as always. I'll just check!" Zylant insists.

"They'll probably call us all later. Chill, dude." Volt responded in a monotone. Zylant faced him having both of his hands in his waist while arching his brow.

"What do you know, mister Voltaire Flammia?" Zylant interrogates but Voltaire just shrugged and played with his ballpen. Zylant now suspects his best friend keeping secrets from him.

"He probably knows what's happening. Maybe he's involved?!" Zylant thought.

Thus, Volt's best friend cannot resist his curiosity so, instead of going out, he sticks his face to the window and watches the people gathered outside.

Volt saw his action and shakes his head in humor.

"This guy can substitute neighbors for being such a busybody. Zylant can't let himself being outdated," Voltaire thought before chuckling.

Moments passed by, their professor came having three people with him. Everyone in the room is staring at them, eyes confused while others having frowns on their faces. The awkward silence was broken when someone unexpectedly shouted.

"Jelena!!" Zylant squealed which made the professor to silence him.

"Cohen! How insolent, get back to your seat," Professor Griffin commanded. Zylant instantly obeyed and goes back to his place behind Voltaire's seat.

The latter, Voltaire, looks at the familiar woman in front. He squints his eyes and frowns as their eyes met.

"Oh, not again." He facepalms as the recognition resulted, ruffled his hair in confusion, and sighed heavily.

"Alright class, They are exchange students from an orphanage that the campus paid partnership with," Professor Griffin started and faced the three.

"Introduce yourselves please," Professor added.

A tall man with good looks wearing specs started their introduction. He gave a small smile before introducing himself that made the girls in the back squeal.

"Hi, I'm Kyler Hiroaki Porter. Twenty-two years old. You can call me Aki, nice to meet you," Aki introduced.

Following him is a tall girl, probably a height of 5'9, has long jet black hair and fair skin. A small cute face having brown eyes, a small nose, and small lips. The boys near Voltaire's position can't take their eyes off on her as she is so pretty, especially Zylant who seems to be smiling like a fool.

"Hello! My name is Jelena Dianett Sullivan, twenty-two, call me Jelena or Jel if you like." She shyly smiled putting the hearts of boys inside the room in awe. Hence, making Voltaire roll his eyes.

Lastly, a girl having an average height of 5'4 stepped in front. She has shoulder-length brown hair, has tanned complexion, a pointed small nose, and full lips. Her eyes were blue and her mole near her eyes compliments her simple look.

"Good morning, Kleo Cyrene Madden is the name, Kacey for short. Also twenty-two." Kacey introduced that caught Voltaire's attention.

"Alright, what beautiful names you got there. Anyway, since there are vacant seats around feel free to seat anywhere you feel comfortable." Professor Griffin advised which the three followed.

Voltaire locked his eyes on the girl named Kacey. Meanwhile, the other two were being fought over to sit beside them. Hiroaki sat beside Yesha, their classmate, and Jelena sat beside Zylant whose lips are practically torn with his wide smile.

Kacey finds nowhere convenient for her except the seat besides Voltaire. She approached the guy and looked at him.

"Is this seat taken?" Kacey asked.

"No, it's not," Voltaire responds without sparing a glance.

"Okay then, I'll take this. Thank you very much." Kacey was about to place her bag on the place when the bell rings. This made everyone confused, again.

"What's with the bell ringing, AGAIN?" Zylant mumbled then glance at his quiet best friend.

Professor Alexis went into their classroom and notified them to go to the field for an important announcement.

A large crowd of students was waiting in the field. Many were sitting on the green grass and some were impatiently standing while complaining. Luckily, the weather is cloudy so no striking heat to hit their delicate skins.

"Dude, what's happening really?" Zylant whispered to his best friend. Voltaire patted his shoulder and gesture to the wide stage in front.

"You see that stage?", Zylant nodded.

"Yeah, me too." Volt prattled earning him a whack on his nape from Zylant who seems restless.

"I am being serious, you know?" Zylant hissed.

"Tss. Why are asking me anyway? As if I know what's on the director's mind." Volt bluntly replied while caressing his nape. Zylant leans closer to his ear and whispered something.

Coincidentally, Aki was also near their place and heard Zylant's whisper. His eyes grew wide and gazed away, absorbing what he heard.

The thump from the open microphone grips everyone's attention. Director Langston is standing at the center stage while holding the mic in his hands and stated,

"Many of you are probably confused and shocked with this unexpected gathering, however, news like this cannot wait any further as I know the whole campus will be delighted to hear this."

Voltaire looks at Zylant and smirks, resulting in Zylant's curiosity about it. He looked intently at the stage and listened attentively.

"This past few days, we had two days of sudden dismissal of classes on the whole campus right? That's because I had a confidential meeting with the CEO and the chairman of one of the largest companies in the business industry..."

The crowd starts murmuring different opinions regarding the stated matter.

"Yes, one of the largest. We talked about having an event wherein skills, characters, and behavior will be tested. Now, are you interested in knowing what?" Director Langston asked, grinning at the impatient crowd.


"As expected. We are conducting an event involving sports, tournaments, and of course beauty pageants. BUT! The participants will not only come from our school, there will be participants in the whole region." Langston added.

Zylant's jaw drops as he heard the word 'sports'. He felt a little anxious, pressured, and of course excitement. He turned to Voltaire whom he caught staring at someone. As following the direction of his eyes, Zylant saw two girls: Kacey and Jelena.

"But which one?" Zylant asked himself before the director called his attention again,

"The Club Presidents will all be gathered after this announcement to orient them about the upcoming event which will eventually start in two months, the final round will be held by December. They will be in charge of the registration for the event."

Langston takes a glance at everyone, smiled, and proceeded.

"To answer the frequently asked question which is 'What will happen to the academics of the students if the searching of representatives for each category in the event will affect the school days?' Well, the elimination round won't happen every day, just maybe 2 to 3 times a week which will be held for sports at the gymnasium, for the tournaments of online games will be discussed first and the pageants, of course in this gigantic stage that we have. However, students who will be joining the event will have an exemption from the finals examination for the semester. Details about this event will be further discussed by the club officers as they enter your rooms for registration. Adjourned.", Director Langston walks away leaving the crowd dumbfounded, still processing the unexpected event.

"I hope your questions are answered, Zy." Voltaire spoke as he put his hands inside his pockets and walks his way to his next class.

As the latter reached the hallway, a hand unexpectedly grabbed him making him flustered. It pulled it into an empty room and locked the door. Voltaire loosens the girl's grip and glared at her.

"Why did you bring me here?" Volt sternly asked.

"You're that guy, right? The one who almost killed me TWICE! and also the pervert at the cafe. Am I right?" Jelena asked also glaring at him. Voltaire leaned at the dusty cabinet as he blankly stares at the girl.

"I don't remember almost killing someone and being a pervert." He seriously replied.

"Ha! I wanna—"Jelena yanked her hair in frustration and facepalm. She sat on the dirty floor as she covered her face. Her actions made Voltaire a little worried since there's only two of them inside.

"What is she doing? If she died on her own, I'll be held accountable since I'm with her! Ugh, this frustrating lady. I don't even know–", Volt is cut from his thoughts when he suddenly remembers her. Vivid memories.

"Stand up, lady. I don't want to see a woman cry in front of me, cry somewhere else." Volt told her as he tried to open the door. He felt a little panic inside him as it won't open.

"Argh! It's stuck!", Volt mumbled but Jelena heard it making her suddenly standing up. She tried opening the door but it really just won't.

"Huh?! What?" Jelena muttered panicking.

"I thought you were crying?" Voltaire asked having a frown on his face. Jelena looked at him nervously, tried to fix herself, and explain.

"I'm just playing a prank on you together with your friend." The girl explained and distanced herself from the annoyed Voltaire.

"A friend? You mean Zylant?" Volt asked and Jelena responded shaking her head.

"No it's not Zy, someone named Crixx.", Voltaire furrow his brows in confusion on two things. First, she knows Zylant? and second, Voltaire doesn't have other friends so who's Crixx?

"Who's playing with me this time?" Voltaire whispered.

"I told you it's someone named Crixx, she told me to bring you to this room and act strange–" Jelena was cut in her sentence when Volt spoke again.

"Why did you agree?" Voltaire walks closer to the girl having his daunting stares with him. Jelena got nervous about the approaching guy so she walks backward until her back hits the wall.

"Or maybe....", Volt continued.

He cornered the girl in the wall, he harshly placed both of his hands against the wall trapping Jelena. He leans closer to her and stares at her with piercing glares.

"You're one of them... Tell me, who are you and why do we always cross paths? Answer me." Voltaire whispered in a deep husky voice.