What Is He Thinking?

Never knew that deep cuts could be so unbearable. The rawness of the wound stings whenever the air caresses it.

"I should go to the doctor..." Voltaire mumbled to himself while cleaning his wound. He has no idea how to do such thing since all of his life, people do it for him.

"Ouch..." The tweezer hit the sensitive zone again making him give up. He took a glimpse at his wound and this made him panic a little. He's not on good terms with blood and everything blood.

The long cut in his forearm is deep enough to see the flesh right out of his skin. His blood continues to drip out which made him worried.

Voltaire glanced at his surroundings and saw the messy place where different ointments, medicines, and utensils from his first aid kit were scattered on the floor.

"Argh! This is so messy, Volt. Now what..." He instantly turned around to the sofa when he felt movements.

"So you're still asleep?" Voltaire leaned closer to the sleeping girl's face, observing her soft features. He squints his eyes before letting out a small smile.

"You look like an angel sleeping, Jelena. But you haven't escaped my questions yet," He whispered while watching her peacefully rest.

Unlike earlier, Jelena is now fully dressed thanks to Voltaire's hoodie. He cleaned her dirty face by gently wiping a wet towel on her face.

Voltaire decided to secure their place. He shut his door locks and was about to close the curtains when a silhouette hooked his attention.

It was standing on the bushes, together with another two silhouettes. Unluckily, his rest place is soundproof so he won't be able to hear their conversations. Volt shakes his head in disbelief and closes his curtains.

"Who is it this time?" He thought.

Voltaire sat on the floor near his patient and went back to his business, cleaning his so-called wound. He grabbed a wet towel and wrapped it into his forearm, thinking this will stop the flowing blood.

"Stupid, that won't work." A voice commented.

Jelena unwrapped the cloth which made Voltaire dazed. He's not used to having contact with other people, especially touching him.

"You should first clean it with alcohol." Jelena grabs a wet cotton pad and gently dabbed Volt's wound. The sensation stings which made him gasp several times. Jelena noticed him so she kneaded his palm to relax his tensed muscles.

She glanced at him and was a little stunned when he caught him also looking, having those deep catastrophic eyes. Jelena assured him with a smile and continues aiding his wound.

"What is this feeling? Why is she smiling? Why is she helping me? Is this her way of paying back? Alright, but why is my heart beating so fast?" Voltaire thought while weird sensations take over in his stomach. These random feelings made him confused so he snatched his hand back.

"Hey, that wasn't done yet. I haven't–"

"How are you feeling?" Voltaire asked in a low voice.

"O-oh, I'm okay now. Thanks to you uhm...?" Jelena gave him a 'what's your name' look. Voltaire shrugged and starts interrogating his patient,

"That's not important for now. Now answer me, how did you get my personal number?"

Jelena furrowed her brows and looked up, pointing her index to her chin, thinking.

As answers visited her mind, she glanced back to his abyss sapphire orbs, staring at her with no visible reactions.

"I was running from those nasty guys and tripped into something. I checked it and that was the phone." Jelena picked the cracked phone and opened it. She showed him the contents and to Volt's surprise, only his number is present in the phonebook.

"This is fishy. Did they use her as bait? Or was it a coincidence?" Voltaire peeked at the innocent girl with an anxious glimpse. He doesn't want any other life destroyed because of him.

"No. History won't repeat itself, I must do something about this." Voltaire continued murmuring in his thoughts.

"That number is my last resort, so I decided to dial it. Honestly, I was––He-hey, are you okay?" Jelena placed her palm on his forehead to check him.

He's fine and normal but why is he looking like a murderer who's finished slaughtering someone? His face is all pale and his eyes were in distress.

"Don't mind me, since you're okay now, I'll better get going. We have classes at 10 A.M. just so you know." Voltaire was about to stand up but Jelena grabbed his wrist.

He gulped and felt those weird scenarios again. His heart beating with such intensity, weird sensations in his stomach, and those uneasy feelings.

"Why is she touching me over and over again?" Voltaire thought.

"I haven't properly thanked you yet." Jelena stands up and looked at him. "Thank you, classmate?"

The 'classmate' made the snob Voltaire snickered but he quickly hides it. Jelena's lips parted when she saw his rare reaction.

"Did you just laugh?" Her smile widened flashing those deep dimples in her cheeks. "You should do that often, you look crazily handsome when you smile."

Voltaire squints his eyes in suspicion. Jelena noticed her strange words and instantly covered her mouth.

"I'm... handsome?" Voltaire innocently asked.

"You didn't know?"


"Well, not going to deny. You look so dashing, especially when smiling."

"So, you have a crush on me?"

"What the– are you crazy?! Why will I do that?! There's a lot of hot guys out there so why you? You know this isn't the first time I said that to someone. Complimenting doesn't mean they like them, it's their—"

"You talk too much, I'm just kidding but okay. Stop being guilty." Voltaire shrugged but a disturbing smirk is still plastered on his face. His grin annoyed the girl so, with all of her strength, she slammed the throw pillow in the guy's face.

"Is that your way of saying thank you?!" Voltaire asked while shielding himself from the terrifying pissed lady.

"No, this means 'I love you'. You didn't know?!" She sarcastically replied.

"So love does really hurt."

Voltaire had enough of hitting so pulled the pillow from her hands. Jelena was surprised by his strength leaving her almost falling to her side. The man quickly pulled her wrist and reach her waist. Without any thoughts, he grips her near to his body for support.


They are now in an awkward situation, Voltaire seeing Jelena who is gawking at his face with blushing cheeks. Each face was closed to the other. He stared at those languid hazel eyes with awe for their beauty.

"Her eyes... they're mesmerizing," He thought.

Jelena had a literal 'face to face' with this hot creature hugging her. She had the rare chance to have a complete facial observation of him. Gazing closely to him made her realize his beauty and thought,

"Dang! He looks surreal! Is this guy all-natural? Like seriously, no work is done on his face?! Dang, sana all!"

Voltaire has a perfect pointed nose shape, a pair of ocean blue eyes with those long and thick eyelashes that best compliments his bushy eyebrows. She stared at his pinkish lips, having the urge to kiss them when she suddenly wakes some senses on her.


Jelena slapped his face which made her fall from his grip. She hugs herself and fell to the soft sofa while the guy with her, is caressing his red cheek.

"W-wow! Just wow, Jelena!" He hissed glaring.

"Y-you're a pervert!"

"Really Jelena? Yeah right he's the one whom you have urges to kiss yet he's the pervert? Nice lie, girl." Her conscience bothered her mind with sarcastic words.

"Pervert?! What the heck did I do so wrong to be called one?"

"You t-touched me!" Jelena's eyes were trembling so as her hands. She's not well at telling lies.

Voltaire intently looked at her in disbelief. He sighed before brushing his hair in frustration making him look so hot in Jelena's eyes.

"Quit fantasizing on him, Jelena! C'mon, you're better than this!" Her conscience waking her senses up.

"Tell me, Jelena. What's wrong with you? I don't know where I'm getting all this patience dealing with you, but honestly, you act so peculiarly."

"We-well, I'm so not sorry for being this. You know what, classmate? You owe me so many that I ain't forgetting!"

"Owe you? And what is that? Mind informing me?" Voltaire's sarcasm is taller than his height and wider than the road.

"We-well...." Jelena can't help stammering as those deep eyes were intently watching her. She felt it for the first time, the feeling of being intimidated.

"I remember you so clear!" Voltaire arched his brow in intrigued. Jelena looked away to avoid those hypnotizing eyes and continued,

"You nearly killed me with your car, TWICE!"

"That was your fault."

"M-my fault?! Ha! The auda—"

"The audacity to victim blame? Jelena we both know that there's no pedestrian lane there, so why did you jaywalk?" Voltaire cut her sentence with straight facts and a straight face from the intimidating male.

"I was in a rush!"

"Was that my fault?"

"Did I blame you?!"

Voltaire flashed a devil smirk on his face. He stepped closer to the girl's face and leaned closer whispering in a low husky voice,

"So what was your reason?" These words sent chills to Jelena's spine which made her knees feel weak. She swallowed the lump in her throat then bravely looked back at those eyes.

"What were you expecting?" He asked.

"Duh! Nothing of course! Why? You expect me purposely crossing paths with you so that we can meet again? Ha! Over my dead sexy body!"

Voltaire stands straight and faces sideways, hiding his chuckle with his right hand, avoiding Jelena's funny look. He laughed in amusement at the girl's response.

"Why is she so guilty?" He thought.

Jelena froze upon witnessing this once in a blue moon phenomenon. The man in front of her laughing for certain reasons.

Her lips parted and her eyes were pinned on his movements; his adam apples moving, his deep eyes curving and the magnificent sound of his laughter.

"He looks so cute. OH MY GOSH! What am I thinking?!" She thought.

Voltaire stopped laughing and postures decently again, then blankly faced her. He sighed,

"Okay, since those accusations of yours were a little crooked to pay your debt to me—–"

"Debt?! What debt?"

"Your life duh, isn't it obvious?"

"Wha–okay fine. How to repay?"

Voltaire smiled creepily which made Jelena creeped out. She steps back as the male steps closer to her. Her eyes were confused and her feet were cold.

"What is he thinking?!"