No Control

Finally, the ring of the bell saved the class from the boring discussion of their Professor. Her girl block mates starts to retouch makeups before grabbing their bags while the guys just fixed their hair and went to the cafeteria for the break.

The prim and proper lady began to arrange her notebooks to her bag and gather her pens. She's sitting decently in her seat while reviewing her notes from the earlier discussions.

People see her as a freak for studying every second she has and they find her peculiar for that habit of hers. Her sassy friend approached her and complained,

"Ash, you move so slow! Hurry up, I'm so hungry." Ashlyn got surprised at her friend's complaint and this made her giggle. She nodded in response and fixed herself, applying a little tint in her lips and combs her hair.

"Alright, but let's drop to Volt's room first," Ashlyn said.

"And why is that?" Heaven asked while raising her brow. She noticed how Ashlyn's cheeks turn red, bit her lips in embarrassment. Heaven's eyes traveled to the small red paper bag she's holding. A teasing look slowly formed into her face, she shakes her head and joked,

"I see. Haist! Things you do for love," Ashlyn pinched her nape and pulled her out of the room.

She felt nervous knowing she'll be encountering Voltaire's presence again, and whenever she remembers the embarrassment of THAT last time, she always wished to be swallowed by the ground.

"Since when did you learn how to bake?" Heaven started which Ashlyn answered,

"Well, just yesterday. I don't know if this is delicious but I did my best to made this,"

"So, you learn doing that all by yourself?", Heaven's eyes focused on her best friend's facial expressions.

"I got Natasha to help me..." Ashlyn replied having a happy smile drawn on her face as she remembered that little moment with Nat.

Heaven's eyes grew wide as she heard her answer. She stopped walking and faced her. She knew that she and Natasha were not on good terms because Nat hates her for some reason.

"Wait... Natasha?! You guys are fine now?", Ashlyn nodded enthusiastically as her response. Heaven can't help but to interrogate further,

"So, that means that you guys are close now right?"

"Well, I can't say we are close yet. Actually, Natasha acted weird. She approached me first then helped me with my wound and baking this, after that she just shifted to her cold self and left. This isn't the first time she did that." Ashlyn explained.

"Have you ever asked her reasons?" Heaven blurted while staring straight to the hallway's end.

"I tried to reached out to her many times but she always did the same every time, she'll push me away.", Ashlyn clenched her fists and gazed away thinking about her whys and what. Heaven pats her head and gave her a comforting smile.

"Aight, let's not ruin the mood. You need to fix yourself before showing up to your one and only beloved Voltaire Flammia." Heaven starts to tease Ashlyn again having that annoying look on her face. Ashlyn rolls her eyes and starts to giggle at her imagination with Volt.


Everyone in the classroom is freaking noisy. Each person has their own worlds wherein they express themselves freely without caring what others might say.

In their usual corner, the two friends were sitting in their respective seats while trying to carry on a conversation.

"Dude, why are you spacing out?" Voltaire asked his best friend who looks weird.

Zylant has a tired look, dark bags under both of his eyes, has a small band-aid on his forehead, and bruised lips.

"I don't know either dude," Zylant replied like a zombie which creeps Voltaire.

"Dude, rest. You look like you did something illegal last night." Volt shakes his head in disbelief and proceeds on arranging his stuff before taking a break.

"Well, It's not illegal just a secret. Geez! Keisha sure is tough after last night's training. She went easy on me in that case where I almost ran out of breath while battling." Zylant thought before groaning in frustration. He messed his hair before grabbing his bag and heads out with Volt.

A familiar gorgeous lady in her uniform showed up at their door holding a paper bag which made Zylant smile. He has an idea.

"Hey, Ashlyn! Have you ate?" Zylant asked the girl.

"No, well I was about to after...", Ashlyn looked at Voltaire who is gazing away and had a blank expression on his face.

"Ah, Volt? I made something special for you." Ashlyn told him and showed him the paper bag. Voltaire looked at her with a blank face and just shrugged.

"Zy, I'm hungry let's go." He said but Zylant didn't agree and glares at him.

"Wait, please don't go. Here," Ashlyn showed him a small chocolate cake she made just for him.

"Chocolate is your favorite right? Here, I tried studying baking just to give you–" She was cut in her sentence when Volt interrupted her.

"I don't want that. Ash, eat it instead. Don't waste your time on someone who won't be able to return the same efforts." Voltaire said with a straight face.

Deep inside him, he just doesn't want to prolong Ashlyn's feelings. Yes, he finally realized why she's acting like that to him whenever they meet. Voltaire now is slowly being aware of her feelings and it hurts him also because he doesn't want to hurt her. She doesn't deserve someone like him, Ashlyn deserves the universe and for Volt, he's only a mere star.

"Those kinds of situations are dangerous, Ashlyn. Please, I'm trying to save you." Volt thought despite having the intimidating look in him.

Ashlyn had her shoulders down as he heard his response. She swallowed hard and smiled.

"This happens every time but why can't I get used to it? His refusal to me hurts every single time!" Ashlyn thought while fighting the urge to cry. She smiled at Volt and still insists on giving him the cake.

"Just, please accept this. I worked hard for this," Ashlyn's eyes were having threats of heavy tears escaping yet she's smiling sweetly while handing him the cake.

Voltaire sighed deeply and pulled Zylant out of the scene and went on their way to the cafeteria, leaving Ashlyn's heart torn into million pieces.

Heaven reached her and pats her head to calm her friend, but it's not working. Ashlyn felt like bursting and with one more impact, she might explode and might not be able to control herself.

"Wahahaha, I totally beat you! Bow to your master–" An enthusiastic student happily walks out of her room while joking with her mates when she accidentally bumps into the gloomy Ashlyn.

As a result, the cake that she shed blood, sweat, and tears on fell on the floor and got squandered.

Ashlyn stiffened in her stance and she felt the burning emotions piled up on her heart. Her fists trembled as he clenched and looked intently at the girl, having murdering eyes.

"I'm really, really sorry... It was an accident. Don't worry I'll pay you–"

"I don't need your money..." Ashlyn whispered having her dark aura. Heaven felt goosebumps at her words and suddenly quiver in fear. She felt like Ashlyn is a different person right at that moment.

"What? I didn't heard you," Jelena asked as she tried to pick the messed up cake on the floor.

"I said...", The next scenarios were shocking coming from the prim and proper lady they knew.

Ashlyn smiles maliciously as if she's losing her sanity. She tried to pick up the messed up cake on the floor then looks at Jelena and slowly wiped the dirty icing on the young woman's face. Jelena got startled and looked at her with confused eyes.

"... I said I don't need your money!" Ashlyn badgered, violently throwing the dirty cake on her face.

"Ashlyn! What are you doing?!" Heaven called while pulling her best friend but the latter harshly slaps her hands and looks back at Jelena.

"Did you know, I can buy your life?!", She continues throwing cake on her using her hands, left and right while laughing hysterically at the same time crying.

Heaven tried to stop her but she's not listening to anyone, she's deafened by her raging emotions.

"Stop it, please! I already apologize, " Jelena pleaded while protecting herself from Ashlyn's actions. She's silently sobbing, laying on the dirty floor with her dirty face and clothes.

"Stop?! You provoked me!", Ashlyn grabs the box and threw it at Jelena who is suffering from Ashlyn's wrath.

Gladly, Aki entered the scene and hugged Jelena causing the thrown objects to hit him instead. He protected Jelena's appearance from the bystanders by covering her dirty face with his coat.

"Don't worry now, I'm here Jel. I'll protect you," He whispered while caressing the weeping Jelena.

Ashlyn laughed insanely while yanking her own hair. The emotions she tried hiding all this time inside her were slowly bursting at the wrong moment.

"Somebody stop me because I really can't. My mind cannot control my actions anymore, it's like my body has its mind. I'm scared!" Ashlyn screamed in her thoughts.

The scene attracts much attention, mainly gossip freaks. They pointed their cameras to Ashlyn whose not in her decent self right now, and they recorded her caught-on-act bullying.

"Ashlyn! Stop that right now!" A voice called which turned everyone's attention. As the lady heard the familiar voice, her actions start to sink into her. The reality suddenly hits her.

Ashlyn came back to her senses as if she was possessed. She was panting and feeling weak. Looking around, realizing her every actions, felt like she was poured by cold water when she saw a poor girl sitting on the floor.

"What have I done?"