Count Me In

The sun reaches its highest point in the sky, synchronous to this is the time where the clock tower at the main building starts to ring.

Zylant went out to his last period, he's wondering why Volt suddenly didn't attend their classes, and so is Jelena. He tried contacting his best friend but he left his phone in the bag.

"Now where did that guy go? I thought he was about to–" Zylant was cut mumbling when a familiar figure walks opposite in his direction.

"I know that girl...." He squints his eyes at the lady, recalling her. Suddenly, a memory flickered in his mind making his eyes grew wide.

"She's the girl I saw at Volt's company, standing outside Keisha's room when I saw those weapons," Zylant whispered to himself. His curiosity sparks again, he followed the lady secretly. Following her led him to the old rooms that they use to stock up the old furniture utilities. He hides behind the old cabinets.

"What is she doing here? What am I doing here also?! Ugh, Zylant you stupid rat!" Zylant thought before he yanked his hair in frustration. He was intending to flee when the lady's phone unexpectedly buzzes.

"Madame, it's Crizah. I've locked Voltaire with the girl.." The lady named Crizah reported to her so-called madame. Zylant gasped hard after hearing her.

"So that's why..." After the call, Crizah left the place but not in a normal way. She climbed the nearby tree and jumped to another using a rope she had with her. Zylant weirdly gazes at her getting away.

"Does she think she's Tarzan or a monkey? She can just walk her way out just like what she did to go in." Zylant whispered before unlocking the door.

A man and a woman scowling at each other welcomed his eyes as soon as the door unlocked. Both of them looks startled as they saw Zylant at the door.

Jelena looks at him with watery eyes and jumped to hug him. Her reaction made Zylant flustered, however, her sobs made his heart soft so he caressed her head to make her feel better.

"How did you find us, Zy?" Voltaire asked as he picks his dusty coat on the dirty floor. The latter lends it to Jelena earlier so that she can sit on the floor.

"Well..." Zylant contemplates whether, to tell the truth, or not. Voltaire raised his brow being impatient.

"I just happened to pass by since I was about to head to the garden nearby. Then I saw a thick metal in the door and got curious." Zylant lied.

Jelena somehow felt better so she got off from the hug. She wipes her face and smiles at Zylant before muttering,

"I'd be glad if I got stuck there with you, instead of that moron!" Jelena pointed to Volt.

"I consider having him around as a nightmare! Huhu this is my first day yet this happened to me because of that stupid lady," She added.

Zylant frowns as he heard the 'lady' word. He's starting to connect dots.

"How did the two of you ended up being alone there? Ha! Could it be..." Zylant formed an evil smirk and looks at the two suspiciously. Jelena's eyes widen as she realizes what Zylant meant while Voltaire gave him a bored look.

"Dude, she didn't even meet at least one of my standards." Voltaire bluntly replied. Jelena scowls at him.

"EXCUSE ME, sir! You're not even handsome in my eyes. The nerve of this guy!" Jelena exclaimed then flips her hair.

"Really? I guess you have bad eyesight then. Poor you, can't even differentiate handsome from not. Tsk, tsk." Voltaire mocked her making Jelena's nostrils flare.

Zylant chuckles at the view of these two bickerings in front of him. Thus, this doesn't eliminate the details he learned earlier. A girl named Crizah and Voltaire being locked up.

"Ugh you two, that's how my grandparent's love story started. Bickering!" Zylant teased while having a playful grin on his face. Jelena's jaw drops with his tease so she smacks his nape.

"That's disgusting Zylant. Ugh, I'm out of here." Then Jelena walks away having a frown on her cute face.

"Do you have periods later, Volt? Cause I don't and was about to head somewhere and of course, train." Zylant asked as they walk out of the entrance.

"Yeah, I have two more subjects to take. Special activities since I was absent in the past days." Voltaire replied and they parted ways.

Zylant starts the engine and starts contacting Keisha. She's been not answering calls since yesterday and it's making Zy worried.

"Why isn't she picking up? Is it because of my sudden appearance at their place?"

"Tsk, but she left me there!"

"Ugh, women are so hard to read." Zylant mumbles as he speeds up to reach Keisha's place.

He stopped at a nearby place to her apartment. Zylant quickly changed his uniform into a hoodie and sweat pants. Mask to somehow hide his face since this might be involved in Keisha's mission.

He knocked three times and a voice suddenly said,

"Who are you?" a deep husky voice asked. It's a man's and this made Zylant confused.

"Keisha has a boyfriend?!" Zylant thought as the door suddenly opened.

The guy welcomed his sight, staring straight into his eyes. They are almost of the same height, probably standing at least 6'3, has fair skin and jet black hair.

"Where's Keisha?" Zylant asked.

"I asked you a question and you answered with a question." He replied having a straight face.

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Chill dude, I'm a friend of hers." Zylant waving his hands in the air to lessen the tension between them.

The guy scanned him from head to toe then opened the door for Zylant. He went straight to Keisha's bedroom and was surprised at what he saw.

"Kei?! What happened? Why do you have so many stitches?" Zylant worriedly asked as he checks her condition. He sat beside her in the bed making the girl flustered.

"Zylant, go home," Keisha muttered in a serious tone but Zylant didn't listen, instead he looked straight into her eyes and said,

"If you're gonna push me away again, this time I won't let you. Keisha, can you see yourself? You're in a–"

"Zylant, why do you even care? I told you that this is dangerous! Cant you just listen for once–"

"I listened to you once then this happened!" Zylant hissed which made Keisha stunned.

He gazed away and facepalm, containing his emotions. Memories of the past hunted him again. The pain, the guilt, misery, and regrets were all coming back to him.

"I told you I badly want to help..." Zylant whispered.

"It's not suited for you, Zy! I have valid reasons why I don't want you to help me, and you? Because it looks cool? Because you're looking for adventure? This is not a joke, Zylant." Keisha reasoned. She stands up and closes the windows and curtains since it's broad daylight and many might be active.

"You really think that's my reason? I'm not stupid, Keisha. I have my deep and acceptable reasons too." Zylant seriously spoke and looks at her in the eyes.

"Like what, Zy?"

Zylant was about to answer when a guy suddenly enters the room, having a straight face.

"SX', why are you yelling?" He asked.

"Don't mind me, anyway thanks for taking care of me, Lore. I appreciate it a lot."

"And you are?" Zylant interrupted grabbing the attention of the two.

"Lorenz." The guys shortly answered. Zylant nodded as a response.

"Anyway, Zylant. Go home now. I need to prepare for work." Keisha instructed without glancing at him. Zylant sighs before revealing,

"I am here for a reason and that is to orient you about what happened to Voltaire earlier." Both of them look at Zylant nervously. They were anxious about his condition since Volt is their mission.

"Tell me what happened." Keisha insisted and Zylant did tell them. Both of them are puzzled at his report.

"Crizah? We have three persons named like that in our agency. Who could it be?" Keisha mumbled.

"If she's the same girl you found at Volt's company, then maybe it's Crixx. About the 'madame' you said she's talking on the phone, it is possible that we have not only one enemy." Lorenz concluded.

Keisha sighed being stressed about their situation, thinking of another strategy. Lorenz leans at Keisha's ear to whisper his request, her eyes grew wide, and her brows furrowed.

"That's just dangerous, Lore. We can't risk something like that especially he's not well trained for situations like this!" Keisha protest.

"What? You got a better idea?" Lorenz asked, raising one of his brows. Keisha bit her lower lip and looked straight into Zylant's eyes.

"Zy, you got your reasons for helping right? Well, we'll definitely need you in this mission, are you in?" She asked Zylant.

"Count me in," Zylant responded grinning.