Saved by Warmth

Another round of diving to the pool to swim and beat his previous records. He's been practicing since four in the morning, alone, and withstanding the cold water of the pool.

Zylant remains with his usual breathing pattern however, he concentrated his training now more on his speed in alternating his arms on the water. Which he finds challenging since he's feeling the stretch on his shoulders.

As he went out in the water, he checks his time and learns he beat his previous records for the week.

"Yes!– aw! T-that hurts." Zylant groans in pain feeling his muscles in his shoulder to back were stretched. He winced at the pain, so he sat on the bench and massage it to lessen.

"Argh! Please no..." He whispered while massaging his pained area. He felt anxious about the possibilities that most athletes are scared of.


Ten minutes have passed and the discomfort lessened giving him a sense of relief.

Zylant immediately showered and changed into his normal casual clothes. He also put a pain relief patch on his shoulders and back. He's going to Volt's company since Keisha is there. She told him that she's gonna train him after work. The idea made Zylant smile in excitement.

As he arrived at the building, a man wearing a cap accidentally collides with him. He apologized for the incident but something caught Zylant's attention. The familiar scent and his aura.

"Oh–hey!" Zylant called but the man ignored him. He starts to walk faster and tightened his cap making him more suspicious in his eyes. Squinting his eyes to remember his details.

Tall, probably the height of 6'0. Wearing a black cap and outfit. Carrying a brown duffel bag.

"Should I follow him?" He asked himself.

Zylant's curiosity starts kicking him again which made him secretly follow his way. He saw the guy blending well in the crowds but since Zy's eyes were pinned on him, even changing his way of walking and his hairstyle won't change anything.

The man went inside a secluded lane, where many dogs were barking and many people were drinking in groups outside their houses. Zylant had second thoughts on going further, he's afraid that it might bring him danger so he went back to the company's direction having a smirk on his face.

"I'll get back on you once I'm on your level, spy. For now, continue bothering my best friend. I have your photo anyway." Zylant thought while holding his phone.


Aki sensed eyes eyeing him after the small collision between him and Zylant calling his attention. He did some techniques on removing someone's gaze on him but it wasn't enough to distract him.

Finally, a secluded lane helped him and there he hid behind the gates where Zylant won't notice him.

"I see, you have my photo," Aki mumbled when he saw the smirk on Zylant's face. His grin widens and felt some thrill with Zylant's presence.

"Finally, some action. You discovered the peculiar things around your friend e? This will be fun." Aki spoke to himself as he glares at the walking Zylant.


A bubbly tall man entered the top floor where the CEO's room is located. Before entering Volt's office, he went first inside the secretary's room just beside Volt's.

Zylant knocks three times and opened the door, flashing a bright smile at the woman inside.

"Oh? Uh–", Keisha gestured him to come inside while she checks around.

"Hello, Kei!" Zylant enthusiastically greeted but Keisha responded with a frown.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"Just dropping by, remember later huh," Zylant whispered back and winked. Keisha winced at his response and gestures him to go.

Zylant silently closed the door still having a smile on his face, then turned his body to Volt's office door when somebody surprised him. He flinched in his position and bumped the back of his head on the door.

"What were you doing inside?" Voltaire is standing outside his office door, interrogates him while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Nothing." Zylant lied and laughed nervously but his friend isn't buying it.

"Ahuh? And the smile?"

"I'm so bad at lying, darn it! Guess I have to do my last resort." Zylant thought before gulping.

He does his position; slowly bending his knees and placed his fist in front of his chest. Voltaire raised his left brow in weirdness to his best friend's behavior.

"Dude, what–", Voltaire got interrupted when Zylant suddenly runs at full speed towards the elevator. He aggressively pushes the ground button which made Voltaire alarmed.

"Hey, rat! Don't destroy the company's elevator! Damn it!" Voltaire chastised while pointing his finger at Zylant with gritting teeth.

"Ha! That's a relief." Zylant mumbled.

He was about to close the door when a hand came through the door, stopping it from closing. She smirks upon entering the elevator.

"What relief?" She asked while staring at him with curious eyes.

"And you are?" Zylant distanced himself from the creepy lady. He suddenly recognizes her, the gossip freak he encountered before.

"Me? Oh, I'm Crisa..." She answers while blushing. She gazed away and put her loose hair in a 'cute' manner behind her ears.

"Didn't think she'll answer that," Zylant mumbled but the woman heard her.

"O-oh! Haha, I wasn't supposed to answer," She bit her lower lip in embarrassment. Zylant felt bad about her so he laughed awkwardly.

"Tsk! Why isn't he biting my trap?" The woman thought and felt irritated.

"Eh? Don't feel bad, wait... you don't recognize me?" Zylant curiously asked but Crisa shrugged and scratches her nape.

"I'm–", The opening of the door impeded their conversation. Zylant steps out and waved awkwardly at her. Crisa also stepped outside and went on her way, leaving Zylant dumbfounded.

"Geez, being snob sure is contagious," He whispered before shaking his head and went outside.

Little did he know, someone followed him secretly.

"Should I kidnap this kid and have him ransomed for the position of the CEO? He seems stupid and innocent so it's gonna be easy." Crisa thought while she alarmed herself. Still watching Zylant mumbling on his own while's she's behind the bushes. Crisa looks around Zylant and saw no one passing by so she initiates the plan.

Crisa pulled out her small gun from her thigh pockets, set it up with a silencer. Pointing it to the CCTV surveillance and pulls the gun's trigger. Zylant flinched as he heard the bang of the exploded surveillance camera.

"Goodness gracious!! What was that?...I-It exploded?" Zylant stood up and tried to look closely which made Crisa smirk.

"Just like the plan..." She whispered and points the gun at the innocent man. Crisa was about to pull the trigger when someone grips her body from behind and covered her face with a huge hand, making her gun fall into the bushes. The sudden move left her astonished which resulted in her late reaction. She strived to resist but the unknown was just too strong. Its grips tighten more causing her to stifle.

The force from the unknown leads her to the parking lot. She was violently pushed against the wall inflicting her to bang the back of her head. Crisa felt dizzy while she pants aggressively. She glanced at the figure and felt astounded at who it was.

"Lore..." Crisa called and a tear escaped her lids. She attempted to stand up when she regains some of her strength and stare directly into the eyes of her past lover. Crisa's heart starts pounding double the usual when she confirmed the presence of the man she once loved so much again.

"Why are you trying to kill the CEO's best friend?" Lorenz bluntly asked with a straight face.

"We can't trust that guy just because he's Voltaire's friend." Crisa reasoned. "I'm telling you this, Zylant is the biggest threat to the CEO's life especially his presence is always around him! Do you want to fail this mission?" she added.

Lorenz shakes his head in disappointment to his ex. He gazed at her with sympathetic eyes.

"Is that the effect of our break-up on you? You're going insane Crisa," He commented as he extended his hand to give her support but the latter violently slaps it and said,

"Say all you want but I'll do what I think is right!", Then she starts walking passing him but Lorenz blocked her way using his hands.

"I won't let you," Lorenz said emphatically which triggered Crisa.

Crisa held his arm tightly and then twisted it, causing the young man to kneel and complain in pain. She pinned his right hand on his back still twisting it then lifts her elbows and knock them to Lore's face.

"Ahh!" Lorenz groans. He has no choice but to fight back otherwise his arm will break with Crisa's attempt of attack. In a split second, Lorenz manages to change their positions by bending forward, reaching for Criza's waist then he threw her to the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you further, Crisa" Lorenz mumble, still holding back.

As a result, the woman's eyes blur but it still wasn't enough to let him win. She gathered all her remaining strength and then put it in her fist, a strong blow was received by the man after the woman let go of her punches, left and right. She didn't waste any second and also punched his stomach making the man step backward.

"I grew better than before, Lore. All thanks to you," Crisa muttered having an annoying smirk on her face. Lorenz regains himself and wiped the blood on his lips before letting out an annoying chuckle.

"Really? I see no difference. Still weak," He mocked before Crisa attempts to attack again.

The two continued their combat having the pattern of attack, defense then kick. Both of them are going all out, especially Crisa who is releasing her anger on her past lover. Every attack of hers is full of emotions: pain, anger, and jealousy meanwhile Lorenz focused on defense since he doesn't want to hurt her.

A sudden change of the atmosphere happened, Crisa stiffened in her position, between Lorenz's arms as she leaned against the wall having her lips against Lore's. This brought her great confusion however, she didn't resist the warm feeling of his lips.

"Goodness gracious! My innocent eyes!" Zylant exclaimed witnessing an awkward scene. The young man hurried his way out of the place.

Lorenz gently parted with their kiss then looked into the woman's eyes, having emotionless eyes.

"I saved you from him, you owe me big time," Lorenz whispered.