Weakness: Found

His first day went normal, attending subjects, introducing oneself, and trying a conversation to work out with other people.

However, someone went missing half of the day. He felt a little worried knowing that his best friend is a little adventurous.

"We were studying the same course yet she didn't attend the first subjects. Where is she?" Aki asked himself.

He was peacefully walking by the field when somebody whacks his nape. Aki immediately turns around to see who is it only to find out an irritating being.

"Aki! You missed me?" Jelena asked having her silly playful smile on her face.

"Gross. Anyway, where were you earlier?" Aki pats Jelena's head because she is being distracted again.

"You mean, the sudden disappearance of mine earlier morning?" She asked to clarify so Aki nodded.

"With an annoyingly arrogant man stuck in the storeroom at the juniors building. Someone played a prank on us." Jelena explained while gritting her teeth. Aki grimaced hearing a mentioned 'guy'. He's starting to think of each and every guy that Jelena had encountered but ended up giving up.


"He's our classmate, I just don't remember his name. All I know is that he's Zylant's friend." Aki clenched his fist at her reply. Having those guys, Zylant and Voltaire, around sickens him. Especially that dang Voltaire.

"How did you end up getting stuck in that room?"

"A girl named Crixx approached me and told me that she was planning to play a prank on the guy. So I agreed to her then Boom! We are both locked inside that dusty room." Jelena recited while having a huge frown on her cute face. Aki chuckles at her view, being annoyed while her cheeks are blushing.

"Crixx?" Aki curiously asked and Jelena nodded in response.

Aki has a feeling like he knew someone named like that, it wasn't a real name, more like a coded one. He's having a hunch about another enemy.

Or is it?

"I need to know more about this Crixx. What's her motive for locking Voltaire in the stock room? Why is Jelena involved?" Aki thought.

"Are you heading straight to the orphanage, Aki?" She asked which made Aki froze for a bit. He needs to go to his boss to do daily reports and updates regarding his mission.

"Nope, I'm gonna play some basketball with my dudes. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, I've got no one to help me clean the dishes later! Hmph! You cheater." Jelena complained like a kid making the boy laugh.

They are still staying in the orphanage not just being an orphan, they also assist personnels there, take care of abandoned babies, and of course help with the chores. After they graduate college, they need to move out and start a life on their own.

"Hahahaha! Alright, I'll help you with the laundry on bedsheets this weekend, oh which is tomorrow. Deal?" Aki negotiate. He initiates a handshake, smirks as Jelena agrees.

"No talksh*t! Or else I'll make sure you won't be able to eat again." Jelena threatens and laughed loudly. Her laughter sounds like music to Aki's ears; refreshing and calming, even tho she laugh like a complete pyscho.

The two bid their goodbyes as they parted ways when they reached the intersection. Aki started to walk in the direction of the basketball court to make his lies believable. As he saw a dark lane on his way, he entered there wearing his uniform and went out to the other side changing to a black sleeveless, pants, and of course mask.

Aki quickly shifted to his spy job as the clock hits at seven. He climbed to low buildings and jumps from one to another as a means of transportation so that no one can notice him.

He reached the parking lot where he keeps his sport motorbike. Aki wears his helmet and starts its engine then, proceeded to drive his way to their new hideout.

The guy enjoyed the wide highway since there are fewer cars on his way so he drives faster than usual. He exceeded his speed to 120 mph which made the cold air brush aggressively to his skin.

"Yahoo!" Aki exclaimed before he lessens his speed. He entered a tunnel wherein the secret entrance is located. He stopped midway, looks around, and feels the wall of the tunnel. Aki found the small button that will open the entrance.

"That old man sure is rich to purchase something like this," Aki mumbled as he whistles in awe.

The door isn't visible to the naked eyes. It requires specialized lenses built customed for this kind of set up, and Aki's helmet lens have those.

Aki looks around before entering. The place isn't that dark, just dim, and has a metallic smell. He reached the parking area of their base and there he left his motorbike.

"Old man, I'm here," Aki reported on the earpiece. A stern voice replied making him chuckle.

["You stupid Hiro! Come here and let me give you a beating!"]

Aki walks his way to the main office wherein belongs to his boss. He opened it by having his pupil scanned by a specialized scanner.

"This place is lit!" Aki exclaimed as he went inside his office. He sat comfortably on the sofa and roamed his eyes around the place.

"Updates you little brat." The man in attire hissed as he loosened his tie and sat on his swivel chair.

"Volt's company paid partnership with his school campus, well I'm sure you already know that since you're a board member..." Aki laid his back on the sofa then continued,

" However, I am one of the exchange students. So basically, spying on him will be much easier for me especially, since his best friend Zylant is close to a friend of mine."

The man nodded having a sly grin on his face.

"That's good. Maybe faith is helping us with this good news. It is agreeing on me being the CEO and not Voltaire." He muttered before laughing wickedly. Aki rolled his eyes and interrupted,

"Don't be too happy old man, I'm having a hunch that you're not the only one trying to eliminate Voltaire."

The man suddenly stands up and his eyes grew wide. He scowls and sighs to calm himself.

"What made you say that?" He asked.

"A girl named Crixx tried to lock up Voltaire together with a girl in the storeroom of the junior high building. The name 'Crixx' is familiar to me and I'm assuming that it's a code name of hers." Aki explained.

"If we are expecting another rival, we should do better than them. Investigate further more, Hiro. If the gathered information is enough, then we'll plan a strategy to eliminate them also." The man ordered.

Aki nods in response and stands up. He's thinking of doing warm-up exercises at the gym so he headed out when something reminds him.

"Oh right, what's your name again old man?" Aki curiously asked earning him a smirk from the man.

"Let's not introduce oneself for now. Maybe, when the time is right."


"Morra Carter is one of the best candidates for being a CEO in the Flammia Group of Companies. She got the confidence, leadership skills, competence, and many more characteristics that a rare CEO has. Not to mention, he is the bet of Chairman Raphael Flammia because, for him, she got a special skill that the late Robert Flammia has. Thus, this wasn't enough to win the decisions of the board members resulting to her humiliating–"

She cut her reading as she slammed the old newspaper, that she found on her old desk, on the floor. Morra recalls the annoyance and humiliation from that day. The day where Voltaire Flammia won as the heir of the Flammia Group of Companies after Vermillion Flammia's two years of taking over.

"Until after your death Robert, you still won't let me have the company. It's so obvious that I deserve it more than your jerk sons, Vermillion and Volt." Morra grumbled as she tears the newspaper piece by piece.

A knock from her housemaid disturbed her and reported,

"Ma'am, a girl named Criza is looking for you. She said that you contacted her for confidential service. Should I tell the guards to let her in?"

"Criza? Oh right, yes let her in and escort her to my living room on the third floor. I'll be right there." Morra responded.

She cleaned the mess that she did and close her laptop with the daily records of Voltaire's company.

Morra fixed herself before entering her elevator to reached the third floor faster. A familiar girl is sitting comfortably on the sofa while sipping on her orange juice. Morra closed all the windows and doors in her private living room and sat near Criza.

"So how did it go?" Morra started having nervous eyes on her.

"Voltaire? You told me that he's a jerk and a womanizer right? Well, I locked him with a model-like figure woman and set up a camera inside waiting on what he's gonna do." Criza started which made the woman more attentive to the results so she continued,

"Sadly, you don't know your nephew. Tsk! You wasted my time Carter, he's definitely not a womanizer but a complete gentleman. They just bickered the whole time staying there and even accusing the girl of random things like being a spy."

Morra drops her phone in surprise as her hands start to tremble. Her lips parted as she gazes elsewhere, avoiding the humiliation at the eyes of Criza.

"I messed up big time! So stupid Morra! Just dumb, really!" Morra thought.

Criza saw her expression and smirks as she has some new bombs to plot. She patted her and muttered,

"Aw, don't be too hard on yourself Carter. I've got another plan."

"What?", Morra lift her shoulders up as she saw a ray of hope in Criza's words.

"I noticed changes to Volt's behavior whenever he's dealing with that girl. This isn't the first time they met since I've always got my eyes on that young man. He's different and it's making him weak." Criza informs as an evil smirk formed on her lips.